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10/24/2016 4:31:16 PM

What is a good Grasp roll?

Hi, I have had a few grasps of maloks and always had awful rolls on it. I really want to use it for PvP so today I have been farming Skeleton keys to then hopefully get a chance at a good Grasp of Malok. So I wanted to ask you guys what are the rolls i should be looking for? On my first key I have just gotten a grasp with Counterbalance / perfect balance / spray and play Is this a good, usable roll or should I keep looking for a better one? Thanks!

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  • No idea, gotten 7 omnigul bonds in a row from that stupid strike :(

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  • If it doesn't have headseeker it isn't a god roll.

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  • Counterbalance braced frame and literally anything else...the gun is fantastic with these two perks anything else is gravy

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  • My personal god roll would be: Counterbalance Braced Frame Feeding Frenzy/Outlaw

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  • I have a true sight. Perfect balance, head seeker third eye grasp and I love it. Got it from trying to do omnigul fight for 2 hours when both teammates were AFK in the strike. Basically solo'd it. It's fun when RNG rewards you appropriately

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  • 1

    PVP has been ruined - old

    It's a very good roll

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  • Cinnamon

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  • The favorite pulse rifles are all from shot group/ recoil pattern. Grasp/pilgrim/dragon/nirwens/hawksaw Perk wise alot is preference by how you play, but generally it goes to cheating your pulse rifle into a lazer beam or auto rifle, with a recoil you can keep on headshots. Ideal stacks 2 stability perks and a 3rd of your choice. For example, i have 3 nirwens that are lazer beams, but 2 have too much stability for me. For my play style the little recoil helps pull my center mass shots up into crit zone and i can control it keeping them on point if my opponent is foolish enough to stand too still. I would personally prefer auto/ or 3rd eye for my 3rd perk. Figure pulse rifles are somewhere between use as auto's and scouts. If you can perk yours to cover either extreme and the middle of the two: then its a good roll. Your roll is quality, but without knowing you, nobody knows if it is YOUR god roll

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  • Red dot OAS, counterbalance, braced frame and third eye or feeding frenzy.

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  • Braces frame, full auto, and perfect balance

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  • I love stability on pulse so to me that's a God roll, personal preference though. I use the same roll on my clever dragon and it wrecks

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  • That one you have is very stable, and reloads very quickly. Range might be a little problem, but on the right maps it won't matter. Have fun.

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  • Stability, range, and reload. Head seeker and glass half full are ok perks on this gun. Last time we could farm omnigul I farmed about 20 grasps. I trimmed it down to one that works best for me. It really does depend on a lot of variables. Map, play style, gun skill, subclass perks, and sometimes feel is pretty important. Your god roll might be junk to me, and vice versa. Keep what you've got and try it out. Get another one and compare them. It took me 3 months to trim my hoard of them to one piece. Good luck. More vault space please.

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  • Gorilla Figther + oiled frame + army of one

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    • Personal preference. Some people like stacking stability, some people like Headseeker. How about you try it out and come to your own conclusion?

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    • All preference really. I recommend feeding frenzy as it goes through ammo like crazy especially if you have braced frame which I also recommend. I have head-seeker on mine which does help with rushing shotgunner when I hip fire. That's what my favorite role was after 30+ grasps

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    • I have one with headseeker, glass half full, and braced frame. I'm hoping to get an exact roll on a clever dragon next week so I can compare.

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      • Edited by HoDaDor: 10/24/2016 5:51:00 PM
        The one on my hunter has got braced frame, headseeker, and third eye. It tears through people. Could be even more beast if third eye was something like glass half full or full auto though...

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      • My favorite is Red dot ors Counterbalance Perfect balance Spray and play or grenadier

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      • Edited by Forever277: 10/24/2016 5:08:14 PM
        any roll with 2 stability perks and a range perk or some other useful perk this applies to basically every primary in the game FYI the waltz on my titan is a good example

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      • I rock one with counterbalance, perfect balance and feeding frenzy. It's my main primary. Would like to get one with braced frame to see if there's a noticeable difference, but that's asking a lot with how often (or lack there of) skeleton keys drop.

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        • Some good advices. Thank you! I have the red dot on my Grasp aswell btw. Just played a couple games in crucible and it seems like a pretty good gun! So accurate!

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        • I have the same roll with OAS and I have a counter balance braced frame roll on my Titan. I honestly prefer perfect balance over braced frame it seems to manage the recoil better imo.

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        • That's a very good roll. The odds of getting a better one are very small.

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        • Stability and red dot

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        • Sights are personal preference Counterbalance Perfect Balance or Braced Frame Third Eye or Feeding Frenzy

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