Bramd - old
[spoiler]okay.[/spoiler] Don't worry, if you wanna make more friends I can help you out -
Bramd - old
No problem bud. You just remind me of a young me is all -
[u][b]R-Really?[/b][/u] [spoiler]What do you mean she took her characters back? (I suppose it's too late to ask about that in the chat.)[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler] Fellpool is using those characters again[/spoiler] Yeah, I was never good at talking to people -
[spoiler]But... She was already using them... And their backstory needs to be fixed if they're going to work on Tatakai. Are you just now learning that she's reclaimed them?[/spoiler] "Huh, looks like you two have something in common." [u][b]How d-did you fix i-it?[/b][/u]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]I knew. Mortar's dating Serenity now, of course i knew.[/spoiler] *Mortar sighs* I killed a kid and ran away from am entire state -
*Vorim looks confused.* "That can't seriously be how you managed to beat your social anxiety... Are you serious?"
Bramd - old
Unintentionally, yes... -
[u][b]H-How did i-it help?[/b][/u] "Vorim, you aren't doing that." [u][b]I'm just c-confused.[/b][/u]
Bramd - old
Well, after I did leave, I had to be persuasive to stay alive, being able to get food at restaurants for half off, obtaining allies, and just putting on this Mortar Charm you see today -
"Well, I guess that could work for you... But Vorim has never been put in that position and I don't want him to be put in that position."
Bramd - old
And I'm not encouraging it -
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* Alright, what would you wanna do Vorim? -
*He shrugs.*
Bramd - old
Well, come in guys. *He opens his door and ushers you in* -
*They both walk in, looking around.*
Bramd - old
*You notice that the room is darker and lit with candles. There is an olive green tablecloth on the dining room table and the house smells of steak* -
"Are you cooking steak? Were you expecting someone?"
Bramd - old
Oh, yeah, Serenity is coming over for dinner -
"Oh, well we can leave if want."
Bramd - old
Oh, you're fine, she's not coming over until seven -
"Ah, okay... What time is it again?"
Bramd - old
Around like six thirty