originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i]
[b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b]
[spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear!
Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here:
NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP.
[b][i]Who we are[/i][/b]
RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great!
The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much).
[b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b]
[spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made.
The list of sensei’s are as follows:
Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS)
The God-Eater/Cob
Fresh Cazberry/Vio
And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs
[b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b]
[spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff!
[b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b]
[spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible.
In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this.
>Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply.
>Have a stanza dedicated to your attack.
If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply.
This way, you’ll never go wrong.
[b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b]
This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all)
Backstory for Characters
Property Creator
Writers Hub
Faction Creator
[b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b]
Physical Appearance
NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions.
[b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b]
Map of Tatakai:
Landscapes of Tatakai
Landmarks of Tatakai
Cities of Tatakai
[b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b]
[spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works!
Digital Dojo Thread:https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/819710/126982640
Digital Dojo Group: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/819710
[b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b]
[spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX
Royal: JustAStranger
Caz: PoisonousBerry
(Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]
[i]”The Second Dimension” (During the tourney and subsequent Trayven attacks, Dojo)[/i] Bored. And tired. And worried. And everything else in between. Velinnea Stoik, Mandalorian, Clone Commander, and 29 year old woman was currently resting upon a tree bored out of her mind. She wore her usual attire; a red shirt, under a red hoodie, black jeans, and boots. She hadn’t exactly been involved in any action both in the Dojo and out in the ever-shifting galaxy for months on end. And then she got one. In the form of herself. Unexpectedly. Vel’s quickly brushed her dark red hair away, as she looked toward...well herself. The only differences? A purple aura surrounded the Vel 2, and instead of the Mandalorian’s normal brown eyes, Vel 2 had yellow eyes. Immediately, Vel 2 cackled. “Ah; Strange. A dimension in which the virus hadn’t corrupted this place yet; almost like a dream for me.” Vel 2 says, as Vel got up, her blaster pistol aimed toward Vel 2. “Who the hell are you?” She asks, Vel 2 laughing. “Call me...your evolution.” Vel 2 has told Velinnea, before sprinting and throwing Velinnea’s pistol to the ground. ————————————— [i](A few minutes later..)[/i] Sounds of fighting could be heard, very obviously being quite brutal. It would’ve lead into the Woods. [spoiler]Open to everyone.[/spoiler]
[b][u]ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TOURNAMENT[/u][/b] [b]A few reminders before the fights begin for today.[/b] Right. So: - Healing factors will be [u]heavily scrutinized[/u] on the grounds of potential abuse. If any character has them, they will be expected to heavily limit them by having equal repercussions UNLESS the character's ability to heal is compensated by something else (ex. No armour). - Fighters should be reminded to NOT assume their attacks always landing / having the intended effect. - On the opposite end, it goes without saying that avoiding all forms of damage / serious damage without reason will be heavily scrutinized. OTHER REMINDERS WILL BE POSTED HERE IF NEED BE.
Can’t wake up in sweat ‘Cause it ain’t over yet Still dancing with your demons Victim of your own creation -Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare. Dojoville VR: Simulation (Craft) - Belltown Tuesday Mar. 15, 1864, 7:03 PM John “JT” Truman, Marshal His duster was coated in more dirt than normal, this time. Belltown was a cruel mistress and she intended to send a sandstorm through the town, forcing a coarse and gritty material through the small crevices of JT’s duster where they would rest, though the big issue for him was the fact that it obscured his vision, among other things. Whatever, he thought, he only needed to get into the nearby bar. But wait… Why? He didn’t even know, really, it was just some strange urge that was driving him into the tavern for him to fill his cup and spend his night with some sleazy waitress who couldn’t make enough in a night to buy herself a drink. JT cherished the thought, knowing it was usually him buying the rounds. Then out of the blue, a creature would find itself jumping onto the back of the Marshal, biting deep into his shoulder. The metallic flesh on his body tore like paper with the puncture, which prompted JT to reach back and grab the creature. His index finger and thumb dug an iron grip inside the eyes, where he pulled whatever was biting him off and in front of him via the space between its eyes. The thing was revealed then, a steel grey-furred would that stared down the cowboy with missing eyes. It lunged up, but JT grasped it by its neck and choked it into unconsciousness. More howls were behind him, though when he turned back to see what made the noise, it wasn’t a beast - It was something worse. A figure walked towards him, wrapped in rags of crimson and brown, with not a piece of flesh in sight. The tattered clothing blew in the sandstorm behind him, though the figure was eerily clear - From the revolvers on his hips to the oversized knife in his hand, and the lack of armour on his visage. It strutted through the sandstorm on its way to the armoured cowboy, who drew his revolver and took shots. The first fell in the figure’s chest and the second followed suit, though he kept walking forwards like nothing happened. One aimed for the head, which it passed through, though this time it drew blood. A seeping black colour, like the nanomachines of JT’s body. It reached for its back and pulled out a long, red bar with silver tips. JT recognized it was a magnet, and the blood running down its forehead and trailing down its cheeks started to solidify into drops of stiffened clusters, the nanomachines having condensed and moved into more of a liquidish state. JT could feel the nanites in his body do the same, each acting more like blood than a quick wound solvent like he usually had them being. The last three shots of his sidearm quickly rang out, this time aimed for the chest again, though each shot was simply swatted away by the green knife in the hand of the monstrosity - The one who had finally arrived to JT. The Marshal’s gun found its place in his holster as the bandaged man swung his blade for the throat of the cowboy, though he quickly brought the blade down halfway through its swing. JT had leaned back to avoid the initial movement though it found itself now cutting through his lower abdomen, leaving a searing red cut along him. JT quickly bursted forwards and delivered a savagely thrown punch to the jaw of the creature, who reared its head back in pain and stepped back. It lunged forwards as JT was returning to a combative stance, though he barely managed to extend a foot forwards and kick the chest of the strange figure, knocking him back a few feet. “Eyes up Marshal,” the figure coldly said to JT, catching the augged cowboy looking at the weapon he was no drawing. While JT reached down to the bowie knife at his own hip, the figure dashed forwards and made an attempt to slash across the arm of JT as it was on his hilt. The marshal quickly ripped his dagger from its slot and dragged it up across the bandaged man’s own, sending his arm flying into the air as he knocked it away. The figure spun in a circle and drew a second weapon from its back, driving it into JT’s chest as he came back around with the second knife. JT brought his weapon up to the chest of the BM, who pulled the dagger up JT’s chest and carved a path along his useless trachea and jawline. JT was dripping black onto the ground now, though he made one more move by grasping the throat of the bandaged figure and withdrew the knife from its chest, driving it instead up the bottom of his jawline and rooting it up into the creature’s brainless head. The bandages dissolved into nothingness as the figure dropped its weapons, and JT’s Nanocyte wisped away with the sandstorm. It subsided and JT would feel his wounds slowly fade, all the while he waited on another challenger. ((Open))
There was a bit of trouble in Dojoville. The dead were rising, and rather than causing havoc, biting people, and turning society into yet another bad video game or movie trying to rip off the Walking Dead, they were doing something a bit more... American. The army of walking skeletons, held together by some sort of rooty black stuff were wandering the city. They bustled into banks, sending the customers screaming away, after which they politely took out some cash. After that they made for the various gun stores, bars, and movie theaters, trying to buy guns of any and all shapes and types (and getting shot at a bit), get a beer, or enjoy the seven billionth superhero movie this year. Havoc naturally ensues.
[u]Dojo Mountain, 10:42 AM[/u] [spoiler]Open to all.[/spoiler] [i]Thunk.[/i] "Earon." [i]The arrow had slammed into the straw dummy's chest, ripping through it's base like a dagger would tear through the flesh of it's unfortunate victim, the head of the object ripping through the fabric and protruding from the back.[/i] [i]Thunk.[/i] "Morrison." [i]The second arrow had slammed into the dummy's neck, this time, piercing what would have been the Adam's apple on a masculine being. It mimicked the killing of Antinous, struck in the neck by an arrow strung by the Greek hero Odysseus, or Ulysses, whatever one would call him.[/i] [i]Thunk.[/i] "Marisa." [i]The final arrow struck the chest of the dummy for a second time, though it would be angled, now aimed and hitting the target's "heart" - upon a real person, a shot that was near impossible to make if one was moving, yet a kill nonetheless.[/i] [i]Orion would sigh, setting down his bow as he straightened out his outfit, setting aside his quiver once he had collected his three fired arrows. There was a certain simplicity within the young man, of which had taken to a plain white tunic of a shirt and baggy, light tan pants, with the only odd features being the visible scrapes upon his arms and his long, shining silver hair, of which had been carefully adjusted and tied into a ponytail - it looked like a patch of quills, if anything though. An oddity.[/i] [i]Earon, Morrison, Marisa. Anyone that had been watching could point out the names, and question the backstory behind them. Orion would initially refuse them, unless he knew them a little.[/i] [i]For now, he had begun to string his bow back and fire upon a round target. Every time that the arrows missed the line that would surround the center - an awfully small spot - Orion sighed, nodded, and simply kept pulling back and letting loose. Each motion was still, motionless, and calm, and it remained so until the young man released. Then, he would wait a few seconds on purpose, to hear that *thunk* noise as the arrow punched through the target, before lowering his bow.[/i] [i]Over and over. Over and over.[/i]
Edited by Splashback77: 1/22/2018 11:49:18 PM[b][u]Pieces of Broken Memories[/u][/b] [quote]How'd you get so far away from me? How'd you get so far away from me? How'd you get so far? How'd you get so far away?[/quote]--Fotress by Joni Fatora and Illenium [i]Dojo Woods, 00:00[/i] Sarah Grey was alone in the forest. She looked like she alone at fist glance. She appeared to be dancing, with an invisible partner. As you approach her, you see a clone of Solar Light. It had the likeness of a Hunter. The two continued to dance like they were ballroom dancing. Coldplay was playing as they danced. Sarah spun around. She returned to her partner, and the light clone dipped her, then pulled her close. She leaned in, trying to kiss it, but it disappeared. She summoned another light clone of the same Hunter, the song changing to [i]Fotress[/i] by Joni Fatora. They continued to dance. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]
Edited by Stitch: 12/1/2017 10:19:14 PM[spoiler]Up above is Lyn because I'm too lazy to describe her atm. This whole post was lost so this post will be lazy and short now since f*ck rewriting the long thing I had before.[/spoiler] =====Monster Hunting===== Lyn stood on the outskirts of Dojoville, accompanied by Artemis. Artemis was a low twenties looking girl with black wolf ears and a fluffy tail. Her eyes were a dazzling blue in contrast to her dark black hair that rested on her shoulders. She had on a black sports bra and short running shorts, showing off her large six-pack. The girl had a rather muscular build for a 5'8" female. On her waist one would see what looked like the hilt of a lightsaber and on her back a bow with a quiver full of arrows. The two were set out to go hunting monsters and had set up posters all around, getting the word out that they'd be willing to have someone come along if they wanted. In the poster there was something about how if someone came along that they'd be able to take all the profit if they wanted. [spoiler]Open. Wish this was longer, but of course not....It just had to be deleted.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Celtic Isles, afternoon[/i][/b] [i][b]While not fighting in the tourney himself, Angelo had decided to come along and watch, keep an eye out for any rogue witches, and maybe see if there was anyone he could chat up for a drink or a night. He wore his standard apparel, dark brown looser fitting pants, a white button up with the sleeves rolled and black boots underneath for support, he had found managed to garner a crowd.[/b][/i] [b][i]Angelo, as dumb as it was, had always had an interest in stage magic. Over the years, he had become proficient at it himself. Card tricks, sleight of hand, all of it. His favourite though, was to play with fire. He held a torch in his hand as he moved back and forth on a slightly raised surface, his impromptu stage, in front of the crowd.[/i][/b] "Fire has always been something humans have been afraid of. Then again, so have heights and such but that hasn't stopped us from doing stupid stuff with them now has it? [b][i]He said jokingly, garnering a few laughs from the crowd. He continued[/i][/b] "The same goes for fire. The idea of fire resistance and of playing with this deadly item it an idea as old as fire itself. It game us light, it gave us warmth, but now it gives us entertainment." [b][i]He said, moving the torch along each arm, somehow not burning himself. It was pretty much invisible to the human eye, but there was a coating on his arms that made them fireproof.[/i][/b] "We created myths and legends about it, from the damned pits of hell being filled with it, to holy fire saving those who faced great evils. We thought up dragons, creatures that could breathe founts of flame to roast men in armour like pigs." [b][i]He said, taking a sip of a water bottle. Inside it was a type of alcohol used for fire breathing, but again it would look just like water. He blew it out in a fine mist infront of him and up above the crowd at the torch, seeming to blow a gout of flames from his own mouth as he moved the torch away in the last few seconds. The crowd was enticed at this point.[/i][/b] "We have even equated fire to our own lives, put it inside of ourselves to show the spark of life, the fire of passion that makes each and every one of us unique." [b][i]He said, taking a wider stance as he looked up, lowering the head of the torch I to his mouth. He wasn't so much eating the fire as extinguishing it in his mouth, but those on the outside wouldn't notice the difference. The head went in his mouth, as he closed his lips round it to cut off the air flow, blowing up a bit to put it out. When he would take it out, the fire would be gone.[/i][/b] [i][b]He looked to be coughing for a six as he held up a finger, people looking a little worried as he looked up, opening his mouth a bit as smoke came out, as he laughed a bit, the crowd applauding as he bowed off. He stepped off the raised area, charging with people before heading to a nearby outdoor bar, where he had been performing, to grab a drink[/b][/i] [spoiler]open![/spoiler]
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 11/29/2017 2:52:39 AM[b]A Fight in the Moonlight[/b] [i]It was a calm cloudless night as stars filled the sky as the moon was high in the sky shining down on everything in the dojo and in the surrounding areas. Not very many creatures would be out unless they were nocturnal. In the woods something could be seen on the prowl hunting something but what was unclear exactly. The one that was hunting though was a fairly large solid black wolf with glowing red eyes that shined clearly in the night. This wolf was far bigger than a normal one. It would unusual to some if they never had encountered this she wolf before but she actually pretty tame despite being a wild animal. This was aiyanna a black shuck. It was fairly quiet as it could be seen stalking its prey. This was not your normal prey however as it had caught the scent something unusual not typically a deer. But something much more sinister in nature that could lay down a lot of hurt. If one wasn't to careful about approaching it. But where the led was far from being a friendly place. It wasn't long before aiyanna found it. It was a good seven feet tall with coarse wirey grey fur. It's face wasn't visible at all as could clearly seen sitting hunched over making loud crunching noises as she could see it eating something but what exactly was unknown. It could be heard making a very loud growling noise as it continues to eat. It was clearly ignores her but it knows she is there as it's very long ears swivel in her direction. She had slunk back some while still compilating on if she should even bother attacking a creature this big on her own. But she did not get chance to decide as it rose up suddenly to face her. It looked a lot like a werewolf but it clearly wasn't as it was much too big and it had no wolf like traits at all. But had very long claws that looked like they could tear her wide open as she backs up growling at something this wolf would hardly ever do as it lunged at her swinging its huge claws at her trying to get her as she just jumps back more as her instincts tell her to run. Which she does before getting hit with its sharp claws along her back causing aiyanna to let out awfully loud series of yelps as she books with it hot on the wolfs heels as she now bleeding from four large dig marks along her back. As she runs leaving a trail of blood as she heads back towards the dojo with it following her until it leaps onto her back biting down causing her to yelp even more as tries to break free.[/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]
Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 11/28/2017 7:18:07 PM[u]Prototypes[/u] [spoiler]this is a continuation of Ama's investor stuff. So far two people can actually claim her projects.[/spoiler] With one investor assured and another on their way for her to get a better look at who she would be funding, Ama decided it was a good idea to make a demonstration model to show her work. She took inspiration from Titans and her past work to throw together a fairly well made prototype though for the safety of nearby residence, she had opted to not add the firing mechanisms while she was still behind dojo walls. Ama decided with investors she had to at least attempt to look professional for once. She picked up a pair of slacks, a plain dark grey sweater, and a lab coat for any meetings she might have. The coat was a little baggy on her frame but it fit well enough to pass by her standards. Her lab door was left unlocked for once as she sat back writing the last of the code for programming her new machine. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
=========First Day at the Job========== “Okay….Hello? I’m Lyndis...your boss?” Lyn, the green haired warrior, stood before a large crowd, wearing her armour as she usually did. She had brought them altogether so that she may see all the people working for her and get a better grasp at what she now owned. Lyn was standing on a large stage in an auditorium large enough to fit the huge amount of people. “Umm….I suck at talking, sorry. I don’t even know where to start honestly...I should’ve written something down, huh?” She paused, awkward silence looming over the room as she sighed. Lyn’s knees felt a little weak and her stomach felt all tingly. “I uhh…” The girl tried to keep her eyes up at the crowd, but found herself constantly gazing back at the floor. “I’m going to try my best to lead you. I know I may not seem to have the b-best uhh...speaking skills when it umm...comes to uhh crowds, but I….” Lyn attempted to clear her throat as it felt like she was choking, breathing becoming increasingly difficult. “I-I...uhh…” Her hands started to shake noticeably as she took another pause, her body shaking only a few moments after her hands started. “Umm…” Lyn sprinted off the stage and away from the view of the crowd of people before throwing up onto the ground. Her knees buckled and she fell onto them. She was hyperventilating, eyes wide and full of fear. [spoiler]Open....but mostly for Pants....[/spoiler]
I finally found this place again! Somebody bump this just so I can get back here easily.
A wind out of season blew in to the Dojo. First it bowed at the gates blowing northwards, then offered a cordial but callous and cold formal greeting to its counterpart from the west, offered a heartfelt and terrified courtly bow and kiss on the north wind’s queen’s ring, and at last blew in from the east, for that is the direction of beginnings. It ruffled through the town, warm and wild, smelling of grass growing, of cherry blossoms, budding flowers, fresh rain and trees being woken up from their night’s sleep and putting on their clothes. It rumbled a little bit, and flash-stepped up to the gates of the Dojo like a soft bit of storm before it decided to put on its face and introduce its student. The wind blew together into a tall, fair man with blond hair and emerald eyes, wearing a green suit and pants over a storm-black-blue vest, with a young leaf pinned on his breast with an acorn pin that was just beginning to crack open. He smiled, and his eyes smiled too while he pulled a silver oaken, or maybe actual silver, or perhaps something far rarer and more interesting out of nowhere and set it before him as he walked in. Trailing after him, somewhere between a doe following its mother and a lioness awaiting the commands of her maned king, was a young, slight woman. She was small and thin, almost sickly, leaning on a greenwood hawthorn staff wrapped in vines. Her hair was a fiery true red, the color of a dawn that sailors quake at. Her eyes were eerily close to the man’s, with only a touch of hazel separating them. She was clad in a red dress that matched her hair, and a green trench coat over it that looked as though it had been set upon, repeatedly, by a madman obsessed with creating pockets, for they covered every inch of the thing, exterior and interior, each one with something in it, and all sealed with an acorn button. The man said something to the woman, and one went one way, and the other went the other. [spoiler]Character intro. Specify in a spoiler who you want to talk to. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]y'all I dunno the state of Dojoville since it was blown up and shit a few times so I'm gonna improvise[/spoiler] [b][u]Dojoville, Some Random Bar. 14:00 PM.[/u][/b] [i]It was a little past the middle of the day, the sun shining brightly even in the winter, bathing the streets of Dojoville in its warm yellow light, the bright blue sky sparsely dotted with clouds. The frosty weather nipped at exposed skin, leaving the streets almost completely barren and empty, most people hidden inside their cozy homes and comfy beds, warm and pleasant. As such, the otherwise bustling bars, taverns, and other similar places were the exact opposite of busy, only the most faithful customers there and present... along with a few more interesting individuals, most of which had little more than ill intent. It was in one such bars that the main focus of this post took place, a small gathering of interesting individuals seated around a circular table in the middle of the main room, all four of the wooden seats occupied. The table and its chairs was rustic, crafted from fine oak wood, giving a slight polish to protect against scratches and give it some shine. The room itself was much the same, just about everything made from wood, leaving the tavern with a look that suggested it was ripped straight from the Middle Ages, or something. The other tables were circular as well, each accompanied by exactly four chairs, while the two corners next to the door were filled with L-shaped booths of sorts, the couch-like seats given some red velvet padding of soft cloth, the seats paired with tables that fitted. As far as the more miscellaneous things went, there was a counter on the opposite side of the door, "walling" the place with the booze and the food off from the drunkards, though it was currently left unattended, the tender likely in the backroom. The individuals around the middle table were all far, far less interesting than the fine furniture of the tavern, consisting of three males and only one lady, whose back was facing the door, almost as if for a quick getaway. She was dressed in a cloth, gunmetal grey trench coat, the front of which was let open to show a piece of midnight black harness-like protection wear, the thing like a Kevlar vest but far sleeker, even as it hugged the woman's chest very nicely, the metal given a little rounding. It was likely made out of some metal weave, while her arms were seemingly unprotected, covered by the sleeves of her coat, hands dressed in black fingerless gloves that showed healthy tan skin and well-kept nails. On her legs, she had a pair of pencil grey jeans, with underneath, some black military boots, the right impatiently tapping on the wooden flooring. And, well, her head... it was covered by a helmet that was similar to the harness she wore on her torso, black and made from some sort of sleek metal, stylized like an ancient Barbuta helmet, the visor filled with golden one-way glass, leaving the whole piece of headwear completely expressionless and even emotionless. The men that accompanied the nameless, faceless woman were all dressed in fine, pencil grey suits, wearing polished black dress shoes on their feet, though the barbarians didn't even wear ties. Their faces were all generic and lame, handsome with slight facial hair and slicked back hair, black and blonde, and very much lame. They were uninteresting and only there to get harmed, or whatever.[/i] "So," [i]The woman spoke, her voice lightly distorted by a very slight static tone, though it was undeniably feminine, warm, and lovely to listen to, like a gentle breeze in the middle of a day in summer,[/i] "I take it y'all're goin' with the deal?" [i]When the three men nodded in unison, the lady pulled a chrome briefcase from beneath the table, the digits on her right hand firmly wrapped around the black grip. She plopped it down, sliding it to the middle of the circular surface, wearily watching the men, who were all eagerly eyeing it.[/i] "It's all in here. I'd like it if y'all would abstain from opening it until I'm out of here, though, for entirely private reasons." [i]Of course, since it wouldn't be any other way, one of the males took it upon himself to see exactly what was inside, pulling it over to him with a curious-yet-confused face, thumbs elegantly flicking the little clasps off, before opening the suitcase, revealing what was inside. When he did, just about everyone froze, except for the nameless woman, who just groaned in annoyance. Within the metal-framed case was a whole lot of wiring and other fancy, technical stuff, a keypad with the numbers 0 to 9 on the very left, with above it, a digital clock that was at 02:27 exactly, counting down by the second, while below the keypad, a single red button sat. Dominating the rest of the suitcase's inside were whole packets of explosives, neatly held in place. A bomb. Of course.[/i] "Goddammit, you goooooons..." [i]She made a dramatic sigh, her right hand darting out to the time bomb, tip of her thumb booping the red button, followed by the 5, followed by the button again, the clock going empty before flashing with 00:05.[/i] [b]"Yo! What the fuсk?!"[/b] "Sorry babe." [i]In those four remaining seconds, she tipped her seat backwards, rolling in the same direction once it hit the floor with a harsh crash, deftly landing on her feet. She turned on her heels with a half-assed wave of her hand, her boots skidding over the wooden floor. 2. She made a mad dash towards the door, right shoulder aimed at it as she prepared to ram through it. 1. She made contact, her speed and weight crashing into the door, snapping the lock and causing it to fall open. The missus fell with it, so suddenly turned around when it shot open, making her stumble back. 0. The bomb exploded with three rapid beeps mid-fall, the blast knocking her flat on her back and sending her onto the street a good meter or two. She was perfectly fine, however, even as the tavern was torn apart by a fiery inferno and a whole fuсkton of force, the three men in suits very much dead. Then, a large piece of shrapnel very unceremoniously dug into the front of her viso, hitting with a thud, sending a jolt through her body before she went limp.[/i] "Mmmmmmmmoooother[i]fuсker[/i]!" [i]She exclaimed after a good few seconds of silence and limp-ness, her voice cracking the silence that had managed to set in... no, wait, her ears were still blown out, leaving her deaf for the moment.[/i] "Fffffffuсking hellllllllll, Gods, oh Christ! Shrapnel huuuurts!" [i]She squirmed around in agony, twisting and turning as her hands wildly grasped at the piece of jagged metal that was embedded into her helmet. Her ten fingers wrapped around it, the edges digging into her flesh and her skin, blood dripping onto the front of her helm with soft little thuds, and yet, with a mighty yank, it came out, sent flying to the sidewalk, the piece that had been stuck thickly coated in blood.[/i] "GODS! Fuсking, fuсk, good Christ, ohhhhh FUСKING HELL!" [i]She squirmed some more, rolling over to her front in her wild flailing, blood dribbling out from the hole in her visor, the "glass" cracked rather thoroughly. Then, the woman went limp again, the trickle of crimson slowing down, only to stop completely. She groaned quietly, swearing underneath her breath, rolling back onto her... well, back, only to find herself surrounded by people. When her hearing returned, she found out they were bombarding her with worries, asking if she was okay or whatever. She didn't really care, waving them off with a gesture of her bloody hands and a quick, rude, and very brash "fuсk off already" until she was bothered no more. She grunted as she rose to her feet, her hands soon... no longer dripping blood as she slid them into the pockets of her trench coat.[/i] [spoiler]open y'all[/spoiler]
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 11/28/2017 3:47:02 AM[u]Chapter Three[/u] [u]The Siege for Khalosh[/u] [spoiler]Closed.[/spoiler] [i]Fire.[/i] [i]Flames darted across the broken city, the wild wrath of the terrible substance raging throughout the buildings and the streets in a flurry of chaotic destruction. A white miasma had spread across Khalosh and beyond, coating the city and rendering it null: guns, magic, technology.. all locked into place, or taken down. Trampling throughout the streets were cavalrymen and soldiers, pulling up the citizens, and subduing those whom came in their path.[/i] [i]All except for those golden lions.[/i] [i]Men and women, in separate uniforms of purple or white, clashed against each other with swords of steel and iron, or edged axes, or whatever they could find. Khalosh ran red with the blood of the fallen, as hours passed without an end to the ringing of metal and the clashing of blows. Soldier against soldier, warrior against warrior - those whom would call themselves the servants of the people and justice against the purple and gold lions of Trayve.[/i] [i]The clattering of hooves filled the air, as another cavalry horse would enter the fray. Only.. it's armoring was gilded with ornament and light gold, it's steel plating befitting of a member of a heavier cavalry, not one for maneuvering through the burning Khalosh. It's rider was adorned in the armoring of a knight, his magnificent purple shawl flying against ash and the wind, the previously shining steel of his armoring now an ashen black color. In his hands was a longsword, corrupted by something more than himself as black and red veins ran throughout the center, up from the guard to the tip - yet perfect, seemingly crafted for his hand.[/i] [i]How many had he killed? How many had he ended? How fanatical were they?[/i] [i]The knight was suddenly forced to depart as his horse whined in agony, as a woman from below had stuck it's underbelly with a spear before she was trampled by the horse's might. The polearm ripped through flesh, a shower of blood trailing from the steed as it skidded across the ground, the knight forced to depart. He clashed against the ground, groaning before rising and finding himself surrounded by the men and women in white..[/i] "Damned murderer!" "You will pay, lion!" "Here is their prince, oh terrible Arthur!" [i]Arthur Trayven wouldn't speak or deny their claims and would have attacked, had a pommel not slammed against his head, knocking him out in a single blow.[/i] --------------------------------- [i]Two days later..[/i] [spoiler]Open to all. Replying to this will allow you to participate in the siege. ASSIGNED ROLES: [b]Vanguard[/b] JT (JT, lol) Star (Cthulhu) Cain Coldbourne (Pants) Eddie Tobias (Ginger) Issac (Frog) These characters will be handling the front lines for some time. I would ask that you use characters that are good on offense or defense, you'll be ripping through the enemy for a bit. Isabella Trayven (The one and Orny) [b]Assault[/b] Freya/Trayven Reinforcements (It-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) Alric/Dojo Warriors (Royal) Gilliam/Imperium (Emperino) Athena (Valkyries) These characters are leading their select factions throughout the fighting and taking key zones. Factions aren't required, but you will get outnumbered and killed if you play stupid. [b]Assassins/High-Priority Target Eliminators[/b] Traci (Cthulhu) There are a select number of Tribune individuals that need to be wiped out in this siege to truly call it successful, lol. These individuals are on the scale of mini-bosses, so be careful. [b]Pending[/b] Amanda (Jen) Rose (Jen) Natalie (JT) Lilly (Pants) [/spoiler] [spoiler]Signups end on Thursday night, Central Time. So roughly eight for me.[/spoiler] "Khalosh. They're in Khalosh.." [i]Freya murmured to herself, sighing as she studied the message sent to her by a scout. The Trayvens, or roughly half of them, had moved out of the Dojo, now packing an additional dome around the large-scale convoy that they had taken onwards to Ollimand. She had succeeded in guessing where the Tribune's forces were..[/i] [i]Now she needed either more support, or confirmation from a few individuals.[/i]
“Ah, Jesus Christ, -blam!- this goddamn bullshit.” [i]A random signal was broadcasting on certain channels. Someone hoping it is heard. The sound was staticky, gunfire and demonic screams were heard in the background. [/i] “Ok, if anyone is hearing this, listen, .........” [i]The signal cuts to static, only few words can be heard.[/i] “Da—it, t—- ab-ol— bu—shit.” [i]The signal was getting worse. Whoever was broadcasting the signal, they were struggling to keep it alive. [/i] [i]However, once again, the signal was clear. The man rushed to get his message out. He was out of breath, but the gunfire continued to be heard.[/i] “Ok, I don’t know how long this will last. But if you hear this, help, me. I’m trapped in this bullshit hellhole, and I need an out. If you find my ship, the signal can get better, and I can help you help me. If you can, respond that you hear, so I know to keep finding a better spot. Just, ahh, the signal is dying, just, the ship is near the moun—” [i]The signal was dead again. Whoever broadcasted it, he needed help. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 11/26/2017 9:01:26 PM[b][u]FALSE[/u][/b] “He’s didn’t come?! Oh you gotta be Fu[i]c[/i]king...AGH. FINE! GET THE COLOSSUS!” As 13B appeared in the arena, she saw the blank canvas that it was. Suddenly Haakon spoke. “Well! Sorry to tell you, but it looks like your foe pussied out! Good news however, we have something for you!” The sky suddenly became dark with thunder clouds, and the woman felt her body being propelled up as a massive plateau miles long rose from underneath her. It went high up into the sky, and lightning struck all around it. As the thunder clouds then parted a massive shadow appeared in front of her, before a ginormous entity crashed in front of her, sending her back. As she looked up, she saw a massive creature in front of her. [i]It had stone armor with thick carvings over wooly fur across its body.[/i] the stone coated the legs, some of the arms, it’s entire torso and it’s face. It’s arms were lanky, and it’s hands touched the ground. It’s pillar shaped head bore two small blue eyes that gleamed at the woman. The top of its head glowed blue, and she saw [i]a rune carved on top[/i] “Defeat the colossus “YAKAWA.” Best of luck now! FIGHT!” [spoiler]you have five days to defeat the colossus. Let’s do this. [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[u][i][b]Buy a Gun Already![/b][/i][/u] [u][i]Dojo Gates, 1500 Hours[/i][/u] [i]Well apart from whatever chaos happens in the dojo, it is relatively peaceful from the outside to say the least. The scent of freshly cut grass, birds chirping, defense turrets holding position, ready to fire at any potential threat. Not that they were needed; many Dojo members would be willing to fight whatever comes out. But today won't exactly be a time for fighting. At least not to the midget pulling a strange cart behind him, a small airplane-shaped drone-robot following him. The midget was breathing heavily, as the trip to the dojo probably took a toll on him. Sighing, he gets to the gates, and starts opening up the cart. The cart, folded, was about eight feet by six feet by four feet, however as it unfolds it reveals a white tarp covering, extended counter space, a cash register, the like so it became twenty feet by sixteen feet by nine feet, in total. The midget hums to himself as he takes a strange stick out. The stick is yellow and white, about ten inches long. Pointing it under the counter, it seems to teleport multiple strange machine components, their uses unknown. On a rack behind him, he does the same to reveal many types of guns, grenades, none look exactly alike. Happily humming to himself under his mask, he turns the closed sign to it's open side[/i] -
[b][u]LET THE FIGHTING BEGIN![/u][/b] Fireworks shot off the coliseum as a light snow began to fall from the puffy white sky of the Celtic isles. The arenas lights flashed and changed colours as trumpets and drums bellowed across the city. Citizens from all over the world pooled into the arena, taking their seats as the looked at the white grid made arena. The grid, likely, would change into some form of arena where two warriors would fight. Those who had been in previous tournaments knew this. The dojo fighters gathered below the arena, each treated to a hotel like suite. In these rooms there was a large bed for resting, nightstands and a TV. However I’m each corner, a black and blue lit chair sat. That was their Sim-chair. It was for the majority who would fight using their sim, but for those who wouldn’t it was but a fine decor piece. They could hear the cheering of the crowd from here. They were excited. The fighters knew now, that they would have to give the crowd something to remember. [spoiler]fights are coming up today. [/spoiler]
[b][u]CAZ VS SPACE MOM[/u][/b] Amanda was constructed into the white canvas of an arena. As she looked around she spotted Cammy, who had just been constructed as well. Then, a holographic slot machine projected itself in the sky, and began to roll. It rolled images of... Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!!! Oh? No? Okay never mind. Anyways as the two foes stood where they were, they felt their feet leave the ground. Suddenly a large glass box popped up around them and outside the box...was the endless void of space. Zero gravity fight...oh man. Then, Haakon spoke. “THREE! TWO! ONE! FIGHT!” [spoiler] -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler]
[b][u]Roy VS Hak[/u][/b] Nathanial was constructed into the white canvas of an arena. As he looked around he spotted Ivan, who had just been constructed as well. Then, a holographic slot machine projected itself in the sky, and began to roll. It rolled images of a snowy mountain, and as the to foes stood where they were, the entire arena transformed into A narrow mountain pass. Jagged rocks jutted our from the walls, approx Ten feet apart. A massive blizzard cut across the sky above them, and they could feel their ears pop from the higher pressure. Then, Haakon spoke. “THREE! TWO! ONE! FIGHT!” [spoiler] -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler]
[b][u]ATOM VS CTHULU[/u][/b] Dale was constructed into the white canvas of an arena. As he looked around he spotted Bedlam, who had just been constructed as well. Then, a holographic slot machine projected itself in the sky, and began to roll. It rolled images of the dunes of a desert, and as the two foes stood where they were, the entire arena transformed into sand beneath their feet and massive sand dunes rose up around them, stretching as far as they could see. The beating heat was terrible and both combatants already began to sweat. Then, Haakon spoke. “THREE! TWO! ONE! FIGHT!” [spoiler] -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler]