"Yeah..."says keira [i]her ears droop all the way down [/i]
Bramd - old
I'm sorry Kiera. *He places a hand on your shoulder* Just know that won't happen here, you most likely won't have to worry about him anymore. -
"Yeah but that bastard got what he deserved though i gutted him like a fish. "says Keira
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles* An eye for an eye. The reason why I left Earth. -
"Yeah but the rest of his family didn't see that way though"says Keira
Bramd - old
Eh, everyone has an opinion. *Mortar chuckles slightly, thinking about what the family would have been thinking* -
"Yup they sure do"says kimi
Bramd - old
Yeah, I wouldn't mind if my father was killed like that -
"Oh?"says Keira
Bramd - old
Yeah. He... He was awful to not only me but an entire kingdom -
"What your telling your father a king??"says Keira
Bramd - old
Yes. *Mortar sighs slightly, remembering the laws Garuud made that made the Underworld begin to collapse* -
"Wow the people that owned me were close friends to the royal court so that why if ever go back i would be killed"says Keira
Bramd - old
Well, maybe. Back where I came from, many people in history were usurped, I've never heard of a ruler who wasn't killed by an enemy or family member -
"Oh really that sounds terrible"says Keira
Bramd - old
Yeah. Now, I plan on killing my father so I could rule and reform the Underworld -
"That's sounds like a lot of work"says Keira
Bramd - old
Oh, I know it's a hell of a job -
"I bet"says keira
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* But you didn't hear my plan from me. -
"Okay gotcha"says Keira
Bramd - old
Cool. *Mortar quickly checks his watch* Oh, crap, I have to go -
"Okay me too "says Keira [i]she stands then nimbly jumps down to a tree and jumps down to ground land on her feet.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles, impressed. He then jumps off the building, dissolving into the ground last second* -
"Heh neat but you can't beat turning into this"says Keira [i]she turn into a panther and walks off towards the apartments[/i]