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Edited by Sage: 1/25/2019 12:09:40 PM

UPDATED Bye Destiny! You let a daily player down.

Disclaimer- this is not an attention seeking post. I post this in hopes that my feedback gets seen and is considered by Bungie, because my opinions are shared. There are people leaving this game. Here are my reasons. I already know I have a 0.0101010101 chance of this post being considered, but it's for the record. End Disclaimer - This is [b]FEEDBACK[/b] for you People that don't know what it is here is the definition: Feedback- helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product, etc. Here's the reasons why I switched from Destiny to Battlefield 1. I've never been lagging or DDOSing cause of the dedicated servers. Also, with smooth gameplay and true gun skill- it's a game with a skill gap. Btw, they don't nerf anything. To add to this, snipers can be spotted and taken out- yet when a skilled sniper comes along, all credits due. Shotguns in battlefield would make Destiny players cry nerf all the time- oh no, a shotgun that fires at its true range. To add to this, the graphics are amazing- maps are huge for multiple styles of play. And oh -- 38 vs 38! A true war! Destiny lost me after their recent update. They made sure 390-400 will be even more struggle as if there wasn't one already. They capped factions- making patrols, bounties, and strikes useless. Also, the micro transactions are ridiculous. I'm done with Destiny- I'm not getting Destiny 2 considering they will break their promise that "Your guardian will always be with you- 10 year plan" has been scrapped to feed the streamers and PC crowd- ignoring their dedicated players. They want to throw away our 3 years of gaming away. Bungie with Activision has proven money is more important than a quality game. Still no dedicated servers, stupid graphics, and terrible gameplay. To add to this- people get banned so easily for name calling and public shaming of cheaters- BUT OH the cheaters and elitist streamers who love to belittle others don't get any warning. They get to continue, and BUNGIE LISTENS TO THEM because they give free publicity. How cheap. They only listen to streamers! But you can get 400 drops! But where can I get 400 drops outside the raid and doing 5 hours of strikes? Oh and trials bounties drop 390 gear. It's all capped. I believe since they did that, they should also cap crucible drops (as crucible isn't end game except Trials). There's no legit reason to cap vanguard and crucible rep and faction drops at 390. Also the exotics I've farmed recently are decrypting at my light or below, making that stupid -blam!- to grind. Archons forge helped, but only with the ghost and artifact. The ARMOR and weapon drops only go up to 385. I already have good rolls on rep guns I like- so seriously no reason to rank up anything anymore for me- unless they get rid of the cap. Don't get me started with "use LFG to find a raid group" because 1) When I find a group and I don't have the hard mode emblem, I'm kicked. 2) When I make a group, and it doesn't go the way they wanted it (30 minutes or less lol) they quit mid raid and it starts a chain of quitting. So LFG is out of the question for me. Trials? I love it, I just don't wanna sweat like yah forever on the weekend. Destiny ripped 3/4ths of the methods to level up and are forcing us to pay streamers for flawless, pay streamers for DDOS -Credits to UltraNoah (it's a known issue), pay sherpas to help with the raid. Literally no reason to keep a solo player. To add to this, they nerf everything that becomes useful. Btw, my skeleton key drop rate for 1 week now is 1/30 strikes. Exotic drop rate for 1 week now is 1/25 3oC. Not worth my time anymore cause Bungivision wants money and doesn't want us to "make our own destiny." Edit 1: Wow trending. I'm happy I made points we can agree on! Thanks for the support from 90% of you, to the 10% that wants to take a stab at me- do your best. I get really into logical arguments with you. I like to dissect your immaturity word for word. Edit 2: To the people who think that this is still an attention seeking post- well every post in the FEEDBACK forum must be... your logic is flawed. I'm stating my last criticisms before I go. Edit 3 In regards to paying for DDOS In regards to the massive complaints about the DDOS and connection issues In regards to how destiny doesn't care if people leave- think again In regards to not getting my money's worth: Edit (Courtesy of More Cowbell) I should've taken your advice! [quote]Why I didn't purchase RoI and am quitting Destiny soon - My account has 2,000+ hours played, so I have enough experience to offer the opinions below - I’m a pve first player. Destiny’s focus is obviously on pvp. RoI didn’t offer enough new pve content - The sandbox team at Bungie hasn’t figured out how to balance weapons after two+ years - Instead of making gradual adjustments and assessing the results, whenever a weapon is overused, it is nerfed to the point of uselessness - The pvp nerfs are pushed without regard to their effect on pve - Crucible is broken and mostly a miserably frustrating experience due to the matchmaking system, lag, red bar warriors, nerfs, etc. - The rng loot system hooked me, but eventually pushed me away from the game - Rng is weighted per player account. Not all accounts are weighted the same - The loot drops are stuck in cycles on individual player accounts - Smart loot either doesn’t work or doesn’t exist - Let’s be honest, video games are a waste of time. That said, you don’t want to feel like you are wasting your time while playing. The loot system creates this feeling in game - Microtransactions that are subject to rng. Holiday events are pathetic cash grabs - Last, but not least, the developers allowed an entire year pass without fixing the bugged vanguard, crucible and faction package drops. This is inexcusable. The developers either couldn’t figure out the problem or didn’t care to fix it. I don’t want to grind for drops in year three that may not be possible on my account.[/quote] [b][u]NEW FOR D2[/u][/b] Wow this post became relevant again. I have played daily for my break so far.... After the honeymoon phase I am already bored and pissed that Bungie will not listen to their community. Looks Like this guy will go to Anthem. And when I do, I shall delete my characters and uninstall. Thanks bungo.

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  • trials isn't capped at 390 and please go work on your true gun skill in bf1. btw this is an attention seeking post just switch games no one cares

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    2 Replies
    • All the negative side but then there's the up side of destiny a crazy fun place to do things you never think possible in any other games clutch moments throughout its time yes lack of content I won't lie but I play this game more then anything else it's about the friends I've made and the friends I am making still watching my friends get better and going on to starting there own clans things like this are what make destiny great

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    • [quote]this is not an attention seeking post.[/quote] If that's truly the case, why make the post at all? The real reason is that you do want attention. [quote]Also, with smooth gameplay and true gun skill- it's a game with a skill gap. Btw, they don't nerf anything. [/quote] CoD is and always has been little skill. The engagement is won by whoever shoots first and gets the jump on the other guy. There's no need to nerf anything because each gun does a very specific thing. There are no perks or customization. enjoy BF1 bye

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      35 Replies
      • I shall be moving to Titan fall 2 this weekend. Looking forward to playing a game that isn't just random stuff happening due to terrible p2p connections.

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      • Edited by Ominous_Anomaly: 11/1/2016 5:00:25 PM
        [spoiler][/spoiler] Just leave. Nobody cares. Bye..... wait I have to tell people why I'm leaving...... [spoiler][/spoiler]

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        20 Replies
        • Titan fall 2 looks tempting right now. My Destiny experience is the raid and outside of that everything have been ruined I'll hope on do the raids and bounce off. I'll get my PVP fix on Titan Fall 2.

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          5 Replies
          • And when Battlefield 1 gets old which it will and a lot faster than Destiny you'll be back. And if not for this one you will be for Destiny 2, so this post is just so pointless.

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            8 Replies
            • Dude I totally agree but you see all of the bunnies nut swingers on here who would pay to blow any of the bungie workers who blow smoke up their butt. Destiny has no gun skill at all it takes no skill at all for the game . I play it out of Borden and refuse to give them anymore money than they have ripped me off for in this game. Good post brother tell them exactly how bungie blows and that's why Microsoft took their game and sent them walking

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              • Edited by CHROME262: 11/1/2016 6:33:26 PM
                What I always hated about BF is that it took you forever to get anywhere, sure you could die and spawn on friends, but mostly you were waiting around for vehicles. Demo of 1 was fun, but not something I would put in the amount of hours i put into this game. Then again there are other games coming out that I will be trying. we will see. And destiny and yes BF aren't competitive Pvp. Well unless they have private matches that are customizable. And BF maps are to big for that type of competition anyway, But for just playing with a pile of people, yes BF has that.

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              • Just another below average complaint from a below average player.. Shotguns in battlefield 1 are good and realistic, not because it's better than destiny, but because it's a battlefield game. If you had ever played a battlefield game before, you'd know this. Destiny is in a broken state, but when maps are such a small circle jerk of shotguns with 1,000 range like in battlefield, that's when it's no fun to play. If the maps in destiny were the of the same scale as battlefield, then there would be no issue with shotguns as they were in year one. Battlefield 1 also has revolvers that can 2 shot without a single head shot, but Thorn? I don't see you making the case that Thorn needs a huge buff. I'd also like to argue that a god sniper with a revolver secondary almost cannot be stopped in battlefield 1, except with a behemoth or via a good bombing/mortar. In Destiny, I would argue it's almost the same. Not everyone with any super can counter a good sniper (like battlefield), but a fist of havoc or a storm trance (OP) could probably do the job, if done right. I'm not saying Destiny doesn't have a ton of problems, but I don't think you can seriously say battlefield 1 is the end all be all for game balance, cause that SMG that you get at mastery rank 10 on assault is outrageously OP.

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                4 Replies
                • No don't go you'll be missed [spoiler]said no one ever[/spoiler]

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                  4 Replies
                  • Bought Titanfall 2 for similar reasons. The campaign is pretty legit...makes you feel for a mech suit.

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                  • #Noonecare. Its just the truth dude.....

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                    5 Replies
                    • I burned through 60 3oc over the weekend and got 3 exotics.....3! Seriously feels like a secret nerf came in.

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                      5 Replies
                      • It's 32v32 and I'm right there with you man.. I haven't touch Destiny since bf1 and I just snagged Titanfall 2 and that might have me biting for awhile.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Exotic emgrans and skeleton key are stupid, the drop is fu**ing low.. 1 key after maybe 25 strikes

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                          4 Replies
                          • [quote]Disclaimer- this is not an attention seeking post. I post this in hopes that my feedback gets seen and is considered by Bungie, because my opinions are shared. There are people leaving this game. Here are my reasons. I already know I have a 0.0101010101 chance of this post being considered, but it's for the record. End Disclaimer - Here's the reasons why I switched from Destiny to Battlefield 1. I've never been lagging or DDOSing cause of the dedicated servers. Also, with smooth gameplay and true gun skill- it's a game with a skill gap. Btw, they don't nerf anything. To add to this, snipers can be spotted and taken out- yet when a skilled sniper comes along, all credits due. Shotguns in battlefield would make Destiny players cry nerf all the time- oh no, a shotgun that fires at its true range. To add to this, the graphics are amazing- maps are huge for multiple styles of play. And oh -- 38 vs 38! A true war! Destiny lost me after their recent update. They made sure 390-400 will be even more struggle as if there wasn't one already. They capped factions- making patrols, bounties, and strikes useless. Also, the micro transactions are ridiculous. I'm done with Destiny- I'm not getting Destiny 2 considering they will break their promise that "Your guardian will always be with you- 10 year plan" has been scrapped to feed the streamers and PC crowd- ignoring their dedicated players. They want to throw away our 3 years of gaming away. Bungie with Activision has proven money is more important than a quality game. Still no dedicated servers, stupid graphics, and terrible gameplay. To add to this- people get banned so easily for name calling and public shaming of cheaters- BUT OH the cheaters and elitists who love to belittle others don't get any warning. They get to continue, and BUNGIE LISTENS TO THEM because they give free publicity. How cheap. But you can get 400 drops! But where can I get 400 drops outside the raid and doing 5 hours of strikes? Oh and trials bounties drop 390 gear. It's all capped. I believe since they did that, they should also cap crucible drops (as crucible isn't end game except Trials). There's no legit reason to cap vanguard and crucible rep and faction drops at 390. Also the exotics I've farmed recently are decrypting at my light or below, making that stupid retarded to grind. Archons forge helped, but only with the ghost and artifact. The ARMOR and weapon drops only go up to 385. I already have good rolls on rep guns I like- so seriously no reason to rank up anything anymore for me- unless they get rid of the cap. Don't get me started with "use LFG to find a raid group" because 1) When I find a group and I don't have the hard mode emblem, I'm kicked. 2) When I make a group, and it doesn't go the way they wanted it (30 minutes or less lol) they quit mid raid and it starts a chain of quitting. So LFG is out of the question for me. Trials? I love it, I just don't wanna sweat like yah forever on the weekend. Destiny ripped 3/4ths of the methods to level up and are forcing us to pay streamers for flawless, pay streamers for DDOS -Credits to UltraNoah (it's a known issue), pay sherpas to help with the raid. Literally no reason to keep a solo player. To add to this, they nerf everything that becomes useful. Btw, my skeleton key drop rate for 1 week now is 1/30 strikes. Exotic drop rate for 1 week now is 1/25 3oC. Not worth my time anymore cause Bungivision wants money and doesn't want us to "make our own destiny."[/quote] Your dang right, why even try now with zero pve rewards. They changed the game after the people with unlimited time get to 400.i guess I'll stay at 391 because I'm not playing all damn day for 1 item lower than i done got, all my exotics post few days suddenly quit going above, but below my light. Id rather watch tv now, since reset I've not played ,no point.

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                            1 Reply
                            • Still nothing compared to [b][i][u]Forever 29[/u][/i][/b] #Year1Problems

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                              2 Replies
                              • Edited by TheShadow: 11/1/2016 5:23:12 PM
                                Bump for truth! Just to add a little to this. Bungievision's concept of adding content to this game [b]( is)[/b] over priced Microtansaction timed events that [b]( will be removed )[/b] when SRL comes out you will see Bungievision's true attention on what this last year was based off of. The over priced Microtansactions. Bungie had a [b]( freaking year and a half )[/b] to come up with a reasonable amount of content they could of added in this half ass "expansion" instead of making the vendors relavent or adding actual content they thought tess was more important for the new gear or whatever. They have created a game that does not reward you for your time spent and maxlight level doesn't mean shit in this game. No one needs it to complete anything in Destiny yet that's majority of what people worry about in this game. You spend more time grinding getting nowhere then anything else in this game that eveything becomes a speed run to get through the boring repetitive s*** hoping after a hundred runs you will get a god roll that [b]( will be nerfed) [/b] and maybe a few times while they're at it. Capping everything is one of the [b]( many things deliberately done )[/b] to stretch out what little content Bungievision has offered for half the cost of a full game. The nerfing in this game is ridiculously out of control. Exotics have become a [b]( material for progression )[/b] because of Bungievision's hand me out. The lovely 3OC that Bungievision used to justify their [b]( -blam!-ed up RNG )[/b] I told everyone they would nerf it again before ROI dropped and you fools laughed. Guess the joke is on you on how much and many times Bungievision has nerfd this entire gamen. Meaning [b]( the BDF)[/b] that thinks Bungievision can do no wrong and believed Cozmo when he stated that Bungievision doesn't do [b]( stealth nerfs) [/b] Lmfao. So good luck all you diehards on buying "D2" where Microtansactions are going to be your "free" added content.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Bump

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                                  • Is anyone else going to head over to Watch Dogs 2?

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                                    • Edited by wolf: 11/1/2016 3:46:55 PM
                                      I've gotten my friends acct 399 with out touching the raid. Its possible and only took me about a week.

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                                      5 Replies
                                      • Muted for leaving for BF1 and not Titanfall 2 :p [spoiler]j/k on mute[/spoiler]

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                                      • Oh I didn't see you mention huge maps and being able to see snipers. That is what I'm looking for personally just huge maps for 30 on 30

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                                      • 400 is too easy

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                                      • Why would you pay sherpas to do the raid?! There's plenty of people helping out with raids, I'm one of them but my time has been limited lately so I haven't been doing much helping. I did the hard mode raid 6 times the first week helping people out.

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