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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Joyaboi: 9/11/2016 10:42:28 PM

Something weird is going on...

Hola Gaurdians, *A Wild Gringo has appeared* So for those of you who don't know, several Youtubers, including MyNameIsByf and MoreConsole, were flown over to Seattle this weekend to meet with Bungie. Now for those of you who don't care about these people, hold in there, this relates to the game as a whole. All we know about this visit was that it only took a few days, and they posted that they went to the top of a mountain in Washington and held that replica Iron Battle Axe. The strange part about all of this is that they keep hinting to something. Every time they mention their trip, they say something to the likes of "I've got a lot of cool stuff to share with you this week." Now if they went to Bungie to, say, get some footage for Bungie of Supremacy or the new strike, they would have shared that info with us already. But they haven't. Other than that trip to the mountain, they seem to be collectively keeping whatever they did a secret until sometime "this week". I personally think that there is in fact some new feature in RoI that we don't know about yet. Or perhaps they will even announce Destiny 2 this week (I think the latter is much less likely). The reason I say this is because they have [i]already[/i] done this. With Private Matches, they sent a bunch of You Tubers and Streamers to Seattle to get some footage of Private Matches before they were announced. They had to keep it a secret though. What do you guys think? Did these guys scree around at Bungie or does Bungie have another trick up their selves? [spoiler]Edit: No shit they signed a non disclosure agreement. The question is what is Bungie making them hide and for how long Edit #2: More Console said they'd be announcing it tomorrow... Lets see[/spoiler]

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  • Best not to speculate. Just enjoy whatever content they release. If you expect more than what Bungie releases, it'll only lead to disappointment. Bungie has been pretty transparent about the DLC, but has left enough wiggle room for us to experience it for ourselves, so this time around we can't blame Bungie if we're let down since they've already told us what's contained in the DLC. If we get anything extra, just count that ad a bonus.

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