originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yeah but here couple things most people don't know about mermaids. if a human actaully is able to touch one underwater they can breath through us but most the time they are out cold so we usually just share our air by put our mouth over their its almost like a kiss but we just know it the best way to share the air. Thats how i was able to bring you to surface safely. Another thing most dont know is that mermaids as species are almost entirely female but there male but not a lot. But we exist where water is at its purest."says serenity
Bramd - old
*Mortar continues up the hill, stopping when he's at the cave entrance* Well, here we are -
"Thank you for walking me home mortar"says serenity [i]she then leans gives mortar a kiss on the lips before turning and going inside[/i] "Goodnight mortar see you around"says serenity
Bramd - old
See ya later Serenity. *As he walks away he beams in delight; it's obvious he feels the date went well* -
[i]she grinning as she goes into her room all them passed out sleeping on her bed and she crawls into bed going to sleep since its so late. [/i]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]end?[/spoiler] -