originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Reform 4: A New life, a New thread
The dojo thread has not been properly managed or crafted. We have news saying "we just hit 50k!" And an outdated rules system that doesn't go into much detail. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on Ninja to fix these things.
Ninja has not been active. I know, old news. He is the founder of a VERY LARGE RP thread yet some of you newer people, Royal for example, have probably added more to the reply count then he has.
I am not bashing ninja. He's my bud! And RL always has to come first. But in order for the dojo to change, we can't do it on the thread we own, with someone who can't take the time to manage it. THUS. I propose...A new thread.
It will still be the same dojo. But it will be INCREDIBLY organized and updated to the advanced rules that have been formed over the past year. Of course, we will
Make a poll about this. I want you guys to decide! But currently, this is the layout the lieutenants were thinking for the new thread. Which you can add on too!
-Short physical description of the dojo, as well as what we are about.
-How to PvP
-Physical description of dojo(full)(ABOUT DAMN TIME)
-What we are about(full)
-Our goal(Still in the works)
-The reforms
-Sections of the world
These things will be shown through spoilers that link to public threads. Each topic
Will have its own thread! Probably under #DOJO. This is something many(or all) RP's do for organization sake.
Also, I will be making this new thread. But I do not "found the dojo." It's still founded by Ninja, the lieutenants are just updating it if you will. With this said, the dojo will no longer have a defined leader. It will simply be the Lieutenants, or as I now want to call them, the Sensei's! Ninja will of course still be an admin and a sensei.
So, to another point. With this new thread, we will probably have to have a new group. This is a different decision al together and doesn't come in the package with the new thread. So there will be a poll on this too. BUT. With a new group, we would be able to manage everything much easier. Especially because right now their are only three admins in the group when there should be five. ANYWAYS. Unfortunately we would be abandoning past works...which is something I'm not a fan of...but I believe it is necessary if we want the dojo to run at full capacity, and be able to promote new lieutenants with ease. One again, these decisions are up to you.
Bramd - old
We don't need a new group, but every 100,000 replies we make a new thread. -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/3/2016 3:36:08 PMWhy would we do that? With the 100k? Just to have a fresh thread?
Bramd - old
Refresh stuff, add and subtract rules, clean slates like with Ook -
Well Ook is a given. But I can just edit the post if we need to add/subtract/edit the rules
Bramd - old
Yeah, plus I know that many old computers like mine lag. And lag will be a problem sorting through every reply in one thread -
Indeed. A clean slate every 100k makes sense.
Bramd - old
Sounds reasonable enough.
Let's do it mang
We really have been needing a new thread and group... Can it be a clan too???
How is that a good idea
So we have a name
So we are outside this RP dude. And what's wrong with having a clan tag?
Don't you need to play Destiny for that?
It would be the only place where the tag works.
Edited by Skatch142: 9/2/2016 8:18:36 PMALL THE GOOD IDEAS ARE BE MINE!!!
>Wfw when 10+ new members and you choose me >Am honored on the inside
[spoiler]U should be[/spoiler] [spoiler]Anyways. Comments? Concerns?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Hells yes[/spoiler]