originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
I'm just wandering, seeing if I can help out the villages around here.
*He notices your limp and seems a little more concerned*
You're hurt. You need help, if you'd let me administer it
"Heh," [i]She said, shaking her head. She'd pulled plenty of stunts like this one in her previous years of crime, with her partner, Works, and has suffered much worse than few measly second degree burns and torn skin. What she [/i]was [i]worried about, however, was the infections, which would put her out of action for weeks. She continued on her limp towards the village, blood trailing behind her.[/i] "No thanks," [i]She said, her golden-bronze eyes never leaving her destination. Her breathing was labored, and her throat was parched, her mouth dry.[/i]
Bramd - old
Alright then... *Mortar watches her carefully, following her to the village. A weakened warrior would make a great kill if bandits get a hold of her*