originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Busy Day [/b]
[b]The Lounge of Blades had been busy the entire day. It was stormy outside, the rain being on and off for the most part.
People came inside, trying to have a good time this in terrible weather. Most of them succeeded, resulting in bar fights and forcing the Knights Hamilton and Jeremiah to take their bouncer positions more seriously.
Marcus, the slave Magrim had bought and freed was leaning against the wall, Maso and Magrim talking about how to hold a weapon correctly and whatnot.
Merlin, and Joker where no where to be seen, probably off somewhere reading.
The bar was full of life, until a man walked in.
He walked directly up to the board, signing up for a fight and turning to the crowd of people
[b]The Masked man raised his sword, stabbing into the ground as he took off his gauntlet, throwing it to the ground.
This single move was an ancient call. A call to a duel. [/b]
[i]"I'LL DUEL!"[/i] Vio yelled out.
Hehehe... You must be new here. If not... Then your just stupid. [b]Ian stands from his stool at the bar, and turns to face you.[/b] I accept.
[spoiler]Why the hell not?[/spoiler] Ian readied his sword and smiled.
[spoiler]Because it's 8 months old, lmao xD[/spoiler]
Why not? Got a sword I can use? [b]he throws his weapons to the ground[/b] [b]the back of his suit opens and he steps out[/b] [b]he has no armor, just normal clothes[/b] Wouldn't want it to be unfair now would we?
[b]The man nods, leaving the bar and motioning you to follow [/b]
[b]i follow[/b]
[b]He clicks a button on a TacPad of sorts and a sword forms in your hands [/b]
Sweet. You get first move.
[b]He draws a sword from his back, spinning it around in his hand He steps forward, stabbing towards you [/b]
Edited by JealousOrc: 9/10/2016 3:16:39 PM[b]he smacks your sword with his before it hits him[/b] [b]he then slashes at your face[/b]
[b]The man steps back, avoiding the slash [/b]
[b]kicks him in the chest[/b]
[b]He takes the kick, grabbing your leg and flipping you to your back as he moves backwards [/b]
[b]when you flip him he does a backflip and lands on his feet[/b] [b]he runs and slides between your feet, holding the sword out to the right[/b]
[b]His legs aren't wide open so you crash into him and he slashes at your sword, knocking it back [/b]
[b]He moves away awkwardly [/b]
Bramd - old
I WILL! *Mortar jumps up, quickly accepting* -
"Excellent!" [b]Magrim pipes up [/b] [i]"Take it outside!" [/i]
Bramd - old
I know Mag! *Mortar dissolves into the ground, reforming outside*