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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [b][i]Pleased To Meet You[/i][/b] [i]The mercenary sat humming a tune outside on the restaurant patio. A plate sat before him, now devoid of food, and his feet were up on the table. Reclining in his seat, he looked out over the Dojo, watching the many goings-on of this foreign place. All of these people were quite interesting, as was the place itself. After a bit of walking around, he finally found a nice place to kick back and get some food. He'd ordered a burger, fries, and a beer, and finished it all quickly. With his mask off [spoiler]please refer to the image above[/spoiler], he sat smoking a cigar afterwards, playing with his knife and waiting for his check. Maybe he'd meet someone more interesting than that d*ckheaded kid or the poor guy who was completely freaked out.[/i] [spoiler]open to all[/spoiler]

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    28 Replies
    • [i] its in the late part of the evening where everyone is settling down for the night but something just not right. Its way too calm and there is no sounds of any animal can be heard as there's a unnatural stillness the air. Then it happens a horrible pain filled yowl breaks the stillness of the night. The direction of the yowl comes from the woods. In the right light from the moon a blood trail can be seen leading into the woods its a heavy trail that leads much deeper in. Curiosity get the better of anyone who sees it especially when a savage blood curdling howl breaks the silence this time follows by another painful sounding yowl. Its sounds like a couple creatures are tearing each other apart with vicious intent cause it just gets louder and louder with each passing moment. After a while two panthers stumble out of the woods one is more savagely injured than the other. The one in front limps as it has four massive claw marks that run down her side followed by several huge bite marks along her back that are bleeding badly. The other is still facing the woods. As if the panther is waiting for something to appear and after a while it does in the form of four very big very nasty lycanthropes that emerge from the woods some of have nasty wounds of their own but the twins are out numbered and one of them is gravely hurt. The lycanthropes start trying to separate the both them as one of them circles around them growl and snarling with vicious intent in its eyes as it stares them down growling and snarling bearing its wicked teeth that are yellow. One the others lunges at the injured twin grabbing hold of her front leg with its sharp claws making her yowl and bite down on its arm shaking her head tearing its arm open with her teeth making it let go with a pained whine. It jumps back with a growl snarling more. She hisses bearing teeth she not playing around another one lunges but this time at her sister jumping on top on her back biting at her trying to pin her down. That's when she jumps on the beast's back digging her sharp claws into its sides as she sinks her teeth into it shoulder all the way down to the bone. It tries to shake her off but she just digs her claws more making it yelp as another grabs hold of her tail yanking hard pulling her off the other and throwing her into a tree breaking a couple of her ribs as two of them corner her as her sister is still fighting the one that on her back but she managed to roll over. Her sister swats at its face with her sharp claws digging into its face making it bleed badly as it makes a high pitched whine as she manages to catch it in the eye making it blind in one eye. But as this one back off she tries to get back up only to be knocked down again by the other one. She the lets out a pained screeching yowl as the brute clamps down on her shoulder crushing bone as he rips her shoulder wide open making her whole right throb and bleed terribly. Both continue fight back but it looks like they may need help. After a while the whole fight is heard across the whole area. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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      63 Replies
      • Edited by SilverPulse620: 10/20/2016 6:19:29 PM
        [i][b][u]A battle of Vengeance[/u][/b][/i] Three days, the medical droids told him. Three days until Silver's injuries would fully heal and he would be able to get back to his job. Long enough for Alpha to slip in and kill him, something Phoenix was unwilling to let happen to his friend. Now accompanied by another bounty hunter by the name of Celina and armed to the tooth with some of the finest weapons around, Phoenix starts to approach the Sparrowhawk of Alpha's, concealing his presence with his shademorph abilities, allowing him to blend in with the shadows long enough to establish a concealed position in some bushes far enough away from Alpha's ship so that he would go undetected. He then pulls out his tachyon sniper and scans the area around the ship from his scope, setting it to its highest stun setting. [spoiler]Open to Ginger and Alpha. You wanted to fight me, so here we are. Also open to a sensi for testing. [/spoiler]

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        64 Replies
        • Edited by ookshmook: 10/20/2016 12:24:21 PM
          [i]wherever xavier is [/i] A notification appeared on xavier 's personal communications device: [quote] Dojoville. Meet me here: [/quote] Under it were the some coordinates, somewhere in dojoville. [spoiler]open to xavier. And no, it isn't a trap.[/spoiler]

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          27 Replies
          • NUKE

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            1 Reply
            • THERE'S NO FEAR IN THIS DOJO!!!!

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            • Edited by Inflatablepants: 10/19/2016 10:24:19 PM
              [b][u]Making sense of things. QUEST.[/u][/b] [i]Tesuto had suddenly received some strange readings on his hud as he blended in with the wall behind him. He stepped in front of his gate, identifying what these readings were. They were....bizarre. It was as if multiple black holes had collided into one dense area. He suddenly entered the centre of the courtyard. Gesturing for everyone's attention.[/i] "Warriors of the dojo! I have news. I have picked up odd readings east of here, on the border of the Gelldus. I need one of you to accompany me on this venture. And yes, the dojo will compensate you. Are any one of you interested?!" [Taken by ghost] [spoiler]This is a In-thread-quest.[/spoiler] [spoiler]First come first serve in my case. But if you stop replying for a day, I'm switching you out! Just a warning![/spoiler]

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              81 Replies
              • [i]Le punching bags.[/i] [u]Whatever room has lots of punching bags[/u] *After a long time of walking around, Quincy had stumbled across a room with a seemingly endless supply of punching bags. This had him overjoyed as he casually set up three heavy duty punching bags and began punching the nuggets out of the first one (after making sure no one was around, wink wink). After the first one broke off the rope and spilled sand where it landed, Quincy moved onto the second one* [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                10 Replies
                • [b][u]Another aftermath...[/u][/b] [b][i]The drooling white haired hungover deity was passed out on his contest drinking table. Snorting as he woke up, and fell off said table.[/i][/b] "Ah! Shit!" [b][i]He pulls himself up dizzily as he stumbled his way over the THE Starbucks, walking though the Phoenix memorial fountain as he did. He walked across the remainder of the courtyard, barely. As the trail of cobalt blue water trailed behind him. He ordered a water. Which Starbucks then charged him twenty dollars for. [/i][/b] "Twenty? guys are ridiculous." "And you have to pay for our service last night for your game, deity." "Ughhhhh. One second." [i][b]The deity pulled out his small wallet, which was basically just two pictures of himself tapped together with money inside. He pulled out a five dollar bill.... Leaving his wallet empty.[/b] [/i] "Here...." [i][b]The barista shook her head.[/b] [/i] "Twenty. Plus the hundred for the services!" [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                  25 Replies
                  • [b][i]Dojo Courtyard, All Of Them[/i][/b] [b]Someone had managed to set up a disco roof on all the courtyards, and many, many people were partying. Interaction #1, Ranger Grant This included me. I was in my Ranger Armor, save the helmet. I was taking shots of vodka in a corner, where someone had set up a makeshift bar. I was chatting up some of the local ladies, got slapped a couple times. Didn't have any of my weapons, though. Thought that would make me a little off-putting. Interaction #2, Frisky And then there was Frisky, who was dealing and taking tons of drugs in the opposite corner. Coke, Mary Jane, Happy Pills, Acid. You name it, she had it. She'd be a supplier for anyone, no matter who it was. She was also the DJ, playing music that belonged in a rave party. She sat in her little drug stand, dealing happily. Interaction #3, Alice Alice was totally wasted. She wore her NCR military outfit, and was passed out right outside the doors of courtyard A3. Interaction #4, Ry Ry was in a quieter courtyard. The music here was calm, so that was nice. It also helped people were leaving her alone. She was drinking from a glass. Something glowing was inside it. She wore a set of orange robes, they had red designs firelike in nature. The drink was seemingly warming her up. [/b] [spoiler]ALL ARE OPEN ALL ARE WELCOME COME PARTY WITH MY ROSTER![/spoiler]

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                    158 Replies
                    • [u][i]What the Hell is This Place?! 2:00PM[/i][/u] Jasper McHugh dropped onto the roads of the town, a small 'oof' escaping him as he did so. He stood up as he brushed himself off, eyeing his surroundings. "This doesn't look like Colorado..." He eyed the town suspiciously, eyeing a sign that read [i]Dojoville.[/i] "Dojoville? Kind of an odd name, but whatever." His eyes widened as he took in the people; people with guns, swords, witches, cyborgs, and robots all colliding into his brain. "Holy shit!" He said in amazement, pinching himself a couple of times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Finally realizing he was very much conscious, his mouth opened in a silent O and he dropped to the ground, having fainted in shock.

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                      49 Replies
                      • Good job to whomever has kep this going for this long. *clap*

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                        2 Replies
                        • [i]I walk through the streets of dojoville, taking in the sounds of everyday life. Living here was great, better than old times, even. I had an actual house, in a town. Not one room in a complex. I enter my favorite pub, talking to the Bartender as he prepares my usual. Usually, someone I know walks in here. I silently wondered who might walk in this time. [/i]

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                          15 Replies
                          • [b][i]Arrival[/i][/b] What in the f*ck? [i]the individual growled, clambering to his feet. Covered in armor, his face obscured behind an armored mask, this man looked to be a warrior of some sort. His left hand appeared to be cybernetic, mechanical sounds emanating from it when he moved it to be sure it was not broken. Clenching his fist, he sighed and looked around. Observing the massive structure before him, he stood back staring for a moment. [/i] That.... that is insane.... didn't know the Japs had anything like this... [i]Cracking his neck, the man approached the gates of the building, and to any nearby, it was clear that he was armed. A rifle was slung on his back, one similar to an AK, and a shotgun sat on his hip. On a shoulder holster he had a 1911, the weapon's grip having a snakeskin pattern. He looked like an odd cross between a survivalist, a cartel thug, and and a formal soldier of his time.[/i] [i]The eyes of his helmet lit up green, scanning the environment and pinpointing the living, noting their gear in case they reacted to him in a hostile manner. At this point, however, after a rapid observation, he was sure that they would not mind another warrior, and he was certain that they would not know of his affiliations with the Feds and some not-so-nice guys in South America who liked dealing guns and drugs. And so, he approached the gates nonchalantly.[/i] [spoiler]How was this? Also, totally open.[/spoiler]

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                            22 Replies
                            • [b]Timeless[/b] [i]Dojo Courtyard[/i] "I think you dropped something." [i]You heard a woman's voice from behind you, which was surprising, for you hadn't sensed anyone around. Her voice was soft, and it lilted slightly, yet still sounded youthful, with perhaps the lightest touch of a British accent. She sounded a little bit sultry, almost morose, for whatever reason. Her pale blue eyes reflected a bit of that sadness, yet there was a conflict of emotion going on there as well, a struggle of thoughts and morals. There was a timelessness about her that was uncanny: she had the air of an older, more mature woman, yet had the irrational look of a woman younger than she was. Other than those passing observations, the woman was striking. [url=]Short white hair[/url] accentuated an angular, heart-shaped face, with the barest hint of a smirk touching her lips. She didn't wear much clothing, admittedly, but there was a slim exoskeleton fitted over her light clothing. A massive sniper rifle was slung over her back, held in place by a bandoleer slung over her right shoulder, marked with the inscription [b]Galahad Industries.[/b] Prismatic blue waves courses down the electromagnetic rails of the fearsome 20mm rifle, yet it was not odd for a Dojo member to walk around armed and armored. Her hand was outstretched, and in it was the item you had dropped. [/i] [spoiler]Open. You're obviously the person she's talking to. [/spoiler]

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                              32 Replies
                              • Edited by Cthulhu Agent: 10/19/2016 12:34:02 AM
                                [i][u]The library 21:00[/u][/i] [i]At the local library a large party had started a few hours ago. The library was in a mess as trash was thrown on the floor, furniture was destroyed, and books misplaced. Music was blaring and could be heard for miles. A very frantic and upset Violet Rosegold could be seen rushing around the library trying to clean it up. The 18 year old brunette was wearing a tight red tank top, and a short black skirt that covered half way between her waist and knees. The poor girl was extremely uptight and not having any fun.[/i] ((OPEN))

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                                161 Replies
                                • [u]20K party... Did someone order too much?[/u] [u]Tatakai, Courtyard A1, Whatever time[/u] [u]Character: Xavier[/u] [i]Two truckloads of... Something gets dropped off from a plane somewhere. Landing somewhere in A1, The crates were ready to open and unload the huge amounts of something. Xavier decided to walk up to the crates.[/i] "Okay... Who ordered this much?" [i]He opened the crate, quickly rolling out of the way to dodge the incoming avalanche of alcohol. It's contents spilled onto the ground, along with some dry ice, tonnes of beer, vodka and other alcoholic substances rolled on the ground, ready to open.[/i] "Well, crap. We can't waste it, can we?" [spoiler]Open slapstick post. Do whatever you guys want. You can also Intercept other's posts, because screw it.[/spoiler]

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                                  16 Replies
                                  • [b][u]A Little Contest[/u][/b] [b]The deity drags a table into the centre of A1, as well as two chairs. He rests a small cooler on the table and one Of the baristas brings out a tray of shot glasses which she rests on the table. For anyone who's seen the deity at a celebration before, they know what this is. If they were new well, they would have to figure it out.[/b]

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                                    77 Replies
                                    • [b][i][u]20KKKKKKKKKKKKKK?!?![/u][/i][/b]

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                                    • Over 20000 replies, crazy

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • Edited by Tamedfrog: 10/18/2016 9:48:27 PM
                                        [u]Stranger[/u] [u]1:02 AM, Unknown location[/u] [u]Character: ???[/u] [i]He... Or she woke up lying on a table of sorts. A huge amount of wires were connected to it, and was holding up it at the same time. There was also a metal sheet above it, which also had a bunch of machinery connected to it. The figure was looking up at it as soon as he or she woke up and turned from the side to lay flat on the back. The figure then shifted off from the side, rubbing their eyes and looking around. The figure got curious about the huge equipment, which was seen throughout the entire room. There was more equipment at the ends of the rooms, which the figure couldn't comprehend or even understand. He or she then started walking off to... Somewhere. He or she opened a door, the handle which was just head height for the figure lead to a lot hallway.[/i] "H-hello?" [i]No response. Uneasiness settling in, the figure walked through the hallway. After he or she reached the outside world, it was dark. It was just bright enough for the figure to barely see. He or she found that it was in a park, which was empty today. Apart from the wind rustling the trees and bushes, nobody was truly here... Right? Suddenly, the figure was taken by surprise and lifted. A damp piece of cloth was placed over his or her mouth, which scent was breathed in. He or she then started to struggle.[/i] "No! Please! help..." [i]The figure then slowly slipped into unconsciousness.[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]12:10 PM, Courtyard B3[/u] [u]Character: Xavier Carter[/u] "Man... I'm bored." [i]He just simply sat there on the bench, just relaxing. There wasn't anything particular to do today. No bad guys to kill, no plans to follow along, just simply nothing. Today was a rather peaceful day today.[/i] [spoiler]The last part with Xavier Carter is open. Plus, feel free to give thoughts for the upcoming plot prelude.[/spoiler]

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                                        4 Replies
                                        • Cringe is strong

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                                          3 Replies
                                          • Edited by JealousOrc: 10/17/2016 1:07:52 AM

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                                            3 Replies
                                            • Edited by ookshmook: 10/18/2016 8:45:39 PM
                                              [i]a complex- unknown planet[/i] The figure had been spending a long time formulating a plan. He had found one. On one side, he had two races, manipulated by another, higher race to hate and fight each other, and on the other side, he had two highly powerful individuals, hell-bent on killing each other of their own accord. He had no intention on letting any party apart from the higher manipulators be destroyed. That was when the idea struck him. If he had a mouth, the figure would have smiled. It was time to take back the strings.

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                                            • Edited by Orn: 10/16/2016 2:41:38 PM
                                              [i][u]"...Be afraid."[/u][/i] [i][u]11:30 PM, Dojoville[/u][/i] [i]The clattering of running boots could be heard upon the stone road and sidewalk of one of the streets of Dojoville as a roguish figure sprinted throughout the city, their figure hidden away by the thick darkness that blanketed the land that night. The figure stood at about six foot one, a suit of armor engulfing his thin body as he ran for his very life; his very existence. The man came into the light of a streetlight, where his appearance was then immediately revealed. The man bore a suit of obsidian black armor, with skeletal parts decorating the chest plate disturbingly. A thick black fabric hood hod away his head, while a literal skull served as a mask for his young face. Resting within his left hand was a thick black sword, bloodied and jagged as if it had endured intense combat. One that wore armor like this..and had weaponry such as the sword..would be remarked as a Darkwraith, an ancient survivor of a forgotten land. This one was different. He did not wear this armor as a representation of what happened long ago, but as a servant to the darkness itself. The Abyss..[/i] [i]The Darkwraith's younger, slightly masculine breathing emitted from the skull mask itself, as an aura of darkness surrounded him slightly. Not like shadows surrounding his body, just the feeling of despair, of being alone, of facing death. That was the kind of aura that left his shoulders. After sprinting for quite a while, the warrior of darkness stopped for a bit, his right hand resting upon his armored knee as he bent his back, heavy breathing being heard from his location as if he was exhausted. He was running from something..but what, you may ask.. That "something" then revealed themselves to the world. The right foot or inch tall feminine figure suddenly sprinted out from the darkness, and into the lights that surrounded her and the Darkwraith. Her body was clad in a suit of armor, consisting of tattered and bloodied leather with steel kneecaps and a steel gauntlet on her left hand. A dark red cape protruded from her back, trailing behind her and riding on the wind as she sprinted towards her enemy. Her face was hidden away by a leather mask, while a steel pointed helm protruded from her head. Her right pupil was a dark, intimidating maroon, but her left..a blood red cybernetic eye, lighting up the darkness surrounding her and targeting the Darkwraith, who raised his thick sword and swung downwards at the woman.[/i] [i]In an instant, the left hand of the woman reached for her waist, and found itself grasping onto a hooked steel dagger. She immediately grasped it and raised it up, batting away the swore to the Darkwraith's surprise. In his immediate terror, the man fell over onto his back, his head banging across the ground as he did so. The woman stood over him, slamming her armored foot down upon his chest as she drew another weapon, one hidden behind her tattered red cape: a seven foot long thick greatsword, with two horns protruding from where the handle that was wrapped with thin leather met the steel blade of the weapon. Before the Darkwraith could raise his weapon once more, the woman swung downwards, the blade coming crashing down upon his arm. The man let out a bloodcurdling scream as his left arm was suddenly severed from his body, blood gushing out of his wound as his arm simply laid on the ground next to him. The woman sheathed the massive sword in her right hand, proceeding to do the same with her jagged dagger. She leaned down and grabbed the man by his armored throat, her maroon and cybernetic eye staring into the skeletal mask that hid away his face, before raising her left hand and slamming her knuckles into his head. The mask shattered into thin pieces, revealing a pale, blonde male in his mid-twenties, with an angular face, high cheekbones and thin lips. He slammed to the ground again, groaning in pain as he suddenly began speaking.[/i] "P-Please!! H-Have mercy, Watcher of the Abyss! I bring no harm to thee!" [i]The woman clearly didn't care for his begging. As he sat on the ground once more, she slammed her foot down once again on his chest, the sickening snapping of bones being heard as another scream escaped his throat. The woman leaned down, raising her right hand and sliding down her mask slowly, try steadily, to where only the man could see. Finally-she spoke two words, before her bloodlust took over. [/i] [i][u]"...Be afraid."[/u][/i] [i]In an instant, her teeth suddenly barred - sharpened, canine-like steel teeth, to be exact - and her head lunged towards the throat of the man like a wolf delivering the killing blow, the cybernetic jaws doing their work as she tore through muscle and flesh, shredding his vocal cords almost immediately. Out of her madness, she suddenly grasped the head belonging to the now dead man with only her left, and ripped it off of his body almost immediately. Now alone within the darkness, the woman's animalistic instinct took over as she began gnawing away at the very skull of the now dead Darkwraith, blood splattering across her face as she did so.[/i] ((Rather grotesque intro for Adeline, eh? Mind you, she killed the poor guy because he was a Darkwraith. Be careful, darkness users.))

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                                              • [b]Leone and One.[/b] It was the Afternoon, around 2:00PM. A tall man of slim build approached the Dojo gates. On his head is a serrated headpiece that acts as a headband. He keeps long, light hair, dividing into spikes that angle outwards or upwards at their ends. He wore a long, dark, lapelless overcoat with laces that cross his black shirt; dark pants, and black shoes. The buckle of his belt bears the silvery/golden insignia of the letter "A". "Hello? Anyone there?" Said the Man, looking at the bronze gate. He received no response, which got a disappointed look on him. "Fine. I'll enter my own way." A Humanoid with a powerful build and tall stature appeared besides the Man, standing around 2 heads taller. It is clad in tall headgear, part of a mask resembling a Corinthian Helmet; and armor like plates on many large surfaces on its body. Cables join the back of its head to its upper back. It also had pairs of short spikes protruding from its shoulders and ankles. It had multiple irides in its eyes with a ripple pattern. It had a green and white color scheme, The Skin green and Armor white. The Man walked towards his right, facing the wall. The taller figure walked in front of the shorter, quickly and rapidly it started to do a flurry of punches on it. The bricked wall started to break rather quickly, each strike either pounding the cemented brick right out or destroying it into multiple pieces until a suitable size was made into the wall for the Man to enter. Stepping over cracked and destroyed bricks the man quickly entered, along with the other figure. Then, the weirdest thing happened..a yellowish glow surrounded the bricks and they reformed, quickly flying into their original places upon the wall until it looked like nothing happened. The taller figure shimmered away and the edgier looking figure walked in front of the gate and made his way up the Dojo. [spoiler]Open. Introduction.[/spoiler]

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