Where are you getting your evidence from that 3.0 and 3.6-3.9 is in the raid?
The raid is collision theme do you know how hard that will be collecting clusters and running at the same time
In theory- at least 2 of the missing fragments could be in the new summoning pits version
Since no videos have clusters in that area yet
Heck could be part of achron forge- completions
We dont know without proof
how about that you get them from the challenge modes ? :)
How about you provide proof they will be in a challenge mode if not go get some proof....
My post had nothing to do with challenge mode seriously grow up
Wtf why are you being so hostile. There is no need. No one is being rude to you. Chill
Edited by Ketogenic_Guardian: 9/22/2016 6:12:31 AMHow Im i being a hostile....😞 I made a vaild comment Then a random joe turned the conversation about raid challanges... only one being hostile was that other guy
[quote]My post had nothing to do with challenge mode seriously grow up[/quote] And another but I don't feel like doing a Copy paste again
Get off your high horse mate. You're making an assertion, upon someone else's assumption that the fragments will be in the raid. Now someone else is making another assumption about where they think they will be. This is a group of people discussion where they think the SIVA fragments will be. No one is [b] stating [/b] the fragments are [b] certainly[/b] in one spot. Just assumptions, so how about you grow up and calm down, kid.
Fragments come from the raid challenge modes, which were confirmed to be returning in WotM
Umm that was Taken King... Bungie did confimed if there will be raid challanges..... care to back up with proof about the new raid- challanges wise....
Game Informer and IGN.
My response had nothing to do with raid challanges sooo off topic My topic was about how theres no proof to back up if missing clusters will be in the raid or not....its speculation not a fact I was sharing my opinion and we wonder why we hate these forums We share our idea and get crucified wow
Challenge modes come with the final fragments because that's how Luke Smith designed it, the exact procedure was confirmed ages ago to be returning. Thus the fragments will be in the raid. No one is "crucifying" you except your own ignorance.
He's not arguing about challenge mode. He's saying that there is no proof that the final clusters come from WotM challenge mode. Also, Luke Smith did not design Wrath of the Machine. He's been working on Destiny 2 since TTK.
He designed TTK, and since RoI is just an extension (not rework) then it would be the same.
That's not how it works. There could absolutely be different rewards for Challenge mode.
Considering that the rewards for WotM are exactly like the ones in Kings Fall (t. The Armory), I'm pretty confident that they'll be the same.
Edited by Ketogenic_Guardian: 9/21/2016 10:37:11 PMI read all those articles and interviews😂😂😂 all they talked about was the theme light difference They even talk about bungie process making raids... they did not meantion details of the raid.... wow Raid challanges if it was going to occur would be announced much later... not pre expansion news
Clearly you didn't pay much attention because it was confirmed to carry over into WotM.