I'm gonna give you a riddle. Guaranteed to start a controversy.
[spoiler]What is in my pocket?[/spoiler]
First one to solve it gets a free Blacksmith shader code.
[b]Hint 1:[/b] It's [i]not[/i] Infinity!
[b]Hint 2:[/b] Same value as air, lint, and dirt.
[b]Hint 3:[/b] The moral redemption for making this is gonna be terrible.
[b]Hint 4:[/b] No one's gotten it yet, so I'm gonna give you guys a little help.
The answer is
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[b][i]We have a winner![/i][/b]
[b][i]And with honorary mention![/i][/b]
3 of Coins
What's in your pocket is your over a month of playing Destiny
To all the people who guess wrong, you get [spoiler]pocket sand.[/spoiler]
A blacksmith shader code
Edited by Dutchie: 9/19/2016 3:45:33 AMVaultspace
All of those one dollar emotes you bought
Bungie promises.
All of those god-roll hand cannons and that sword
'What', obviously. You just told me it was in your pocket. I don't know if you have it on a piece of paper or something else, but 'what' is in there.
Well, LangstonMontana said that the value of air, lint, and dirt is that it's free. But what is also free is sunshine. So you have a pocket full of sunshine!
Something to do with having no time to explain why you twisted our fate?
Edited by ThCrispyBarrett: 9/19/2016 3:37:21 AMTell me if it's more or less controversial, because I want to know how extreme we should go. XD [spoiler]made you look[/spoiler] In b4 my own ban.
A blacksmith shader code
Eris morn's box of raisons?
Hidden Hand
Code for Rise of Iron download
The same value of air lint and dirt is that it's free. Just like the code. You have a free code in your pocket. Now give me the code
A copy of destiny
Some people carry a rabbits tail for luck. But OP rocks a pocket of puke.
Edited by Guardian5244: 9/19/2016 3:13:28 AMYour rise of iron 😉
The one true ring.
My dignity?!? :D
The attention you were denied as a child and now given by forums uses through the promise of a shader. Is that correct dear?