originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
You know, being part cat, can you try landing on your feet? It doesn't hurt as much bro
"But landing on all fours isn't as funny. AH HAH HAH- ow, I think I broke a rib... Anyways, let's go." *Sketch starts heading in whatever direction Mortar's house is in.*
Bramd - old
*Mion follows* -
*They eventually reach it and Sketch knocks on the door.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar opens the door, a bit confused as to why Sketch is here* Hey Sketch. What do you n- *He then notices Mion* -
*Sketch picks up Mion and holds him up for Mortar to see.* "One of your friends came back."
Bramd - old
Mion: Hey man. Mortar: Hey! Mion! How'd you get here? Mion: Thank a pack of wolves that chased me for like a half hour! -
"He didn't know where to go so he came here." *Sketch starts holding Mion like a baby.*
Bramd - old
*Mion sniggles up in your arms* Mortar: wait, why would he not know where he was going? You were with Cyan, Mion. Mion: Were is the key word. I got lost. Mortar: Ohh, Cyan's hearing about this. -
"Well, at least you're safe Mion."
Bramd - old
Mion: yeah. Speaking of, Mortar, can you get me something to eat? I'm starving -
"Yeah Mortar, we're starving."
Bramd - old
Mortar: oh, sure. Come in, please. *As you walk inside you notice that the dining room table has a large olive green tablecloth over it and there are about twenty unlit candles littered around the first floor* I'll get something for you Mion. Sketch, the fridge is in the kitchen, if you wanna get something out of that. Mion: Ohh, I'm gonna have some of Mortar's cod today. *Mion smacks his lips a little*