1. Look at your radar.
2. Back peddle.
3. Use a sidearm or fusion.
4. Avoid being in tight spaces.
5. Land your shots when he or she is rushing.
6. Utilize the grenades given to you.
7. Get good.
One or more of these could help you in your fight against shotguns. They don't need to follow a specific order either. And remember. No matter how many times they nerf shotguns. You will still be trash.
Have a nice day.
Edit: Apparently some of you think a shotgun should NEVER kill you. Well hate to break it to you, but as long as shotguns can one shot, people will rush with them. Meaning you guys will keep crying. 8 nerfs and you guys are still crying. If that isn't enough proof that you guys will endlessly whine then idk what is.
Edit 2:
Here is a quick example of dealing with a shotgun.
Here is a quick example of me letting someone sneak up.
It's all in awareness...
Shotguns are cowardly. Destiny shotguns are the most op shotguns in ANY ONLINE SHOOTER EVER. Shotguns have ruined this game.... I suck at this game but I can use a shotgun....
7 was just rude and 4 is a real pain and beyond limiting with Destiny's map design. Otherwise not a bad list.
Step 1. equip universal remote Step 2. equip quantiplasm Step 3. prepare for hate messages
Edited by gt5228: 10/9/2016 7:08:24 AMWhen shotguns out range side arms and some fusions there's a problem. Avoiding shotguns in Supremacy is like trying to get a honest presidential candidate. It ain't gonna -blam!-ing happen.
Lucky! 7 tips! Bungies would be pleased.
Shotguns are the only weapon class that, without fail are complained about. Battlefield, CoD, Destiny, you get the point. My problem is that Destiny has had 9 shotgun nerfs (soon to be 10, eventually 11) because the devs know nothing than to Nerf, they have had the word buff surgically removed from their vocabulary. The solution to the pandemic is to reverse any nerfs to any weapon (minus the very original Mythoclast Nerf, the 34% one), same with reverse the special ammo nerfs.
I bet you think shotguning takes skill huh
Firstly, I find your post condescending. I've been playing since Day 1 and I've never known PvP be so annoying in all my life. infact I used to enjoy Destiny PvP but since the introduction of 1 shot Shotguns and people rushing for kills, it's basically made me not bother with PVP, and thus will not be playing Destiny until its sorted out. Its starting to resemble COD. People who rush in with shotguns and one shot have no skill, you cant even melee 1 shot, at least my hunter cant anyway, a Melee on a Hunter only deals maybe 80% damage, but a shotgun at close range kills instantly and there is no time to Melee anyway. At least with Sniper rifles you had to have an element of skill. Shotguns are pointless in my opinion and has ruined the PvP element of the game which is the only reason I play it. I am not whining, im giving you my opinion. you can say back off and show videos on how to deal with shotguns, and i have dealt with idiots with shotguns, but the maps are too small and primary weapons are becoming pointless now. everyone seems to be just rushing with shotguns, even primary weapons take 2-3 hits for a kill, so the balance is messed up, and until its fixed PvP will remain to be pointless entertainment.
Ya know, this is a great point.
Most of the range nerfs have been due to lag in which shotguns appear to have more range than they do. Shotguns have been fine since year one. All special weapons are a one shot kill to the head in their intended range.
this guy thinks call of duty takes actually skill lmfao
Step 1: equip Matador with rifled barrel/rangefinder and a grasp type pulse(disposes of other shotgunners relatively easy) Step 2:ruin people's day shotgunning them from quite a distance Step 3: wait for the hate messages Rinse and repeat until satisfied
Everybody is using shotguns and supremacy is just one big gang bang and it sucks
Edited by F GGY TIME: 10/9/2016 5:28:27 AMNew steps after i found godliness in pvp Step 1: equip Dunemarchers Step 2: max Agility and Armor Step 3: equip god roll crows eye (high cal rounds, rangefinder.. other perks don't matter after these two) Step 4: equip Mida Step 5: equip memory of jolder artifact Combo on my titan check it out. No joke you are so fukking fast with this combo it's not even funny, you can skate away from shotguns and make distance like nothing, strafing with the mida while in gun fights makes you seriously unshootable, can't wait for this to get nerfed :( Got 57 crest count and kill credit with this combo
Edited by Lich: 10/9/2016 4:18:50 AMGrasp melts and the new artifact helps with radar awarness. An well i love fusion rifles. So i have no quarrels with shotguns.
Edited by TheGaminZilla: 10/9/2016 3:27:18 AMi personaly dont have a problem with shotgund because if ur to close ur ded and when i heard about the universal remote becoming a nerf gun like shotgun i got sad a little onley because id never be able to use it. hell it even says you get a large boost in range when u aim down sights WHY BUNGIE WHY DO U LISTNE TO THE NOOOOOOOBS!!!!!!!!! who dont know howa gun works in game
If your having shotgun problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems and shotgun ain't one
I don't have a problem with shotguns I just get slightly annoyed when I get one shot out of my super buy them when I'm at full health and just activated it other than that they're not a problem I don't use them but they're not a problem
Others with shotguns: 1-shot me from 20ft. Me with shotgun: Tickle them point blank. Alright...
Yeah, that's great advice except the range on shotguns is ridiculous! I'm consistently getting one shot killed from auto rifle range and two shot killed from even further out. There's always a problem with balance when 98% of the players are using the same class of weapons.
I believe shot guns need to be rebalanced. Not nerfed or buffed. The high impact shotguns should have the shortest range and the low impact the highest. Almost like scout rifles. I think that type of balance would make the low impact shotguns more viable.
Thank you! Someone with a brain! These salty kids are just scrubs.
7 steps to counter a shotgun and only 2 to use one "effectively" 1. Get close 2. Pull trigger Shotguns are unbalanced. Just because you personally can counter them doesn't mean they are in check with other weapons. When they are used more than every other special weapon in [i]every single gamemode,[/i] then something NEEDS to be changed about them.
Shotguns don't need to be nerfed, juggernaut does. No reason juggernauts should survive a golden gun that's trash. I don't care what anyone says, there should be a longer cooldown or a delay before you can shoot, or loss in agility, one of the three. overall if titans are so damn quick both hunters and warlocks agility should be close to or on par. And pulse rifle should be hitting for the same impact as auto rifles. Takes 3 bursts that's 9 rounds with a low impact but takes about 12-15 with a high impact auto. No balance. No complaints really just logic. Pulse rifles are auto rifles. Btw you can switch a full auto m4 to burst and it's still going to do the same amount of damage, same with scout rifles, 3 shots from range? Scout rifles beating autos at close range in some cases that's trash. Whatever tho I think the crucible is at the best it's been since beta so fucc it
Yeah. Those are all great tips for dealing with shotguns. They aren't counters, they are stopgap measures. They generally work well, but Supremacy has exposed the cancer in the shotgun archetypes. Spent a game on Cauldron, died solely to supers and shotguns. That shouldn't happen. Ever.
See there is one problem I have with this arguement right now. It takes so long to kill with a primary already and then the juggernaut perk comes in where it takes an additional 3-4 shots to get rid of plus it can for some reason eat a golden gun super shot and the titan will take no damage.