Trump supporters are so adorable. It's like they're so dumb, they can't figure out that they're dumb.
Anyone who votes for either one is dumb. That third part vote might not actually be a waste this time.
And Hillary supporters are equally as "dumb".
It's even funnier that they think he cares about the little guardians. Meanwhile he will over tax the poor and the middle class. And make tax cuts for the rich.
At least it's not Hillary :3
[quote]At least it's not Hillary :3[/quote]
Proud to be deplorable!
And Hillary supporters are much better?
Nah, not really. I don't support either candidate, I just think Hillary would be much better than Trump. I'm not sure about certain areas, though. Just look at Hillary's time as Secretary of State.
No, they aren't.
It's satire get over it
Definitely not satire.
Well that backfired on him.
Yep. Most definitely.
Fixed. Any other issues?
You're totally right. My bad.
LoL... I am not an English native speaker...but I know he/she should use They Are instead Their...but could be the autocorrect problem...
The irony in this post sums up why you, and the rest of America, don't deserve to have an opinion.
And you're a colossal idiot for thinking your opinion matters anymore than his.
The original comment was never intended to establish the superiority of my opinion my apologies. You can't have a solid argument unless someone is on both sides. For the sake of argument I suppose I'm included in "the rest of America".
Riiighhht. Don't really think you're using the word "irony" correctly. Or how having a separate opinion from yours justifies the concept that I shouldn't be able to vote
The person that can't correctly use their and they're criticizing Trump supporters for being dumb is going to teach me about irony. I think I've made my point.
Pacific Rimjawb - old
Nope, you haven't