originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i][u]The Death of a God[/u][/i]
[i]The Nameless King's deep voice boomed from the heavens as the God himself slammed down from the sky, electricity coursing from his muscles as he rose from the crater he had caused as he landed. His Dragonscale armor had been shined, his 11'4 foot long swordspear coursing with bright yellow lighting. The golden crown he wore stood out among the strands of ash protruding from his headdress, the gold gleaming brightly in the sunlight.
He would destroy the Dojo. It was time to end this.
Once and for all.
Of course...he had to consider her.
What if she was coming? What if...what if she could stop him?
No. That wouldn't happen. It would be impossible.
He was the son of GWYN. A GOD. He was unstoppable. He was immortal.
The King roared as he began his approach, each step he took shaking the barren dirt beneath him.[/i]
Yes, the King dies.
No, he will not die to you.
He will die to someone rather...special.[/spoiler]
"How does it go mister king?"
[b]"...Okay?"[/b] [i]The presence was getting closer, the heat suddenly picking up.[/i]
"What the hell is that?" [b]He looked around [/b]
[b]"What?"[/b] [i]The presence was getting eerily closer, the heat beginning to pick up.[/i]
"That heat."
[b]"What are you talking about?"[/b] [i]A figure had begun to approach in the distance. It seemed as if they were the source of the heat.[/i]
"You don't see it?"
[b]"Don't see what?!"[/b] [i]The figure was behind the Nameless King, a sword forming in their hands suddenly. (Just go read Anri's bio for appearance XD)[/i]
"Turn around bright eyes"
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up to the king, his stature somewhat challenging him* What are you doing here... Rustled Jimmies? -
[i]The Nameless King's face suddenly lit up a brilliant crimson red as he roared at Mortar, slamming his foot down as he spoke.[/i] [b]"I have come to kill you, Gore... PREPARE TO DIE."[/b]
Bramd - old
You're kidding, right? I've triumphed over stronger things than you. I've died a LOT of times. And I always come back. Now, I guess I'm gonna kill you now -
[i]Growling with utter rage, the Nameless King suddenly launched himself straight at Mortar, raising his massive spear to slam it down upon his enemy's skull.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar quickly dissolves into the ground. After a second an iron ball smashes into him* -
[i]Reeling back, the King roared loudly as he flew up into the air, not coming firm for some reason. He had literally disappeared within the clouds.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar reforms, looking for the king* Come out man! Seriously! -
[i]Nothing. There was no movement in the clouds, or even a sign that the King had been there in the first place.[/i]
Bramd - old
Son of a bitch, he's camping -
[i]In truth...yes, he was camping. A ball of lightning suddenly dropped beside Mortar, but didn't explode. In fact, it seemed as if it was dropped by the King, so Mortar could go into that...one form. Bahamortar or something.[/i]
Bramd - old
Ah, you sly son of a bitch. *Mortar walks away from the orb* -
[i]It simply waited there for Mortar to pick it up and crush it. The King wasn't revealing himself though. Not yet.[/i]
Bramd - old
Fine Dammit. *He picks the orb up and crushes it. Though the electricity doesn't alter him. Instead it sends a small shockwave through the ground* -
[i]The King descended from the heavens, sighing.[/i] [b]"The one time I actually wanted to fight that form..."[/b]
Bramd - old
I know a trap when I see one idiot. And if your father can die so can you