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Edited by CrazyLincoln: 11/6/2016 9:48:43 PM

I support the Muslim ban, and the Christian ban

I've posted plenty of rants that explain in great detail why I believe Islam is a dangerous religion. I'm not going to reiterate the same drawn out arguments I've made before, but feel free to search through my personal tag if you're wondering why I conclude that those that follow the Islamic doctrine should not be allowed to enter the country. However, I feel the same way about Christians. In fact, I feel that radicalized Christians are more destabilizing to the United States than those from Islam. For one, Christians in America have been conducting terroristic attacks towards abortion doctors in the name of "Jesus" for decades now. Outright murdering doctors because they believe that they are "sinners," and need to be punished. Sure, one might conclude that this is only a small segment that engage in violence and to a large extent I agree. I would say the violent wing of Christianity is smaller than the violent wing of Islam, but there is a large population in the United States that support these acts. They might not engage in the violence, but they whole heartily believe what these terrorists are doing is okay. Beyond the terrorist wing, there is also an enormous segment of Christianity in America that wants to enact a theocracy, and even believes that America is not a secular nation, but a "Christian nation" founded on Christian laws. The threat of a Christian theocracy has been held back by the Constitution of the America which prohibits the creation of a state religion, and provides the freedom of every citizen to practice, and believe whatever crazy nonsense they want. However, if we allow a large influx of radical Christians into this country, that want to force all of society to conform to their religion's laws America could theoretically turn into a Christian theocracy. Worse yet, the Christian wing in America was already for years pushing their agenda on society, and allowing more Christians into America would reinvigorate the insanity. Christians too, typically advocate for no restrictions on the exploits of the environment, because they believe: "God gave us this land to exploit." In fact, they have no concerns about the planet because they literally believe that they're immortal, and this planet is nothing more than a play toy to humanity from their "God." I've even heard some of the radical sects advocate for the denial of rights to homosexuals, and transsexual people. In the past, Christians advocated for interracial laws to be kept in place. I've heard Christian sects as well advocate for nuclear war because they believe it to be part of a prophecy that must come true before Jesus will return to Earth. Some even advocate for the death of homosexuals as they believe it is a "sin against god." Some even worse have killed homosexuals in the name of their religion. Christians also actively try to convert those in society to their religion, and some even go door to door knocking and asking if they're "heard the truth." These Christians are also sometime found in public squares screaming at the top of their lungs about crazy nonsense. Christians even want their religion taught in schools, in science classes, and they actually believe that their religion trumps scientific facts. They even want public schools to force all students to pray to their God. I advocate that the immigration laws only allow those from secular nations that do not identify themselves as Christian or Muslim into the country. Those from Sweden for example would be prime candidates to come into America. Those that identify themselves as Christians as too much of a threat to be allowed in. They're a threat not only to the freedom of our society, but to the wellbeing of our society.

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  • I, lord Kronus, am an active Christian, and half of what you are saying is BS. For one, Christians are NOT allowed to harm ANYONE unless they are mortally dangerous to you. Second of all, Freedom of religion and speech. Why the hell do you think these mean nothing? Third of all, we have to treat ALL of His creations well, INCLUDING THE EARTH, and everything on it. You, sir, are wrong about Christianity.

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    2 Replies
    • [quote]I've posted plenty of rants that explain in great detail why I believe Islam is a dangerous religion. I'm not going to reiterate the same drawn out arguments I've made before, but feel free to search through my personal tag if you're wondering why I conclude that those that follow the Islamic doctrine should not be allowed to enter the country.[/quote] Any belief, including atheism, when taken to extremes can be harmful. [quote]However, I feel the same way about Christians. In fact, I feel that radicalized Christians are more destabilizing to the United States than those from Islam. For one, Christians in America have been conducting terroristic attacks towards abortion doctors in the name of "Jesus" for decades now. Outright murdering doctors because they believe that they are "sinners," and need to be punished.[/quote] As a practicing Christian, I also see this as a great harm. Christ never said to kill people who do not agree with you. Never said to persecute those who commit sin. In fact, He made it very clear that no one is without sin and that no one has the right to judge one another. He made it clear that we are to love one another and to treat others the way we want to be treated. There were no exceptions to this rule. [quote]Sure, one might conclude that this is only a small segment that engage in violence and to a large extent I agree. I would say the violent wing of Christianity is smaller than the violent wing of Islam, but there is a large population in the United States that support these acts. They might not engage in the violence, but they whole heartily believe what these terrorists are doing is okay.[/quote] That number might not be as big as you think. Many of us do not support these acts because they run contrary to what I stated above. [quote]Beyond the terrorist wing, there is also an enormous segment of Christianity in America that wants to enact a theocracy, and even believes that America is not a secular nation, but a "Christian nation" founded on Christian laws. The threat of a Christian theocracy has been held back by the Constitution of the America which prohibits the creation of a state religion, and provides the freedom of every citizen to practice, and believe whatever crazy nonsense they want.[/quote] Many of us support that freedom. [quote]However, if we allow a large influx of radical Christians into this country, that want to force all of society to conform to their religion's laws America could theoretically turn into a Christian theocracy.[/quote] Not likely. [quote]Worse yet, the Christian wing in America was already for years pushing their agenda on society, and allowing more Christians into America would reinvigorate the insanity. Christians too, typically advocate for no restrictions on the exploits of the environment, because they believe: "God gave us this land to exploit." In fact, they have no concerns about the planet because they literally believe that they're immortal, and this planet is nothing more than a play toy to humanity from their "God."[/quote] I have a problem with this too. Yes I believe that God gave dominion of Earth to humanity, but Christ makes it clear that when one is entrusted with responsibility over resources, we are to use them wisely. The story of the three servants illustrates this point. [quote]I've even heard some of the radical sects advocate for the denial of rights to homosexuals, and transsexual people. In the past, Christians advocated for interracial laws to be kept in place. I've heard Christian sects as well advocate for nuclear war because they believe it to be part of a prophecy that must come true before Jesus will return to Earth. Some even advocate for the death of homosexuals as they believe it is a "sin against god." Some even worse have killed homosexuals in the name of their religion.[/quote] I can confidently tell you that Christ would not support this. Prophecies will come to pass in their own time. They do not need our help for them to be realized. Christ never advocated for the killing of people. He told us to worry about our own sins before worrying about the sins of others. [quote]Christians also actively try to convert those in society to their religion, and some even go door to door knocking and asking if they're "heard the truth.[/quote] There is nothing wrong with trying to spread belief as long as it is done in a respectful manner. [quote]These Christians are also sometime found in public squares screaming at the top of their lungs about crazy nonsense.[/quote] What better place to exercise freedom of speech? [quote]Christians even want their religion taught in schools, in science classes, and they actually believe that their religion trumps scientific facts. They even want public schools to force all students to pray to their God.[/quote] To a degree, I agree with teaching Christianity in schools as long as others are taught as well as a world religions course. [quote]I advocate that the immigration laws only allow those from secular nations that do not identify themselves as Christian or Muslim into the country. Those from Sweden for example would be prime candidates to come into America. Those that identify themselves as Christians as too much of a threat to be allowed in. They're a threat not only to the freedom of our society, but to the wellbeing of our society.[/quote] Fortunately our Constitution allows for Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist, etc. to be here. I will agree that extremists are a threat, but the majority are not.

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      28 Replies
      • Need 3 more for Crota GT same 400+ no scrubs know what you're doing

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        • Most christians are born in America it would have no effect.

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        • Aren't you a site for sore eyes

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        • Yet more posts showing that you only have a "face value" understanding of Christianity and apparently Islam as well. Go get all your favts straight, then come back and distort the truth as you please

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        • Oh no, someone left the 4chan gate open.

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        • I support the idiot pack you bags and go.

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        • [quote]The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to ...[/quote] ... [quote]The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, [/quote] ... [quote]prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, [/quote] ... [quote]ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, [/quote] ... [quote]no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, [/quote] ... ... Lol. I've got just as much right to my religion as you have to yours. While I don't agree with homosexuality and the right to an abortion, I don't go around killing people. The majority of the Christian faith isn't looking to kill non believers and ruin their days, but to embrace them and try to proselytize them respectfully. You also make it look like Christians are supposed to be perfect, but the Bible teaches that nobody is perfect, which is why everyone needs Jesus.

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          2 Replies
          • I support a ban on athiests. They are becoming to much of a threat. They are becoming increasingly authoritarian, and some violent.

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            10 Replies
            • Edited by LiamCDM: 11/8/2016 12:55:31 AM
              I have a better idea: we don't ban anyone's views or faiths, and we protect the 1st Amendment. Thoughts?

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              6 Replies
              • Who supports the Lincoln ban?

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                  At the end of the day Christianity is the way to go. How are muslims working out in today's world. :/

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                • Why don't we go ahead and ban everything dangerous, like guns, drugs and alcohol. I'm sure that will solve the problem.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Not forcefully we just want to go to a place to be taught Gods word instead of having to wait for every Sunday or pay for a private school and we don't want people to go to hell we want everyone to be Christian and have eternal life in heaven [spoiler]oh look who's back is mentality ill Lincoln[/spoiler]

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                  • I support the human ban.

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                  • I would just like to ban all public religion.

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                  • Edited by TyphlUpgrade: 11/7/2016 9:57:48 PM
                    What happened to "the right to religion"? Can't we all just live in the same country without banning everyone who we disagree with? Just send the people who do bad things to jail, or put them in an electric chair, or whatever. Prejudices are really bad. [spoiler]#ControversialTopic[/spoiler]

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                  • 2
                    Know this atheists... We Christians are coming! [spoiler]And there is NOTHING you can do to stop us from saying "Bless you" when you sneeze!!! [/spoiler] [spoiler]BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!![/spoiler]

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                    2 Replies
                    • Cool story

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                    • 1
                      Know this atheists... We Christians are coming! [spoiler]And there is NOTHING you can do to stop us from saying "Bless you" when you sneeze!!! [/spoiler] [spoiler]BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!![/spoiler]

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                    • I love that you can post the same exact thread every day for 2 years straight and still attract a tonne of serious replies. A real showcase of the collective grey matter on offer in this place

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                      2 Replies
                      • How does it feel to live in a society that is based completely on the branches of Judaism? It must help hone your edge.

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                      • Lets ban all religions, and ban atheism while we are at it aswell.

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                        7 Replies
                        • Or a better idea is banning extremists. I'm not really religious but if people really follow some of these religions, it tends to be peacefully. Unless they're extremists, thus I think we need to start labeling people as extremists when we see evidence of it. I believe in freedom of safe belief, and not everybody who believes that stuff are so aggressive, just like not all whites are manipulative and supremacists and not all blacks are criminals, I'm sick of stereotyping and generalization

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                        • Cleanse the dogmatists!

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