originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Mortar walks up to H, noticing his nervous tone*
Hey H. You okay?
"Just closing my journal. I accidentally left it open last night." [b]H locks the journal with a light-based key. It then dissipates into sparks[/b] "Phew"
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles* Don't want anyone reading your diary? -
"No. I'd rather not remember the past at all.
Bramd - old
Hmm... Then why do you keep it in the first place? Why don't you just destroy it? -
"Hmm... I suppose there are some good memories back there. Plus it helps the years not seem like just a blur of eternity."
Bramd - old
Hmm... Makes sense. Why don't you just get some sorta memory augment like a few buds of mine then? It's nice and private -
"A memory augment?"
Bramd - old
Yeah, use elephant DNA to enhance your memory, making it impossible to forget anything without outside help