originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"He didn't know where to go so he came here."
*Sketch starts holding Mion like a baby.*
Bramd - old
*Mion sniggles up in your arms* Mortar: wait, why would he not know where he was going? You were with Cyan, Mion. Mion: Were is the key word. I got lost. Mortar: Ohh, Cyan's hearing about this. -
"Well, at least you're safe Mion."
Bramd - old
Mion: yeah. Speaking of, Mortar, can you get me something to eat? I'm starving -
"Yeah Mortar, we're starving."
Bramd - old
Mortar: oh, sure. Come in, please. *As you walk inside you notice that the dining room table has a large olive green tablecloth over it and there are about twenty unlit candles littered around the first floor* I'll get something for you Mion. Sketch, the fridge is in the kitchen, if you wanna get something out of that. Mion: Ohh, I'm gonna have some of Mortar's cod today. *Mion smacks his lips a little*