[i]a woman with bluish green scales and red hair. She wearing black shirt and gray shorts she walks up the path next two her is solid black wolf thats four times the size of normal with red eyes.[/i] "Yo what's with all the yelling"says the woman
Bramd - old
*The man looks up at her, his eyes invisible behind his virtual reality machine* Hey! You! You a member? -
"Yeah I am why do you ask?"says the woman
Bramd - old
Man: Because I'm gonna be a member too! *Without saying anything else he starts rolling through open gates. The girl just stands there, shaking her head* Girl: I'm sorry about him ma'am. -
[i]she chuckles [/i] "No harm done my name is serenity and this aiyanna"says serenity [i]she pats the big wolf side[/i]
Bramd - old
*The man just rolls into the nearest bar. The girl looks concerned but doesn't follow him* Nice to meet you. My name is Jenna, and my father who rolled into that bar is Damian. Hopefully he doesn't piss someone off -
"Yeah lets hope so oh and she can speak with her mind"says serenity -hello jenna-
Bramd - old
*She seems to jump slightly but after a moment she responds* Hello... That's new -
"You get use to it after a while"says serenity -yeah you will-
Bramd - old
Jenna: Oh, okay. How'd you meet? -
"I found her in the woods and she wanted me to be her master so its been awhile"says serenity -she was only one who didn't run away or cower in fear when she saw me-
Bramd - old
Jenna: That's good I guess. I'd probably run like hell, no offense -
-heh none taken i get that a lot but im actually quite gentle despite being big and scary. Her kids would tell you the same- "She very gentle but she is protective though"says serenity
Bramd - old
Damian: You have kids? What, did you sneak out of your prom with a positive pregnancy test? -
"I have you know that they were my late friends children she entrusted them to my care. She's a dragon just like i am"says serenity [i]aiyanna gently nudges serenity's arm. Seeing that she starting to get upset a little[/i] -its okay serenity they didn't know-
Bramd - old
Jenna: I'm really sorry Serenity, he just speaks whatever comes to mind. I'm sorry, I really am -
"Its fine he didn't know so no harm done"says serenity -yeah -
Bramd - old
*Jenna nods* Jenna. Okay. We'll just be going, so we can get out of your hair -
"Yeah me too i have to get gonna those four are probably wondering where i am. If you ever wanna see them jenna you more than welcome to visit cause i live up there in that cave. "says serenity -bye you two- [i]they both turn and start walking towards the cave on the hill[/i]
Bramd - old
Jenna: Nice meeting you too! *Damian just sits there grumbling about something* -
-yup likewise oh and welcome to the dojo you two- [i]aiyanna breaks into a trot going ahead of serenity making it to the cave first [/i]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]fin?[/spoiler] -
[b]A man looks over the wall [/b][i]Sup.[/i]
Bramd - old
*The girl nods* -
[b]The man sits on the edge of the wall, his legs dangling and his scarlet robe flowing in the wind.[/b][i]So, you want to come in? This place is relatively new. It's nice.[/i]