Hello, I'm Ghost59. Your guide into the lore of Warhammer 40k. This is another post, in a collaborative effort to spread Warhammer, TES and the Witcher all through #Gaming. My good friend cyber and Veration handle the elder scrolls as well as the witcher lore. Links below to check it out out their work.
(note I don't detail everything in here, if I was. It would take eight posts instead of three to cover everything that involves Eldar.)
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212212758?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0]Veration [/url]
Today we will talk about some of the technoloy of the eldar and their legcay.
[b]Unique Eldar Technology[/b]
Shuriken Weapons - The standard weapon of the Eldar military forces are Shuriken guns, weapons that use gravitic forces to fire thin discs only a single molecule thick at the enemy.These discs are so thin that they are usually fired in bursts. The Eldar use these weapons in the form of pistols, cannons, and a light carbine known as a Shuriken Catapult.
Spirit Stone - When the Eldar die, their souls are in danger of being devoured in the Warp by the Chaos God Slaanesh. To prevent this, the Eldar created special Spirit Stones, which capture and contain the psychic energy that comprises their souls at the moment of death. These stones are then collected and inserted into a Craftworld's "Infinity Circuit", where they may rest along with the spirits of their ancestors. In times of need, the soul stones of the Craftworld's strongest warriors may be taken from the Infinity Circuit and placed inside Wraithbone automatons such as the Wraithguard, Wraithlord and Wraithknight, to once again fight in defence of the Craftworld.
Webway - The Eldar cannot travel through Warpspace in the same way the starships of the Imperium do, because they lack the equivalent of Navigators, making the trip extremely dangerous for a journey of any more than a few light years at a time. Instead they rely on a system of transportation through the Warp known as the Webway. The Webway is best imagined as a vast and tangled network of doorways connected through the Warp between fixed points in real space, by which the Eldar can travel far more rapidly than most races.The Webway's technology is based on that of the Old Ones, who first developed a very similar system of transportation using Warp Gates and imparted the technology to the Eldar after their creation. However, if there is not a Warp Gate near an Eldar's destination, or the one present is not big enough to permit the necessary forces to pass through, they are at a disadvantage. Much of the Webway has fallen into obscurity and disrepair, with tunnels and doorways sealed or broken. This often forces the Eldar to make connecting stops on their way to their destination. Finally, it is said that the fabled Black Library, a storehouse for all the accumulated knowledge of the Eldar about Chaos, resides somewhere within the Webway, though only the Harlequins know exactly where.
Wraithbone - This is the main construction material of the Eldar, and the staple of their psycho-technic engineering. It is brought forth into the physical world from the Warp and shaped by Bonesingers through the use of their psychic power. It is used to create the Craftworlds of the Eldar, their tanks and other vehicles, constructs such as the Wraithguard and Wraithlords, as well as their weapons, tools and armor. Wraithbone is a psychically conductive material and so not only provides the structure for things built of it, but also can be used for power distribution and communications. Wraithbone is a highly resilient material, and capable of limited self-repair when exposed to psychic energy. It, and the other building materials of the Eldar, will grow and react more like organic tissue and plants than the inorganic building materials of other races.
Blackstone Fortress - The Blackstone Fortresses were originally created by the Old Ones as weapons in the first war against the C'tan, and were known to the ancient Eldar as the Talismans of Vaul. To capitalise on the C'tan's vulnerability to psychic attacks using Warp energy, the Fortresses were equipped with a Warp-cannon that could create a devastating rip in physical space and an eruption of psychic energy out of the Immaterium. The fortresses have since fallen into the hands of the Imperium and the Chaos Space Marines, and have influenced two of the most recent major wars of the Imperium of Man, during the Gothic War and the 13th Black Crusade.
The fall of the eldar empire was a event on a galactic scale. Firstly, the Eldar empire was extinguished leaving behind the hell region called the Eye of terror that has Threatened them and the imperium alike for ten thousand standard years. The forces of chaos gain another powerful patron that was Slaanesh, making the Ruinous power a futher threat to the existence of mortal; however, khornes interference in the dual between Slaanesh and Khaine cause a rift between the two chaos gods and one of the reasons why the two gods and followers are enemies. The Eldar went virtually instantaneously from being the most powerful force in the galaxy to scattered groups, That had their focus on survival. Often at the expense of those other races and for the treachery and subterfuge they have often employed in this effort.
The side effect of the birth would give the leader of humans, called the Emperor of mankind. Time to bring humanity together under his leadership on mars and terra, ending the age of strife. And began the epic Great crusade. Forging a spanning imperium of man, which would try to fill the power vacuum in the galaxy left by the near annihilation of the eldar race .
Some of the Eldar learned from their past, knwoing their psychic power has profound effect on the warp. Some far sighted leaders among the craftworld Eldar have noticed a slow growth of a new deity. Ynnead, the Eldar god of the dead and within the safe confines of the Craftworlds infinity circuits lies the hope that if or when Ynnead is finally born. He will confront Slaanesh and defeat it once and for all But the great farseer Eldrad Ulthran not that this will take thousands of years at the very least and Ynneads awakening will require the passing of every Eldar soul linked to the Eternal Matrix effectively destroying the Eldars past even as it might guarantee this faded species a new beginning.
My master post: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212418068?showBanned=0&path=0]Master post[/url]
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