originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]There dojo was full of the sounds of clashing metal and fighting.
Within the courtyard, Magrim was training with a gentleman with a scar on his left cheek.
The gentleman had light brown hair and was fighting very poorly.
In a single swing, Magrim knocked the man's sword out of his hand and it stuck out of the ground some feet away [/b]
"You must have a tighter grip on your weapon!"
[i]"I know, I know. I'm trying!" [/i]
[b]Haknir is nearby, watching, he has a slightly disappointed look on his face.[/b]
[b]The man grunts, walking over to his sword and pulling it out of the ground [/b]
[b]Haknir comments from a distance.[/b] "At least try to act strong..."
[b]He points at you [/b] [i]"What would you know?'[/i] "Marcus don't..." [i]"He's just sitting there!"[/i]
[b]Haknir laughs and pulls out one of his scimitars, flipping it around in his hand as he walks closer.[/b] "Be careful asking that, boy. I'm the king of pirates." [b]He puts the tip of the scimitar on the man's chest, magical enchantments swirl from the blade and around the man.[/b] "Believe me, I know a thing or two about fighting..."
"Hak go easy on him!" [b]Magrim begins laughing as Marcus slashes your sword away, pointing his own at your chest [/b]
Edited by Haknir: 9/7/2016 3:22:20 PM"There's the motivation!" [b]Haknir quickly swings his scimitar, knocking the sword away and then he pulls out his other scimitar.[/b]
[b]Magrim begins laughing, watching [/b] "[i]Let's do this pirate."[/i]
"Ha! If you say so." [b]Haknir puts his scimitars forward, ready to attack. [/b]
[b]Marcus gets into a ready position but his stance his off, as well as his grip on the weapon. It's clear he's new to this [/b]
[b]Haknir sighs quietly[/b] "Hear we go..." [b]He quickly slices the scimitars, one across the man's body and one across the man's sword.[/b]
[b]The man, despite having been training doesn't see the move. Both attacks lands, his sword falling to the ground due to his pour grip and his chest bleeding slightly [/b]
[b]Haknir backs up, stopping combat.[/b] "You definitely need some work..."
"Told you to go easy Hak!" [b]Marcus grumbles something, picking up his sword [/b]
[b]Haknir looks at magrim. [/b] "I didn't think you meant this easy..."
[b]Magrim shrugs [/b] "He's still new to this." [spoiler]basically this is my attempt at creating a character from absolute scratch [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up to the two, intrigue showing in his eyes* Hey Magrim. -
"Hey there Mortar!" [b]The new man goes over to his sword, pulling it out of the ground [/b]
Bramd - old
Who's this guy? *He motions to the new guy* -
"Marcus. My slave"
Bramd - old
You have slaves? *Mortar raises a brow, Slavery doesn't go over with him well* Did he do something or was he, like, born into it? -
"Honestly? I have no clue. I bought him from Legate then freed him."
[spoiler]You could, you know, ask the Legate about that.[/spoiler]
[spoiler] I should [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Do it when you are helping the Legate[/spoiler]