"Hmm well i can go as deep one those giant squids before the pressure change makes me go back up. i can see in those depths as well not much but just enough to avoid stuff that lurks beneath."says serenity
Bramd - old
Well that's much deeper than I can go. -
"Oh it is?"says serenity
Bramd - old
Yea, best I got is about thirty feet without gear. -
"Yeah i can go much deeper than that but i dont need gear my body is made for going in that deep. I used to rescue people that would fall overboard into the sea but most just thought i was a strange dream cause only thing they would remember is falling into the sea"says serenity [i]she then eats couple more bites of her food before saying anything esle[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar's eyes widen* There was a time... A time when my boat was raided and i was thrown overboard. I ended up on an island but I didn't know how... -
"Do you remeber where at cause i may rescued you"says serenity
Bramd - old
It may not have been you, now that I think about it, unless you were near Indonesia about seven years ago -
"Actually i was near their cause remember pulling someone from the water near there"says serenity
Bramd - old
Oh, then you may have rescued either me. *He smiles slightly as he eats another bite* Small world huh? -
"Yeah it is "says serenity [i]she takes another bite before speaking[/i] "But i do remember swimming under a ship and someone got thrown over overboard the more i think about it was you though. You were unconscious when hit the water. so i had help you breath though cause you sunk down very far."says serenity
Bramd - old
Then there's a long overdue thank you there *Mortar smiles as he eats another bite* Yeah, thank you for that -
"No problem i would do it again in a heartbeat"says serenity [i]she takes a bite of her food[/i]
Bramd - old
Good to know there's someone I can fall back on -
"Yeah i have your back "says serenity
Bramd - old
And I have yours *He quickly leans in to kiss you before going back to his food* -
"Thanks mortar"says serenity [i]she eats more her food before speaking again.[/i] "Yeah i was actually stayed there on that island until you woke up then i slipped back into the water. I was really surprised you didn't see my footprints"says serenity
Bramd - old
Well, when you find yourself waking up with a sand crab staring at you on a deserted island you don't really tend to notice those things -
"Yeah probably not but then again i was more shy back then so even if you did see me i would have hide under the waves. But then again im still kinda of shy in that form cause i have been chased by fishermen trying to catch me. They almost succeed until i squeezed a hole in there net."says serenity
Bramd - old
Makes sense. Kinda like Bigfoot. Lots of people would pay LOTS of money to see a mermaid -
"Yes i know that full well that why im very careful when im that form. I have almost been four separate times"says serenity
Bramd - old
Four times? Damn, that's impressive. Not that you were hunted four times but that you escaped four times -
"Yeah its helps that i was able to slip through the net when it was still in the water. But yeah i pretty skilled at eluding capture in that form" says serenity
Bramd - old
That's good to know. I am not really good underwater so I know that you can help yourself while I try to help best I can -
"Yeah but here couple things most people don't know about mermaids. if a human actaully is able to touch one underwater they can breath through us but most the time they are out cold so we usually just share our air by put our mouth over their its almost like a kiss but we just know it the best way to share the air. Thats how i was able to bring you to surface safely. Another thing most dont know is that mermaids as species are almost entirely female but there male but not a lot. But we exist where water is at its purest."says serenity