Bramd - old
I had a great time too. I don't have many people over for dinner, so I figured that you could be one of the few that I let in -
"Well im glad you did i enjoyed it greatly"says serenity
Bramd - old
Thanks. We should do this again sometime -
"Yes me too i had a great time"says serenity
Bramd - old
Great! So long as you're happy. -
"Im very happy mortar"says serenity
Bramd - old
Great. It's getting kinda late, Should i walk you home? I don't want your dad to get worried -
"You can if you want to mortar"says serenity
Bramd - old
I'd like that. *He opens the door and motions for you to walk through* Ladies first -
"Thank you mortar "says serenity [i]she walks out the door and waits for mortar[/i]
Bramd - old
*He locks the door and walks up to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders* Let's go -
"Okay"says serenity [i]she walks back to the cave with mortar[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar doesn't say much as he walks with you, just looks around to make sure nothing is threatening the two of them* -
[i]she walks with but looks up halfway up the hill and sees aiyanna's red eyes as she walking around near the cave like she always does at this hour[/i]
Bramd - old
*At first he tenses up slightly but he relaxes slightly as he walks you up the hill* Hello Aiyanna, how're you? -
-good just keeping watch outside the cave-
Bramd - old
That's good, there's a lot of people in the cave to protect, so you have a good job there -
-yup and its not like really need sleep anyway cause sleep during the day a lot-
Bramd - old
You sound like Mion. Though I think he had too much catnip, he's passed out on my bed -
-im more nocturnal than anything else-
Bramd - old
Of course, because the sunlight isn't burning your eyes and your prey can't find you. I usually go hunting at night, and I'm most active in the winter because I can freeze the meat and store it -
-i just always lurk at night its my nature as a shuck-
Bramd - old
I know, Sonya, Cyan's shuck told me about that -
-i bet she has but we stay out each other's way-
Bramd - old
Yeah, because she left with Cyan