Well, I did lots of things. Mostly robberies. I've changed though. Now I just want to be free. [spoiler]you can turn him in[/spoiler] [spoiler]up to you[/spoiler]
"Hmm i see but stealing is bad"says kimi [i]as kimi talks to the man keira disappears and heads towards the direction smaug went.[/i]
What's she doing? [b]he gets up about to run [/b]
"Not a clue really i think she just saw nanos"says kimi lying [i]Keira transforms mid run turning into a panther then jumps into a tree hiding from the guys view as she walks along the branches until she see smaug below[/i]
Works(new dude)- Who? [b][i]Meanwhile...[/i][/b] [b]Smaug is eating an apple and leaning against the tree she is in[/b]
"A good friend of mine he's cool"says kimi "Pssst smaug up here"says Keira [i]she right above looking down at him with her bright blue eyes[/i] "I think one you prisoners escaped"says Keira
[b]Smaug looks up[/b] Great. Take me to him...
"Okay but he wont be able to run though my sister distracting him"says Keira [i]she jumps down and walks back towards where the man is with her sister and she distracting him [/i] "I can turn into a panther"says kimi [i]she transforms turning into a panther that has blue eyes. Keira is even closer now[/i]
[b]Smaug whispers something[/b] [b]people fall from the sky and beat up Works[/b] [b]they then grab him and drag him away[/b] Smaug: Thanks. Tell me if you ever see him again. [b]he walks away with the soldiers [/b]
"Okay we will"say Keira