[b]Garin stands outside with Ian, dressed in tan cargo shorts and a black shirt. Ian, however, is dressed in a suit and tie.[/b] I don't know why you're dressed like that, Ian. It's not like it's a funeral or somethin- [b]The door opens.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar opens the door* Hey guys. Looking sharp Ian. Come in, come in. -
Thank you. [i]Long time no see, Mortar.[/i] [b]Garin and Ian walk in, looking around. Garin turns around, and has a grim look on his face.[/b] Do you remember when we first met? Very distinctly?
Bramd - old
Eh, it's all kinda foggy -
Remember when you found us on the [i]Titan?[/i] You teleported onto the ship, and helped us escape? [spoiler]Now... What was I banned for [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Hmm... I think I remember... I Dunno, never thought that was canon here -
Well it is. [b]A wall crashes to ground outside.[/b] It's my turn, too. Damnit. Well, if you teleport the way I think you can, the coordinates are 54 36 12 01 89. Just go there. [b]He looks up. [/b] This is a my past, technically. Right now, light years away, I'm escaping from the police. In a few minutes, you should be appearing on the [i]Titan.[/i] Yes, I know it's confusing, but trust me. [spoiler]STORY JACKING! But this time, it's my own story.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar sighs* Jeez, why don't you just stay here and NOT have to worry about shit like this -
[b]Works is at the door[/b] Nice place, I'm living here with you now. [b]he walks in the door and just goes right past you[/b] Where's my room?
Bramd - old
*He grabs you by the collar and throws you out* You're not living here -
[b]doesn't have a collar[/b] Yeah I am pal. [b]he walks to your room and flops on your bed[/b]
Bramd - old
*He opens a portal under you that goes outside* No. You're not. Why don't you just go live with Smaug? -
Edited by JealousOrc: 9/9/2016 10:04:48 PMWho? Never met him before in my life.
Bramd - old
*He points his sword at Works' neck* Get. Out. -
[b]he pushes the sword back[/b] Ask nicely and I'll consider it.
Bramd - old
*The blade dissipates in his hand* I would appreciate it if you left, please -
Thank you. Have a good day. [b]he teleports somewhere...[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]fin?[/spoiler] -
*Sketch knocks at the door and stands back. He is with Vorim who seems a little nervous.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar opens the door* Oh, hey guys. What do you need? -
"Well, Vorim here mostly just keeps to himself, so I'm forcing him to talk to people. The more time he spends talking to people, the easier it is for him to talk to them." *Vorim makes hardly any eye contact with Mortar. He mostly looks at either the ground, the doorway or Mortar's chin, nodding in agreement once Sketch finished talking.*
Bramd - old
Oh, so you think that's a problem? I think it's just a small quirk. Sure, it may affect him in the future but it's not really something you can really change that quickly. Right Vorim? *He carefully places a hand on Vorim's shoulder* Though if you want to change you know where I am -
*Vorim shrugs.* "I know it can't be changed immediately or forever. But I doubt he's leaving the Dojo soon, so I might as well help him make friends." [u][b]Y-Yeah.[/b][/u] [spoiler]I didn't think that Vorim really captured social anxiety. He was talking easily within two interactions with each character. It's much more gradual than that. So I'm sort of resetting his progress with every character except Sketch and Sapphire.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]okay.[/spoiler] Don't worry, if you wanna make more friends I can help you out