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originally posted in: Post your clever dragon rolls!!
10/9/2016 9:48:43 AM
i tested it as well, at most i would sometimes get a vertical kick instead of a slight and to the left. thats with leaving my thumbs off the control sticks. more accuracy is a semi fallacy since the engagements on the maps (including bannerfall) evne without range stat are not so great as to cause a loss of accuracy. your talking vacuum, im talking actual application (combined arms yours would do better at range obvious due to the maps immense size). and again, im just talking performance, not preference, if you can handle that extra kick thats great! i can handle the slightly to the left kick just fine myself. your only factual pro your listing is a bigger magazine. as everything else wouldnt happen in your average crucible scenario (damage falloff, accuracy) so again, this isnt about preference, just talking mechanics.

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  • Disagree, if I notice the difference, it matters, no matter what you may think lol

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  • confirmation bias. sadly it doesnt influence actual math. but on a philosophical/subconcious level you are correct.

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  • Edited by Mickey Padge: 10/9/2016 10:06:23 AM
    Er, no but my opinion, based on my use of the weapon lol Everything is subjective, bungie confirmed the range/accuracy stat being tied together, and that more range = tighter bullet spread Are you saying the developer team are wrong

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  • im saying its not as cut and dry as your making it out to be. in a vacuum yes that is how it works, but each weapon as well as archetype has different measures of impact of said stats (thus why some weapons favor certain stats more then others). Pulse rifles, specifically the very fast ROF archetype, see very very minimal negative impact from a lack of range stat, to the point that in actual play, in bungies designed maps, there are very few if any situations where you would want to engage or even be able to engage at such a range as to make this an issue for this archetype of pulse rifle. (wich strangely has a longer effective range then a low ROF pulse archetype despite that low ROF pulse having a much larger range stat bar...go figure)

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  • Edited by Mickey Padge: 10/9/2016 10:14:59 AM
    There are large range maps, there is damage drop off, if I can play without worrying about that, with more bursts and a tighter more accurate bullet spread I will.... Especially if the other option is making stability, which is already easy to manage, slightly better lol

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  • yes there are, outside of combined arms, ive yet to find a spot on any map where i receive damage drop off with a no range perk dragon. also, i repeat, its not a tighter more accurate bullet spread. what you perceive vs the majority does is different. but as you say you "perceive" it to be better so to you it is. your ignoring actual ingame numbers with mechanics and just sticking your fingers in your ear and stating it works better for you...wich is fine i guess. i dont know why im still trying to inform you. its not convince, its not debate, just trying to matter of fact inform you. have a nice night sir/madam.

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  • It is a tighter burst bullet spread on weapons, read bungies posts lol

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  • I'm watching that plane fly over your head

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  • I understand you, I just don't agree with you lol

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