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Edited by Zakkuroo: 10/23/2016 2:29:59 AM

Radiant Dance Machines perk idea

I'm new to this so I'll just get right into it. I have an idea for improving the Radiant Dance Machines. I think the Exotic perk "The Dance" should allow Bladedancers to use their Arc Blade's modifiers (Showstopper, Razor's Edge, Vanish) in air. Wearing RDM should allow you to proc Arc Blade's modifiers using RT/R1 in air instead of having to be grounded to use them. This, IMO, would complement the Bladedancer Subclass well and significantly improve the viability of Radiant Dance Machines. *Note: this adjustment should be an addition to the existing, passive bonus provided by "The Dance" perk (move more quickly while aiming). Well, that's it. Let me know what you think.

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