"Some do that but other falls for other males from other species when that happens some lose there abilities to transform exepect when its high tide. But i dont have to worry about that though im only half. But for like every twenty females are like one male so its not that strange their are several species that are mostly all female i could actually name few that are all female lamias are one of them. I happened encounter one before she was pretty cool a little too clingy though. But then again she was cold blooded so she was always trying get warm by wrapping her body around me."says serenity
Bramd - old
Ah, okay. So it's not uncommon for you to be a half mer. So... Why were you... What's the word... Chased? -
"I wasn't really chased i just woke up with a lamia curled tightly around she somehow wrapped around me. What was her name hmm i think it was something like Leica or lola.."says serenity
Bramd - old
I kinda meant when you and Leyla were born. -
"Oh that yeah we were it was terrible i will always remember that day it was filled with so much hate"says serenity
Bramd - old
Yeah, but... Why. What was with all the hate? I'm asking because if the past came back up I could protect you -
"I wouldnt know i just know our mom's mom didn't want him with her. She has strong hatred of dragon any form. She hates us as well. I have only met her once she took one look at and said that i was mistake "says seternity
Bramd - old
That's awful Serenity. Just one look, huh? -
"Yup apparently she arranged for my mom to marry someone else but was none to please when she found out that she fallen for hovark instead."says serenity
Bramd - old
I've never liked the idea of an arranged marriage. Even though I was almost in one. I'm sorry to hear about that. -
"That's why my father told me when i was much younger leyla that he would never force me or her into a marriage. He said it was up to us cause love should not be controled like that. But its very common practice with mermaids though especially if they catch wind of male mermaids nearby. "says serenity
Bramd - old
Then it looks like I'm a lucky guy. *He smiles as he goes to eat some more, though his fork grabs nothing because he finished everything on his plate -
"Yes very lucky indeed "says serenity [i]she notices that her plate is as well [/i] "Well is there anything else you wanna know about me mortar?"says serenity
Bramd - old
That'll do thanks. This night has been great, thanks again for coming -
"No problem i had a great time"says serenity
Bramd - old
I had a great time too. I don't have many people over for dinner, so I figured that you could be one of the few that I let in -
"Well im glad you did i enjoyed it greatly"says serenity
Bramd - old
Thanks. We should do this again sometime -
"Yes me too i had a great time"says serenity
Bramd - old
Great! So long as you're happy. -
"Im very happy mortar"says serenity
Bramd - old
Great. It's getting kinda late, Should i walk you home? I don't want your dad to get worried -
"You can if you want to mortar"says serenity
Bramd - old
I'd like that. *He opens the door and motions for you to walk through* Ladies first -
"Thank you mortar "says serenity [i]she walks out the door and waits for mortar[/i]