originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
jesus christ i was almost done with this post last night before I fell asleep and it got DELETED!! for NO REASON!! *rage mode activated* *starts destroying everything* *accidentally blows the universe up*
[b]The Shi Canyon
1200 hours[/b]
[i]The noon sun beat down relentlessly on the arid, scorching, massive ravine known as the Shi Canyon. A blistering wind blew from the west, sending the dry sand scattered around the rocky terrain airborne. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and nothing to provide any shade for the inhabitants of Shi Canyon. The heat was almost unbearable; however in the canyon itself, a lone train continued along its regular path, and villagers in the distant town a few miles ahead of the train were yelling, shouting, and preparing for some sort of attack. Occasionally, rocks crumbled from the canyon's cliffs, slamming into the ground with loud thumps. The train itself had about 15 carts trailing behind it, with storage carts in the back and carts with open doors near the front. The ones with open doors were empty, aside from the fact that there were seven to ten bandits in each one of them. They were preparing to raid the village ahead of them, which explained the villager's actions.
Unaware to the bandit train about half a mile behind her, a woman, in her early twenties, trekked through the arid canyon. She was used to heat, however her forehead was beaded with perspiration. Her golden-bronze eyes squinted in the glaring sunlight, and her long, waist length, bright red hair was drenched with sweat, doing nothing to help cool down the woman in the blistering heat. She was about five feet six, and wore a loose, sleeveless red shirt, with black, skinny jeans, which ended halfway between her knees and ankles. All her clothes were drenched with sweat as well, and her black boots were covered with sand and dust. She had a slight tan, but it wasn't enough to show that she was used to this amount of sunlight. On each of her hands was a silver gauntlet, MK XII FireWork Gauntlets, to be precise. They reflected and shined in the glaring sunlight, and were just as covered in sand and dust as her boots were.
Soon, the train whistled by her from her left, and the woman turned her head towards it. She didn't know it was a bandit train, so she extended her left arm, grabbing one of the open car's handle. Jumping into the train, she landed with a loud "thump" into a crouch. As she stood up, she looked around the car, only to find that there were seven, tall men and women, each at least six feet tall. There were four men, and three women, and all had various deadly weaponry equipped. Knives, swords, pistols. Whistling, the red-haired woman raised her gauntleted hands in front of her self, and two, two feet scimitars extend from the top of the gauntlets, one scimitar for each metal covered glove. Before the bandits could draw their pistols, she had rolled towards one, stabbing her left scimitar into his gut. When the blade came into contact with the bandit's blood, the chemicals constantly coated on the blades began exploding into fireworks, a beautiful yet deadly spectacle of colors, which didn't affect the woman using them, however her opponent was covered in hundreds of burns and flesh was torn off. Spinning around just as the other bandits were opening fire, she raised the dead bandit's body as a meat shield, which took all the bandit's bullets. Raising her left gauntlet, while the right continued to clutch her meat shield, she extended her left hand to point her palm at the bandit directly to the left of the one she had just eliminated. A small, one centimeter long barrel extended from the palm, and fired a single firework missile in the female bandit's direction, which struck her right in the chest. Another explosion of bright colors, and the bandit fell to the ground, their chest blown out, and the bandit besides her suffered major burns as well, tumbling out of the open car door. Dropping the body, the red haired woman raised both her gauntlets palms towards the four remaining bandits, a barrel extending from her right palm, the same length as the other one. The bandits, stunned by the firework show, held their guns shakily, and opened fire on the woman. However their shaky grips on their pistols made for worsened aim; most of their shots missed, while the rest the woman was able to barely block with her scimitars. She made a mad dash for the other side of the cart, causing the bandits to miss even more, and kicked off the wall behind them, spinning a three-sixty mid air as she extended her arms so the two scimitars would cut through their respective opponents. While the blades didn't make too much of a deep cut in the bandit's necks, the resulting fireworks completely blew their heads off, sending a shower of crimson red blood, as well as beautiful sparks of color. The woman landed on the car's floor, and didn't even need to do anything before the remaining two bandits jumped out of the car, running for their lives. Running to one of the car doors, the woman looked out, seeing that they were still a mile from the village. Grabbing ahold of the car's roof, she hurled herself up on top of the car, and gripped the car tightly. Slowly standing, the woman began sprint towards the front of the train, to where the conductor would be. Her footfalls were heavy, her boots getting a good grip on the roof of the train cars. She soon reached the front of the train, and hurled herself through the window, smashing the windows so she stood right besides the conductor. Having long retracted the blades into her gauntlets, she slammed a metal-coated fist into the back of the conductor's head, knocking him unconscious. Aiming her palms at the fuel tanks full of the gasoline required to drive the train, the fingertips of the gauntlets uncapped, revealing ten, miniature flamethrowers, one on each finger. A second later, and flames spewed from her fingertips, onto the gasoline tanks, and the resulting explosion was a wonderful yet frightening sight to see. The entire head of the train was blown to bits, and the cars behind were moving only due to momentum, which they soon lost and came to a standstill. 40 yards away was the woman, lying on the ground, major burns all over her body. She had jumped out of the train just before it had been blown to bits, but that didn't save her from the burns. She simply lay there, gasping for air as she stared at the bright blue heavens.[/i]
Open, because Fire gave me this character
Damn. [b]Garin stands beside you, just out of your view.[/b] What are you doing all the way out here? [b]Instead of his usual outfit, he wears a tight black shirt, and black combat pants. Along with his sword and revolver, he has a sawed-off shotgun.[/b] Well?
[i]The woman opened her golden-bronze eyes, turning to look at Garin. Her skin and clothing were caked with blood, deep gashes in her back from the jump, and where her skin was scorched off from the 2nd degree burns all over her body. Her first assumption was that the man was a bandit, here to finish her off along with the village ahead of her. Shakily getting to her feet, she raised her right arm, pointing the barrel in her gauntlet's palm at Garin.[/i] "None of your concern," [i]She grunted, her warm eyes narrowed in suspicion.[/i] "Who are you, what're you doing here?"
Hmph. Rude. [b]He bows.[/b] Garin Fohrik, at your service. [b]As he comes back up, he slightly pushes her gauntlet down.[/b] The real question is, however, what are [i]you [/i] doing here?
[spoiler]Mind if I take it from here?[/spoiler] [i]The Train wobbled and tipped on the cliff side tracks. The 3 mile drop seeming to beckon the trains presence. As it continued to wobble and tip, bandits and mob members jump from the carts and on to the tracks. Two dozen at the least. The train hits a sharp turn, but this causes enough stress to throw it off the side of the tracks, sending the back of the carts flying upwards, still attached to their hinges. The back cart almost meets the front before the train is sent flying off, and into the canyon below. The smell of burning marijuana and Cocaine fills the air, reaching Yang-*cough!*-The woman. But what also is reaching her...is the sound of many. MANY. Angry bandits running her way.[/i]
"This'll be fun," [i]The woman who is not based off RWBY grunted, shakily standing up. Blood caked her shirt and jeans, from both large gashes in her skin as a result of jumping out of a moving train during an explosion, as well as where various areas of her skin were scorched off. Fighting through the pain, she eyed the bandits charging at her, taking a deep breath to slow her beating heart. Now was the time to focus, and everything she did counted. Raising her arms, she pointed her palms towards the mob of bandits, and opened fire, sending four firework missiles their way. The velocity of the fireworks were slower than that of a bullet, however fast enough that dodging it would be more of a challenge than, say, a rock thrown by human arms.[/i]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 9/10/2016 2:02:25 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*As she finishes up her killing spree, she sees an interesting man walk over to her, his clothes coated in a thin layer of dust. As he walks up, he begins clapping. Slowly, at first, but then it speeds up to be sincere applause. Strange, his blazing crimson eyes and his thin, 5'10 frame didn't match the bodies in the car, and he doesn't exactly seem to fit in with the bodies either. Clearly he is not someone you should really kill.* Good work. Interesting how your sword makes people... Explode. -
[i]Opening her eyes, she turned her head towards the man, her bronze-golden eyes staring the man down. Shakily, she stood, in obvious discomfort due to the scorching burns on her skin. Blood caked her red shirt, from both the heavy scratches earned after jumping out of the train, and bled from a few places where her skin was scorched off. Breathing heavily, she nodded.[/i] "Special chemical," [i]She pushed the words out of her mouth, deciding to speak as little as possible.[/i] "Who're you?"
Bramd - old
*The man nods, acknowledging the chemicals. He seems slightly concerned by your scorch marks* Name's Mortar. How about you, what's your name? *He looks around, making sure no one is listening in* -
"Fire," [i]She replied, because Fire was her name. Blood dripped onto the ground, and Fire turned towards the village, hoping that saving them from the bandits would get her a few antibiotics to ward off infections and maybe some medical attention.[/i] "Whatcha doing here?" [i]She asked as she limped forward, favoring her right leg. Her long and thick hair was drenched in both blood and perspiration now, and it hang loosely at her left side.[/i]
Bramd - old
I'm just wandering, seeing if I can help out the villages around here. *He notices your limp and seems a little more concerned* You're hurt. You need help, if you'd let me administer it -
"Heh," [i]She said, shaking her head. She'd pulled plenty of stunts like this one in her previous years of crime, with her partner, Works, and has suffered much worse than few measly second degree burns and torn skin. What she [/i]was [i]worried about, however, was the infections, which would put her out of action for weeks. She continued on her limp towards the village, blood trailing behind her.[/i] "No thanks," [i]She said, her golden-bronze eyes never leaving her destination. Her breathing was labored, and her throat was parched, her mouth dry.[/i]
Bramd - old
Alright then... *Mortar watches her carefully, following her to the village. A weakened warrior would make a great kill if bandits get a hold of her*