originally posted in:EXTRAgalactical Escapades
1). [Insert Name] (blank cR)
2). [Insert Name] (blank cR)
3). [Insert Name] (blank cR)
4). [Insert Name] (blank cR)
5). [Insert Name] (blank cR)
[b]>>MAIN THREAD<<[/b]
[b]Bounty: X1 (Silver)[/b] A high-raking officer of the NTR's Armed Forces has time and time again nearly killed among our closest comrades and now hunts him down; the femme X1, a SilverPulse and member of a mercenary group before his time with the New Terran Republic. The man he tracks is Alpha, a member of the Arrowhead crew. Despite being no where to be found, the guy's still an ally, and grudges will never be let go. Take him back to the Smuggler's Den - dead or alive. [u]Kill X1 - 70,000 cR[/u] [u]Capture X1 - 75,000 cR[/u]