originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][i][u]For Old Time's Sake[/u][/i][/b]
[u][b][i]Ornstein and Smough[/i][/b][/u]
[spoiler]Yes, I want a fight.
No, this doesn't immediately say that I'll return. But honestly...it'll be good to get to use some of my favorite characters in a battle to the death once more.[/spoiler]
[i]The winds bristled. The trees waved. Everything was quiet within the Dojo's stony walls, the members inside of the fabled buildings and training grounds, preparing themselves for the next fight.
Speaking of the next fight, of course...[/i]
[i]The two waited within the massive arena.
The guardians of Anor Londo. The Dragonslayer and the Executioner.
Ornstein, Captain of the Knights of Gwyn, and Smough, infamous cannibal and brother of Ornstein, had demanded a fight.
In the center stood the 13 foot tall executioner, his thick golden armor reflecting the sunlight off of him as he stood there, the massive golden hammer that was his signature weapon anchored to the cold dirt beneath him. His helmet was grotesquely made to represent the smiling face of a male human, which was soon to be covered in the dark blood of his enemies.
Suddenly, Knight Ornstein crashed down from above, landing with a thud next to his brother. The golden armor that he bore at the moment gleamed just as brightly as his brother's, bright red rubies decorating the chestplate. His helm was shaped like a growling lion, metal teeth bared in hunger. He pulled out his 7'6 long spear, which flickered with electric energy.
The two waited. For a worthy challenge. [/i]
[spoiler]Open for all.[/spoiler]
[i]talath decides to take on smough running forward swinging his it hits his armor cutting into it with ease while creating sparks. Serenity darts forward crack Ornstein in side hard enough to dent his armor[/i]
[i]Immediately attacking Smough head-on wasn't the brightest idea, for Talath was met with a hammer that was larger than himself, which Smough giddily slammed into his opponent. As for Ornstein, the Dragonslayer reeled back, growling as he suddenly began a charge with his spear raised.[/i]
[i]talath gets hit causing him to slide back some but not by much he just grins wickedly. He quickly maneuver around to the side and swings blade upward creating sparks as blade hits his armor creating a hole. Serenity sees him charging and quickly out maneuvers him getting behind then crack him in the back leaving another dent[/i]
[b]Smaug opens the door, a man beside him[/b] [b]the man is Works, a criminal Smaug recruited to help avenge Tubbs, since he was killed by the Kage during the assault[/b] [b]However Tubbs did not die in vain, he took out the Kage as well, he would've lived but he was double teamed, Smaug plans to kill the survivor of the fight, Burst[/b] Smaug- Hey Orn. Long time no see. Smough. Works- Woah he's huge. [b]Works has a bald eagle sitting on his shoulder[/b]
[i]Smough chuckled, nodding his head as he spoke with his deep yet kind voice.[/i] S: "Could make a joke right there. Though I'm not really in the mood." O: "Hey, guys. Where's Tubbs?" [i]Ornstein had not received word of Tubb's downfall just yet. He sounded older, oddly enough.[/i]
Smaug- About that... Works- He's dead. Smaug- Yeah...
[i]Ornstein suddenly went silent, looking right at Smaug. Although his expression was hidden...the two could tell that he was angered.[/i] O: "...W-Who killed him... I swear to Gwyn, if I ever find them..." [i]Smough simply places his left hand on his brother's shoulder, calming him for a moment.[/i] S: "It'll be alright, man... Who got him killed, though? Kage b*stards, I guess?"
Smaug- You know the assault? He was gonna kill the Kage after that and made it clear. They shot him in the face during Infiltration. The others just left him to die. But he somehow lived and came back 10 times stronger. He fought the Kage but the rest of the Infiltration team as well. Except for Zane and Anne. He killed the Kage, and died in the process. The only survivor of the Infiltration Team he fought is the Burst. We're going to kill her. I'm not sure what her powers are though. We had to fight Falk trying to find out about her. That dude has gotten way stronger. Like a god. He can't be hurt Works- Had to save Smaug here from him.
O: "Jesus Christ...." S: "Bet you I could kick both Falk's ass and the Burst's ass at the sa-" O: "SHUT UP! They could be listening to us... That's not the best news I've heard in a while...god, I hope Olivia and Severin don't come here soon..." S: "Yeah...Orn and Nora had kids." [i]Smough chuckled a little more.[/i]
Smaug- Congrats man. And Smough, if you wanna help fight the Burst then by all means do. I doubt she'll be easy to beat. Could use all the help we can get. Not you Orn, you shouldn't risk it. Especially with your kids. Have you ever heard of the Burst though? I need to know what I'm walking into.
Edited by Orn: 9/7/2016 1:02:21 AMO: "Yeah...yeah, I have. She was once one of the guards for some "destroyer of worlds" type of guy. Expert sharpshooter. Her technology is extreme. I'd pack some EMPs against her, if it was me. She's also a psychopath...treats everything like some sick game." S: "My kind of girl...Hehehehe."
Smaug- EMPs? Will do. What gear does she have?
O: "She's got shields around her consistently and camouflage, some sort of wrist-blade on her left, a portable rifle on her right, and one hell of a sniper. So...yeah."
Works- An EMP will shut down her shields? This should be easy then. As long as she doesn't have super speed or something. Smaug- That'd be terrible. [spoiler]not gonna tell them she has super speed?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Damnit. You caught me.[/spoiler] O: "Uh...she sorta does have super speed..."
Works- Bruh Smaug- RIP us. Anyway to stop that? [spoiler]mmhmm[/spoiler] [spoiler]you should totally come back[/spoiler] [spoiler]we fixed everything as promised[/spoiler] [spoiler]but Ninja can't edit this post because he isn't here[/spoiler]
Edited by Orn: 9/7/2016 10:51:02 AM[spoiler]I'm still not sure about it.[/spoiler] O: "I don't know. Hell, I know this girl named Ren who's pretty fast, but even then...plus Iz is pregnant, Isaac is doing...something..." S: "Y'know, we could get the Voice." [i]Ornstein suddenly looked at his brother, grinning under his lion-shaped helmet.[/i] O: "...Yeah! We could get him. He can probably keep up with her, or trap her."
Smaug- Who?
S: "The Voice. He's...something else."
Smaug- What can he do?
Bramd - old
*Mortar, noticing that Orn and Smough are waiting at the gates, opens them quickly and hugs Smough, then Orn* Oh, it's great to see you guys back! Good news, I'm alive again! *This was said more for Smough than Orn, since, you know, he killed Mortar* What have you two bastards been doing since you left? -
[i]Ornstein simply chuckled, nodding towards his old friend as he spoke. He sounded older, for some reason. Smough was silent.[/i] O: "Hey, Mortar. Just been taking care of the kids, really. Got two little brats. Olivia and Severin. It's...been a while." [i]Under his helm, the Dragonslayer grinned delightfully, as if he had hoped to see Mortar. Smough spoke up, his voice deep yet calm.[/i] S: "We decided to come by for a fight. Course, if you're still up for one after...last time..." [i]He seemed to recall Mortar's death, and lowered his head sadly.[/i]
Bramd - old
I heard Nora was pregnant, congratulations Orn. *As he goes to hold out his hand to shake he notices Smough's darker tone* I'm sorry Smough, it was more my fault that I died. And i would have come back too if my dad didn't keep me hostage. I'd love to have a fight with you guys, and you can meet ISIC. -
O: "Thanks, man." S: "ISIC? Mmm. Alright, sure. Happy to hear that you're down for a fight. Arena, I assume?" [i]Smough anchored his massive hammer to the dirt, looking down at Mortar.[/i]
Bramd - old
Why not? Haven't been there in a little while, mostly been going out with Serenity