originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u]RECRUITMENT: Help get Stratos' skin Back[/u]
[b]Stratos climbs onto a pile of crate still covered in help needed posters, and waves his hands trying to get everyone's attention.[/b]
[i]Hey! Anyone want free stuff?[/i]
[b]The response from the crowd is minimal, With barely anybody even bothering to lift their heads. Stratos grows exasperated and throws his hands to his sides. Out of the corner of his ear Stratos hears a faint pathetic whimpering from the stack of crates he stands on. [/b]
[b]He looks down and sees a disgusting Lenny cowering in its own feces under an empty potato sack. [/b]
[b]Stratos reaches down and hefts the Lenny above his head, Letting out a blood curdling screech before literally liquefying the Lenny where it stands, spraying a fine red mist over the citizens in the dojo.[/b]
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I DIDN'T DIE M80
Bramd - old
Fine Dammit! But only because you're an Ex Lieutenant. -
When was he a lieutenant?
Bramd - old
Didn't he used to be a lieutenant, like back when I was a noob? Back when Ook wanted to get in? -
Bramd - old
[quote]When was he a lieutenant?[/quote]
[quote][quote]When was he a lieutenant?[/quote][/quote]
Bump becuase of Lenny raid
[spoiler]Whats this about?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]see post in group for context. Make sure to read the link to the old dojo[/spoiler]
[b]Teriar walks up [/b] "Hey."
Edited by Stratos: 9/11/2016 7:02:48 PM[b]Stratos takes a dramatic post and points at you[/b] [i]DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKE TO KILL ZARGOTHRAX THE MEGA DEMON FROM LAYER 98 OF HELL?[/i]
"I guess."
"So what's the plan?"
[i]Well we go to hell and get my skin back. It's not very complex. I expect things will go smoothly.[/i]
[spoiler] I put a post up in your quest [/spoiler]
[spoiler]im trying to set this up for a little recruitment thing so I know who's gonna do it before I start posting there[/spoiler]