originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Main army 35[/u][/b]
[b]The army almost has the door open. And Liberty prime continues to fire.
But the castle had one last surprise.
The energy beam fires, hitting Liberth prime in the chest. His entire body begins to melt into a blue liquid as his visor is still red hot.[/b]
[b]Liberty prime has all his power flow to his visor. His head melting with power. He fires a massive red laser at the door, his head exploding as he does. And the door is complete vaporized into ash as the Robot of Freedom melts into blue liquid.[/b]
[b]The army charges through the door, assisting the useless(sorry but it's true) infiltration team. The army runs through the halls, killing the remaining forces within the castle.[/b]
[spoiler]Main army complete!!![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I agree! We're useless![/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar rides in on Geoff, Geoff's machine guns on his head firing at Maximum capacity, rockets and troops exploding out of him* -
[b]The soldiers begin to run away![/b]
Bramd - old
*Geoff laughs as he kills any enemy soldiers* THAT'LL TEACH YOU YA SPIDER KILLING MENACES -
[b]The continue to run, some even jump out of the widows.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Geoff seems very happy as a bunch of small robots surround him* EAT IT LIKE A FLY IN MY WEB -
[b]Some Begin to drop to their knees in surrender, but most run.[/b]
Bramd - old
Mortar: Show mercy ya big bug. Geoff: Fine. *He stops shooting but the robots don't* -
[b]Winston walks through the doors, holding an Axe in hand and a greatsword in the other [/b]
[b]The soldiers run away, in fear of their lives. Though some attack Winston with their swords. [/b]
[b]The attacks barely scratch his armor. The giant laughs at their attempts swinging once and taking them down [/b]
[b]The rest of the soldiers see this and flee. The beats run at him, trying to take him down.[/b]
[b]He continues walking, Maso and Robo walk by his sides, assisting Winston [/b]
[b]The beasts eventually are withered down to nothing. And run away.[/b]
"This is fun!" [b]Winston keeps going [/b]
[b]L-GO looks for any advanced enemy tech being used in the battle.[/b]
[b]He finds a blade on the ground....[/b]
[b]he ignores it, its impossible to wield seeming he's a hologram.[/b]
[b]He could search the castle computer systems. The nameless king tells him of an A.I in the system. But Shadows AI "mother" had deleted it.[/b]
[b]He hops into the computer mainframe. Checks for any enemy signatures and any sentries.[/b]
[i]"H-h-hello. I am Dea. Pleased to make your acquaintance!"[/i] [b]She seems to be the AI in the computer. Though her memory and functions have been completely wiped. Either way, she is incredibly advanced.[/b]
[b]He's caught off guard[/b] Umm... Hello.
[i]"How may I assist you- Oh! I see you are another construct! You are violating many of my standard regulations by being here...."[/i]
[b]he decides the good old trick of turning it rogue.[/b] Why even bother?
[i]"...pardon me?"[/i]