Bramd - old
You better be right Roy. Being at the mercy of my dad sucks -
"I know how that feels."
Bramd - old
Yeah... Well, I guess I should make sure others are okay, and I gotta ask Serenity something. -
"Though there is one thing."
Bramd - old
*He faces you a minute* Yeah? -
"Nora's gone. She left."
Bramd - old
Oh... Sorry to hear that. Cyan, Crossbow and Caesar left too. Which is why I have ISIC with me -
"Who now?"
Bramd - old
ISIC. He's an AI with a cool robot suit -
Bramd - old
Yeah, you'll probably see him or Geoff around -
"Why did Cyan and Ceaser leave?"
Bramd - old
Same reason Orn and Vio and all those guys left -
"Truly unfortunate."
Bramd - old
Yeah... I wonder how Smough would react seeing me alive again... Oh, well. -
"Guess we'll never know."
Bramd - old
Yeah... It'd be great to see him though, so he isn't still affected by that -
"Leave him be is what I think."
Bramd - old
Hmm... Maybe you're right. *After he says that a massive spider looking robot walks out of the forest* -
Bramd - old
*The robot looks at you* Robot: Name: Royal. Occupation: Leader of Dight Legion. Ally; friends with Mortar. -
"I don't like him."
Bramd - old
Mortar: Why, you don't like the insane spider sentry? Geoff: You should be lucky that you're speaking with the king of spiders. Mortar: For the last time, your name is Geoff and you are NOT the spider king. Geoff: I am and always will be Arachnis the spider king! -
"I believe him."
Bramd - old
Mortar: Believe which one of us?