originally posted in:The New Dojo
[spoiler]Normal= Reality
That's it.[/spoiler]
[i](Ryloth, 25 Earth months before Battle of Mustafar...)
"About 30 clunks, 15 super clunks, and their tank full of clunks." Velinnea told the rest of Domino over her comms.
It had been somewhat around a couple months since she joined the Republic, and so, she was already assigned to Domino Squad under Ryker. Sent out on a mission to take out a little squad of Sepratists in the area.
"Got it, Ghost. Valkyr, you want to start the fireworks?" Her commander, Ryker, told their demolitions guy over the comms. "Zero, Checkers, help Valkyr with the tank. Skull, provide us some cover. The rest of you, on me!" Ryker said, as they started to get their plan into action.
She also saw the 501st enter the scene, as two new voices were heard in the comms.
"Hey, Ryker; mind leaving us a few of those clunk-heads? I've been itching for a fight." The first voice, identified as Captain Rex told Ryker.
"And I'll make sure Valkyr over there dosen't kill all of us with them." The second voice, known as Ahsoka Tano told Ryker, before then telling Valinnea, "Hey, Ghost; mind giving us a little signal for our little skirmish?" Ahsoka asked her, as she aimed her crosshairs on a simple droid.
This would be her first shot; Her first bullet would lead to a career filled with any emotion she could think of. She held in her breath, and...
Valinnea woke up with a startled look as she looked around her. She saw that most of her armor had been fixed up and left on a chair across from her. Her sniper, pistol and dagger were left in their respective holsters... What was happening? Was she back on Mandalore, again? Where was...well anybody? She stared at her various injuries on her leg, arm, and chest healing up.
She saw that she was wearing some type of gown with dots on it. She saw some freshly picked clothes out on the other chair.
"Wait...what's going on?" Valinnea asked anybody within range of the room.
[spoiler]Open...again. :p[/spoiler]
*A woman asleep in the chair next to her bed wakes up with a snort, looking about before centering on you* "Oh, you're awake. Feeling better?"
"Yeah...yeah. You must be Shadow...right?" She asked, wondering if this was her 'savior'.
"Yep! That's my name." *She smirks, then turns serious as she barks out in a drill-sergeant's tone* "Now, your turn. Name, designation, unit, deployment."
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/15/2016 12:35:36 AM"Valinnea Stoik. Galactic Republic, Domino Squadron. Sent out to Mustafar. And...Mandalorian at heart...wait, where's my inhibitor chip?" She told Shadow.
"Inhibitor chip? Never saw one. The doc's could have taken it out if ya had one." *Shadow shrugs, then leers at you* "Mandalorian, eh? Heard you were feisty little kids."
"Yeah...always fighting for peace and all...we learned to toughen up and survive." She said, as she tried to grab her glass next to her.
*It lifts off of the table and into her hand, Shadow watching her* "So, care to tell me why the Republic is attacking Mustafar?"
" We were on a mission to assisinate a Sepratist leader named Nute Gunray; Skull usually called him Gunray the Locust... Anyways, we were trying to kill him before he could launch a counter-attack on us..." She stayed silent after that,as she looked down at herself. [spoiler]Sorry about the late response.[/spoiler]
*Shadow leans back and snorts in amusement* "Well, let me guess, you never made it?"
"Yeah...why do you find a little amusement I that?" She asked, a little disgusted by her reaction to potentially thousands of deaths for the Republic.
*Shadow waves her hand lazily* "I've kept track of your little spat for a bit. With the current.... Leadership the Republic is under, I'm not surprised the assassination failed."
She tilted her a little bit in confusion. "What do you mean 'new leadership'?"
"New leadership? Hardly. When I say current leadership, I mean it." *Shadow smirks, leaning back into her chair* "Now, what are you going to do?"
"Simple. Until I get support from a crusier or something...I think I'll stay here. I mean, this planet probably dosen't have the materials to fix my ship...right?
"Now that is hardly true. The factories should have more than enough materials to fix your little craft."
"Doesn't mean I still want to...have a little fun on this planet. Plus...I don't think my ship can travel galaxies far out in the distance..." She said.
*Shadow shrugged as she got up* "Well, it's your problem now. Also, the wreckage of your ship got moved to the spaceport nearby. It's a few miles south of the village, so use the speeder of yours to get there. Enjoy." *Shadow walks out the door, then pokes her head back in* "Oh, I put the speeder into the Garage." *She leaves, finally*
*Velinnea thought about whether she truly was fine with that decision to stay here... She decided that she would like this planet a lot...Migjt as well be her resting place, for all she knew.* [spoiler]End. :p[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*As she looks around a man with blazing crimson eyes can be seen staring at her. When she looks at him he instantly looks away, then slowly looks back at you. He is thin, about 5'10. Apart from the many knives on his back, he is unarmed* Hello there -
"Hello...are you a Sith, perhaps?" She asked, a little fearful of this man.
Bramd - old
Don't worry, you're fine. Though I do know a sith that lives here. Good guy, too. Name's Mortar. You? -
"Valinnea." She replied.
Bramd - old
Ah, nice name. So, tell me. How exactly did you get here? Just curious -
"I...don't know. I remember we were after Gunray the Locust, and...then our ship got shot! My commander made me escape with my weapons and a speeder. And a ARC-170 fighter from the Republic. I don't remember much afterwards; just that I appeared near some type of town, and that my ship crashed. I got knocked into unconciousness after that. Then, I just....woke up here." She explained, trying to piece together what could've happened.
Bramd - old
Strange, but I've heard stranger. Hell, you wouldn't believe what I did long ago. *He chuckles slightly, looking back at you* So where did you live before you got here?