[spoiler]Author's Note: Long time Valmredian fans, I know there may pnly be a few left (not that there were many to begin with), but I hope you enjoy a little piece I wrote for this RP. I messed a little with the canon to make it work with another website I was RPing on so it'll have to do. [/spoiler]
Ages ago, on planet named Valmredia, a humanoid race with mysterious powers known as the Kubura reigned supreme over all other life forms. From their mighty throne based in a location known only as the “World Tree”, they ruled over Valmredia with an iron fist. When faced with opposition by a coalition of species consisting of humans and a mysterious but nearly extinct squid-faced species called the Gren, the Kuburan Army slammed the hammer down. Dominating over the vast majority of the primitive tech the coalition had, they drove the humans into the mountains of Gargadon and locked away the surviving Gren in tiny blue caskets all around the world. However, over the years the humans proved to be more resourceful than the Kubura predicted, tunneling down deep into the mountains like dwarves and created mines so spread out not even the humans could map them all. It was in this way they avoided the Kuburan Death Squads sent to eradicate them.
As humanity progressed, so did technology. Sticks and stones turned into guns and bombs, which in turn changed into plasma launchers and kinetic weaponry. The mines had served humanity well, providing the resources required to create such weaponry. Due to the strong human presence in the mineshafts, the Kuburan command had officially pulled all forces from the area, save for the death squads. Losing such a large, rich area that had previously been estimated to have the ability to increase Kuburan munitions by seven hundred percent was a massive blow to their previously undefeated army.
By the time humans finally returned to the surface many centuries after their ancestors first tunneled down, they discovered it was different than what was described in their books. The Kuburan army, weakened by the lack of resources, had been fighting a pocket of resistance on the ground and collectively destroying the rest of the surface world. It’s claimed the only reason Gargadon survived the destruction of the world is due to human’s strong presence in the tunnels.
Armed with now superior tech, the humans ousted the weakened Kuburan Council from the World Tree and set out to free their captured Gren comrades. As more and more Gren were found, the humans finally began to think the threat of the Kubura was over. Years passed, heroes died, and the torch was passed on yet again to the next generation. But this time, the Kuburan Army intended to extract their revenge in full.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/1399316/183679882/0/0]Character Sheets. Join the group to join in the fun![/url]
Bang! The front door to Torin’s Book store burst open. Several masked Kuburan soldiers stormed into the bookstore. The entrance was so sudden the clerk behind the counter fell back out of his chair, shattering his mug on the ground and getting coffee all over his fallen newspaper. “Get down on the ground!” The Kubura wasted no time sweeping the floor and detained the clerk. After the floor was cleared, a single Kuburan officer walked through the doorway. He turned to the nearest Kubura soldier. “Progress report.” The Kubura saluted and spoke stiffly, “One detainee, no casualties. Commander Jitner is currently locating the contraband Sir!” The officer smirked under his mask and chuckled, “Oh I’m sure he is, Unit 7201. Now, take me to the detainee. I must speak to them.” His eyes shifted to the Kubura, who nodded curtly and saluted again. “Yes sir right away sir!” Unit 7201 quickly moved towards the lockup room. As they reached the door, several members of the Kuburan breaching team rushed past the pair towards the basement door. The officer quickly opened the door and walked through, letting Unit 7201 close it behind him.
“Do you know who I am?” The officer’s cryptic voice cut through the silence. Hooded and handcuffed to a chair behind an interrogation table, the man who looked to be about in his 50s glanced around blindly for a moment before he spoke. “You’re… Alphon the Deceiver.. The traitor who killed all those resistance members in Karnel!” Alphon chuckled morbidly, “My my, you sure know your enemies well. Now tell me, Torin, do you know why we raided your little “book store?” Torin shouted in response, “Go to hell, I’m not saying a damn thing!” Alphon stared at Torin, almost surprised at his defiance, but then he shook his head and grinned. “tsk tsk, wrong answer.” A loud explosion followed by a clanging of metal interrupted Alphon, presumably the breaching team blowing through the storage door in the basement. Looking to the noise, Alphon tilted his head slightly. A few moments later a soldier opened the door and poked his head in. “Sir, they’ve found it.” Alphon’s grin turned into smug smirk and he turned back to Torin. “It would appear as though we have no further use for you, Torin”, Alphon spoke calmly as he reached for his wasteband. Torin grew increasingly panicked as the sound of a gun hammer being pulled back cut through the silence. “N-no wait please!” Torin begged before Alphon pulled the trigger. Click. Torin squirmed in bewilderment as Alphon’s hoots of laughter echoed throughout the store. In between laughing Alphon spoke to the soldier, “Take this man to lock up in cell 3284” The soldier nodded curtly and briskly walked up to Torin. He grabbed Torin from underneath his right armpit and escorted him out of the room. “You rebels really are easy to scare.”, Alphon muttered under his breath.
Outside the bookshop Gren and Juran stood guard over the vehicles as the operation took place. After a few minutes, Gren turned to Juran and said, “Hey, how come we always get the bad jobs while Hard Head and Granite always get to go in guns blazing?” Juran mumbled a reply that involved military testing and accuracy scores to which Gren shot a glare back in response. “I just get sick of it, you know? All that training, and for what? Guard duty?” Gren sighed in disappointment. It wasn’t his first time being bored while on duty. The last time he was on patrol he had to wait for-. A loud explosion shook the store. Immediately Gren and Juran’s weapons came up at the ready, but after a few seconds Juran signaled with his hands to stand down. “Must have been the breaching team”, Juran said. He sounded unsure of himself. Gren narrowed his eyes, “You sure? What if it was something el-“ Juran cut him off, “Then we’ll deal with it, alright? Quit trying to mess everything up!” Gren hadn’t known Juran to be so defensive in the past, especially on missions. Usually he just sat around quietly unless something needed to be said. “Everything alright brother?” Gren asked, concerned. Juran stared at him straight in the face, “You don’t know what this mission is about, do you? If you did, you wouldn’t be so keen to go looking for trouble. We need to do our job and let the breaching team do theirs.” As soon as he said this, the front doors of the shop burst open to reveal a officer escorting Torin out. Both Gren and Juran saluted quickly, not wanting to offend the higher ranking soldier. “Put him in the back.” The orders were brief, and he walked back inside before either could respond.
“You don’t understand; you just don’t understand!” Torin mumbled, “You don’t know what will happen if you use what’s in the box!” Gren chuckled as he opened the door to the truck, “As if I care…” Juran shook his head as Gren tossed Torin into the back seat and slammed the door shut. “I don’t know Gren, maybe he has a point.” Gren glanced at Juran as he locked the doors. “What, a nutjob like him?” He glanced at Juran again, and this time he chuckled, “Of course you were kidding, right? Nobody would take what he says seriously.” Juran shrugged, “I wouldn’t take it out of the debate entirely. The man’s words could have some merit.” Gren scoffed in response, “Even if he was right, it isn’t like we could change anything.” “I suppose you’re right.” Juran looked longingly at the horizon, from which the sun was just beginning to set. “Perhaps one day we’ll finally get high enough in the ranks so we could make a difference.” “That’ll be the day, brother.” Gren grinned.
Alphon burst through the front doors carrying a tiny shoe box. He appeared to be slightly in awe of it, and slightly fearful. The other soldiers followed closely behind and around him, making sure nobody got too close. “Hey Juran, what do you suppose is in that box?” Juran chucked a tiny pebble down the road, making it skip quite a while before landing in a ditch on the side of the dirt road. “Don’t know, don’t care. All I know is the soon we get it loaded up, the sooner we all get to leave.” Juran grabbed his backpack, which had been on the ground propped up by the back wheel of his vehicle, and opened the driver’s side door. “Ready?” He asked as the other soldiers barked orders to remount their vehicles. “As I’ll ever be.” Gren hopped in the passenger side as Alphon hopped in the lead car. Juran watched him carefully secure the shoe box before ordering the driver forward, even though the soldiers hadn’t mounted up yet. “What’s going on over there?” Juran asked to no one in particular. Gren, being curious, looked over as the full wheel drive vehicle sped out from the parking lot. “No idea, maybe whatever’s in that box is more important than-“ As they watched, a rocket-like projectile struck Alphon’s vehicle and exploded, causing a massive fireball to erupt from the car. The tactical automobile flipped on its side and by the time Juran and Gren had registered what had happened, loud cracks rang out and plasma shots knocked at least half of the Kuburan soldiers to the ground. Juran flinched as a plasma bolt hit the windshield, causing a massive crack to spider out throughout the entire glass panel. “Ho-ly shit!” Juran exclaimed in surprise as a Kuburan officer ran up to the side window of their troop carrier. Gren turned to look at the officer, who mouthed “Go” and waved his left arm forward in a robotic fashion. “Go, go, go!” Gren slapped Juran on the shoulder and threw the throttle into first gear. Juran revved the engine and took off. More Kuburan soldiers fell to hidden enemy fire as they drove, including the officer who waved them on.
In the back of the car, Torin felt it was his turn to smirk. After all, these were the people who had raided his store and threatened him. Gren turned around, “Why are you so smug? Is it because you got your rebel allies to ambush us?” Torin didn't respond and looked out the window at the chaos ensuing.
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