How about you provide proof they will be in a challenge mode if not go get some proof....
My post had nothing to do with challenge mode seriously grow up
Wtf why are you being so hostile. There is no need. No one is being rude to you. Chill
Edited by Ketogenic_Guardian: 9/22/2016 6:12:31 AMHow Im i being a hostile....😞 I made a vaild comment Then a random joe turned the conversation about raid challanges... only one being hostile was that other guy
[quote]My post had nothing to do with challenge mode seriously grow up[/quote] And another but I don't feel like doing a Copy paste again
Get off your high horse mate. You're making an assertion, upon someone else's assumption that the fragments will be in the raid. Now someone else is making another assumption about where they think they will be. This is a group of people discussion where they think the SIVA fragments will be. No one is [b] stating [/b] the fragments are [b] certainly[/b] in one spot. Just assumptions, so how about you grow up and calm down, kid.