You have to get all 5 in one game, or you cant get them all.
i refuse to believe in that as of then how did one person get all 5 infections in the first place when there was noone with them. and even if that is the case then fk bungie for putting an update without even any informations before someone got 1 and screwed it all up. now some players gets 5x the reputation and exp gains while me and others with 1 buff are stuck with only 1 rep gain buff, that is bullshit, fk bungie and their stupid shit.
One buff= All five in terms of bonus the only difference seems to be graphic effects on the character and the rate the Owl Sector is releasing lore segments.
Yeah, i agree. The same happened to me so I swapped characters
i got all my 3 characters to 335, prepared for the next dlc next week, BUT, not even kidding, i only leveled my titan and warlock up to level 30, and then i never played them afterwards, they are all 335 only bcus i grinded enough 335 items on my hunter, i dont really like Titans, Warlocks are alright, but still dont like the air sliding jumps, so i stick with hunter cus its my favourite and the jumping is just more realistic to me and easier to control. heck my ranks on my hunters factions etc are all above 70 while warlock and titan probably only reached 3-4 i am not going to switch characters just for rep gains, when i dont like playing my other characters. Bungie like to piss off their fans i get it, they even ripped my freaking wallet cus of their DLC never came out and STILL are not OUT for pre order only DLC. noooooope, i had to BUY the entire FKIN game! AGAIN, for ONE Ghalahorn and ONE sparrow!!!! . Bungie really pisses me off when it comes to updates and dlcs.
Dude, it resets every week or so, its not permanent...
atleast they could have informed players before releasing an update, when they release something, they do not tell anything in it at all, like they want players to discover it themself. for an update maybe alright, but for DLC, i want to know what im buying before spending 35$
Its just a bit of fun...