"Ni!" [spoiler]I had too. I'm sorry.[/spoiler]
[b]Lancelot- [/b]"If you're sorry, is it Canon?" [b]Thea-[/b] "Not anymore."
"AHHHHH! THAT WORD!" [b]The knight who says Ni covers his ears.[/b]
Lancelot- "Oh no."
Lancelot- "I'M SORRY!"
Bramd - old
*They all see Mortar in his war beast form carrying his own tombstone under his arm. He notices the knights and places it down, walking over to them* Hello there guys. How may I help you? -
[b]The apparent leader of the group pipes up [/b] Lancelot- "Yeah hey, we're looking for Roy."
Bramd - old
Roy, huh? I haven't seen him since the final assault on the Twilight. Maybe we could ask the Dight? -
Lancelot- "That'd be great."
Bramd - old
Cool. Gimme a minute. *He takes out his PST and opens a portal. He picks up his stone and places it in the portal, the portal closing shortly after and Mortar reverts to his normal form* Alright, let's go. *Mortar starts walking over to the Dight* -
[b]The small group of Knights follows, and there seems to be a number of people at the lake. Near your old grave[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks over to this group of people* I'm sorry guys. -
[b]Royal turns, immediately spotting Lancelot [/b] "It's alright." [b]He shakes hands with Lance [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* So how do you two know each other? -
Lancelot- "I was a Dight Member for a short while. Since Arthur died and Merlin moved on."
Bramd - old
Oh, that's interesting... What about these other three? Also ex Dight? -
Lancelot- "No they're not. None of them. These are part of a a different order. Of which i am part of. The Doomguides."
Bramd - old
The doomguides? That sounds interesting. Care to introduce me to them? -
Lancelot- "This guy right here, is Galahad." [b]He points at the one who has t said anything yet [/b] [b]The girl speaks up [/b] "I'm Thea." The third Knight speaks up "I'm Alfin." Lancelot- "This is only a small fraction of our total men."
Bramd - old
Interesting. My name is Mortar. If you were in the Dight you may know me as Gore. -
Lancelot- "Good old Gore! Wait wasn't he dead?" Royal- "He was. And now he's back. So in reality, we don't need any assistance." Lancelot- "Oh."
Bramd - old
Yeah... Because the Dojo reformed, Cyan, Crossbow, the Exiled and all of those guys decided to do it without the Dojo, let it heal before doing anything. -
Lancelot- "We heard about the reforms. Are they good?"