originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]There dojo was full of the sounds of clashing metal and fighting.
Within the courtyard, Magrim was training with a gentleman with a scar on his left cheek.
The gentleman had light brown hair and was fighting very poorly.
In a single swing, Magrim knocked the man's sword out of his hand and it stuck out of the ground some feet away [/b]
"You must have a tighter grip on your weapon!"
[i]"I know, I know. I'm trying!" [/i]
[i]"Oh my." [/i]
Bramd - old
ISIC: Hey there fella -
Bramd - old
ISIC: Let's do this shit! *ISIC holds his blade in front of him* -
[b]Marcus does the same. Though everything about it is wrong [/b]
Bramd - old
ISIC: I know that you are new but seriously you can do better -
[i]"Shut it!"[/i] [spoiler]This is basically my attempt at creating a character from absolute scratch [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*ISIC smiles* Let's just do this -
Bramd - old
Yes... *ISIC suddenly thrusts his blade at you* -
[b]Marcus hits the blade to that side with his own [/b]
[b]The Legate watched from a corner, leaning against the wall. He still wondered why the man would want to train a slave, they were worthless.[/b] "You need to work on everything with the slave if you wish to train him. He is very weak."
[b]Magrim glances at the Legate [/b] "Of course."
"I still do not understand why you bother. He's worthless and he knows it."
[spoiler]"not as bad as they sound"[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I never said they were good people.[/spoiler]
[i]"Shut it!" [/i] "Marcus." [b]Magrim glanced at Marcus with a serious expression [/b]
[spoiler]Dude a former slave wouldn't say that.[/spoiler] "One more word like that, and I'll have you lashed to a cross."
[spoiler]He's my slave now?[/spoiler] "Legate, i own him now. You may not lash him as you once did." [b]Marcus walks off angry [/b]
[spoiler]Yea.[/spoiler] "Profligate, the Legion has a strict set of rules. He knows these rules. Whether you like it or not, he must abide." [b]The Legate walks up to him.[/b] "He may be yours now, but he is still a slave."
[b]Magrim nods understandingly [/b]
"Now, if you need help with him, come to me. I can help."
"Of course"
"Now, I have come to you to tell you something. As you know, the Legion has many allies, but we need more. We want your help with this. There is a group that needs some convincing."