originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i][u]Memories of the Past[/u][/i]
[i][u]Training Grounds, 1:35 PM
Isabelle Haynes[/u][/i]
"...Damnit, Edward."
[i]Isabelle murmured to herself, sitting on a wooden bench within one of the courtyards within the Dojo's walls. Wearing her signature light grey fiber jacket and bright blue pants, her arms and leggings were reinforced with steel playing, a layer of carbon fiber and ceramic armor under her jacket. Her turquoise hair had grown out once miler, reaching her shoulders at this point, her pale skin practically glowing in the sunlight. A submachine gun was at her side, a 6'3 foot long metal staff on her back. Her light blue eyes were staring down at her palm, the engagement ring still on her finger, and in her palm at the moment?
A picture of herself, drawn by Edward long, long ago. It showed a younger version of her, when she was twenty-seven. When she was still a drug-addled freak. When she met him, of all people.
Isabelle sighed once again, closing her eyes. She regretted it all. She missed Edward, for he was in some damn war that she had participated in, but retreated after she had become pregnant.
And then, the kid.
She was about to break down. To curl up, and cry nonstop. She didn't even know where her own son was. She feared for his life.
No. She had to stay focused. He was alright, he had to be.
Isabelle sighed heavily, picking up the shotgun beside her. The weapon that had got her through so much. Perma-Fix. She grinned as she held its grip, rising up from her bench and heading towards the training grounds.
She had to get in a fight soon. She just had to.
And she intended to do so now.[/i]
[spoiler]DAMMIT ORN [/spoiler] [b]There were several Dojo guards, all of them were going after a man with Raven black hair, who laughed at their attempts [/b]
[spoiler]FRUK YOUUUUUU[/spoiler] [i]Iza only watched the guards chase after the man, grinning slightly as the man evaded them with relative ease. She was impressed, to tell the truth. He reminded her of what she was before she came to the Dojo. Always evading the authorities and police.[/i]
[spoiler]When? [/spoiler] [b]The guards quickly gave up, not giving a shit anymore. They broke apart and the man walked over [/b] "DOJO guards are so ridiculous."
[spoiler]Never. Not cheating on Vio.[/spoiler] [i]Leaning against a wall at this point, Iza grinned wildly at the man as he spoke, her interest in him growing slightly. Of course, it wasn't sexual. Iza was married. [/i] "Damn right they are. Your name?"
[spoiler]WHAT ABOUT ROY AND YURIA YOU SHITE?![/spoiler] [b]He bows slightly, a grin dancing across his lips as he does so [/b] "I am Joker, Trickster of the Dight." [b]He stood tall, his eyes full of madness [/b] "And you are?'
[spoiler]Uh... *Yuria gits naked*[/spoiler] "Iza." [i]She chuckled, nodding towards Joker after she spoke up.[/i]
[spoiler]Oh. *Roy does as well*[/spoiler] "Weren't you here before?"
[spoiler]OH BBY[/spoiler] "...Maybe. Maybe not."
[spoiler]LET'S DO THIS!!! [/spoiler] "So what brings you to the Dojo?"
[i]Crossing the Dojo Mountains was a boy, in his adolescent years. He was about five six, and his artfully messy, turquoise hair blew in the wind. He had bright, green eyes, the same green eyes his father, Edward, once had. His turquoise hair was natural, although neither his father not his mother had natural turquoise hair. He had pale skin, the same color as his mothers, and the skin was smooth, showing no signs of acne or the sort that somebody his age would normally have. He had hit his growth spurt early on, so even though he was only 13, he appeared older. For such a young child, he was extremely armed. A 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun on his back, the words "Snow Crystal" engraved into its barrel. A .50 cal sniper rifle besides that, the words "Desert Glare" engraved into its scope. 5.56x45 assault rifle on his worn, brown, leather belt, and engraved into its side were the words "Rock Slide". On the other side of his belt, a chain whip was curled up, with a small, 3 inch blade at the end of it. Engraved onto the poison-tipped blade were the words "Jungle Vines". Finally, in between his shotgun and sniper was a sheathed longsword, about five feet long. On the sheathe was one word, "Unity". All this weaponry slowed the boy down, however he had no trouble carrying at all. He wore a simple, beige t-shirt, and faded, blue jeans, with dark brown boots, which were covered with dust. His arms gleamed in the sunlight, and it turned out that they were mechanical. Prosthetic arms. As the boy drew closer and closer, he looked more and more familiar to Isabelle. Finally, the boy stopped 5 yards away from Isabelle, smiling.[/i] "Long time no see, Mom," [i]He said, unable to believe he was finally speaking to his mother after so many years.[/i]
[i]Isabelle stopped in her tracks suddenly, her boots looking as if they had been glued to the dirt beneath her. She recognized the boy, evident by her face contorting into a look of strange realization, then...utter joy. A slight grin of pure happiness expanding across her face, Isabelle slung the shotgun in her hands over her shoulder, the look of joy on her face still there as she slowly approached her own son. Hundreds of thoughts passed through her mind at the moment. But they would have to wait.[/i] [i]After coming to about 2 feet away from him, Isabelle suddenly pulled Charles in a hug, embracing him in a rather loving manner as she began speaking.[/i] "You don't know how happy I am...seeing you here, Charles..." [i]She suddenly planted a kiss on his forehead, smiling down at him as if he meant the world to her. Of course, Charles did.[/i] "I'm so sorry that I never came to visit..."
"Mom...." [i]Charlie muttered, looking embarrassed. However he looked Isabelle back, having not seen her in years.[/i] "It's good to see you, too." [i]He sighed, pulling away. He looked at his mother with bright green eyes, the eyes that belonged to his father. His facial structure, however, was more like Isabelle's than Edward's, and his skin tone was only slightly darker than Isabelle's. He smiled happily, looking around.[/i] "So this is the famed Dojo?" [i]He asks, with a grain of salt.[/i]
[i]Noticing that he seemed embarrassed about the whole affair, Isabelle tried acting more...relaxed. That seemed difficult for her, since she hadn't seen Charles in years.[/i] "Oh, yeah...this is the Dojo. Actually an alright place, though...no samurais. Well, there are a few, but...eh. So...what've you been up to? Anything big happening over in that war?"
[b]A man in a fiery red cloak walks up to you, his purple eyes gleaming like fire. His brown hair sways from side to side, and a small metal object glimmers at his side.[/b][i]I feel your emotions[/i][b]He says, grabbing for the metal object[/b][i]I feel your anger, your hate. But also your fear. Let it come forth.[/i][b]The man presses a button on the metal object, and a beam of scarlet energy erupts from the metal. The man presses the saber up to his face, illuminating his eyes, then gets in a battle stance.[/b][i]Use your emotions.[/i] [spoiler]Cue Duel of the Fates[/spoiler]
[i]Backing away, Iza snickered to herself. She simply raised her shotgun, aiming down the sights as she spoke.[/i] "Use my emotions? I'll stick to shotgun shells for now." [i]She snickered more, clicking a small yellow button on the side. Electric rounds had been activated.[/i]
[b]Energy sparks from the man, and into the ground[/b][i]Your move, princess.[/i]
"How kind." [i]Iza suddenly fired two rounds at the man's right leg, so two slug pellets were heading straight towards his thigh. Instead of immediately blasting him away, Iza wanted to cripple him instead.[/i]
[b]The man held out his hand, and the bullets stop in their tracks, then begin to go back toward you. [/b]
Edited by Orn: 9/11/2016 5:41:25 PM[i]Iza did something rather...similar. Raising her left palm, a shield of light absorbed the shotgun shells, electricity coursing through the wall as they crushed into it and exploded. She crushed her hand, and the wall suddenly exploded into particles.[/i] "Pfft." [i]She began circling, smirking still.[/i]
[b]The man rushes forward, charging for an attack[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up to her, noticing that she's feeling off* Hey Iza. You okay? -
[i]Looking over at Mortar, Iza only grinned. Her left hand in her pocket while her right was holding the grip of her gun, she nodded towards him.[/i] "Hey Mortar. Just...thinking bout things."
Bramd - old
From what I learned, people grow more despondent when thinking. Or at least that's what Fahrenheit 451 taught me. *He sits next to Iza, taking a throwing knife off his back* I'm sure I can guess what you're thinking -
[i]She sighed, nodding once more as she spoke up.[/i] "I miss them. Edward. Charles..." [i]She closed her eyes, thinking of the two suddenly. Iza had missed them. For 13 years, she hadn't seen the two.[/i]