I did not make this video. This video was created by tripleWRECK to bring awareness and reason to the problem of ghost bullets. Please support tripleWRECK for making this awesome video. make sure to watch the video before commenting, you would think people would get that through their think heads by now. Edit: Bungie has now said " they will looking into ghost bullets and will continue to reevaluate the crucible to improve hand cannons ". They may not be fixed anytime soon or maybe not at all but at least bungie has said they know they exist. There is the proof for people who think ghost bullets are fake even though the video gave more than enough information and proof. Also soory once again that I can't reply to any of you gusy thanks to the salty dick that got me banned. Learn to use replys instead of reporting people next time ok?
I'd like to see more information before deciding that there's a widespread problem. A few notes about the video: -There's this thing called spread and grouping - even marksman have to deal with real-life RNG if their bullets land within a tight circle of the intended target. -Tiny sample size - were those 5 shots per gun representative of the mechanic overall? Or just happenstance? You can't make an educated opinion based on 5 shots -Only one range is given - he appears to be at the far end of optimal range (notice he does do full critical damage), but what happens when takes 5 steps back? Is the effect magnified? Or 5 forward? Is the effect lessened? If so, by how much? -How noticeable is the effect on other weapons like Scouts or Pulses? Is it consistent across the primary weapon types? -What is the correlation between the Accuracy/Range stat and the effect? Less Range equals more misses at the same range? These are just some of the questions TW didn't address, at all, yet still decided to carry on as if those 15 shots he took overall are representative of the effect. Until I get actual, usable data, I will consider his video to be click bait propoganda. If the data shows there is an issue, then certainly it should be addressed, but until then, well, I can't support it.
Its called bloom. It forces you to stay within effective hand cannon range, if not the bullet will, how do i say this, kind of get lost. He will not follow a straight line, instead in goes somewere in the "bloom" area. It looks like the bullet despawns, but it doesnt, it will follow a other path, somewere you may didnt aim. Also rappidly shooting will increase the "bloom" radius, making it more likely that the bullet "gets lost". So if you want that your hand cannon is performing correctly, stay within effective range.
PVP has been ruined - old
Whenever I stay in range with my hand cannon it works like a charm. -
Edited by Shaderz: 9/12/2016 11:04:00 PMFor the last time. THEY ARE NOT REAL. They are people jerking at their sticks and trying to rapid fire a hand cannon. They are timing weapons, and have invisible bloom. This is an issue of inaccuracy not rng. Use a hand cannon at its intended range and you won't have these issues. I did watch it
And here video that say otherwise https://youtu.be/-GTzFthdqfs
Excellent vid, BUMP!!
This needs to be fixed! This basically means gun fights can be determined through RNG and not skill!
Two completely broken things in the game should be VERY high priorities to fix. 1. SBMM 2. THIS--OMFG.... imbeciles.
It's insane.
This needs to be fixes I can't count the times this crap has happen to me and I die because of it.
This game is going to be shit with this accuracy