originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Mortar rides in on Geoff, Geoff's machine guns on his head firing at Maximum capacity, rockets and troops exploding out of him*
[b]The soldiers begin to run away![/b]
Bramd - old
*Geoff laughs as he kills any enemy soldiers* THAT'LL TEACH YOU YA SPIDER KILLING MENACES -
[b]The continue to run, some even jump out of the widows.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Geoff seems very happy as a bunch of small robots surround him* EAT IT LIKE A FLY IN MY WEB -
[b]Some Begin to drop to their knees in surrender, but most run.[/b]
Bramd - old
Mortar: Show mercy ya big bug. Geoff: Fine. *He stops shooting but the robots don't*