"Shit. Come on Mortar." [b]Royal sheathes his sword, a handgun forming in his hand. He fires a few rounds towards the tower [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar runs in, very pissed* WHAT DID I MISS? -
[b]Mortar is inside the tower, still under fire by its riflemen[/b]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/30/2016 6:42:40 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
FUHHHHUUUUUUUHHHHHHHUUUUUKKKKK *He constantly slashes at them* -
[b]The riflemens rifles turn to spears as they all jumps at mortar, stabbing him. Crashing through the elevator as they do so.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar stabs his sword into the ground, creating a shockwave after he is stabbed in the arm, which is squirting out acidic blood* -
[b]Probably wasn't the best thing to do in the elevator, as it begins to shake. It's gunna fall!!![/b]
Bramd - old
*He dissolves into the floor, warping through the cable before it snaps* -
[spoiler]Oh so are you like a liquid running up the wires?[/spoiler] [b]The elevator shakes and crashes, mortar safe on the wire. The riflemen died from his last attack, but that was only the third floor. He has to make his way up to the sixth.[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Not exactly. Mortar's atoms will dissipate into the ground around him, and he can move really fast through the ground. It's like teleportation, but needs a solid medium[/spoiler] *Mortar reforms, hanging on the wire. Shrugging, he begins to climb it, ignoring the acidic blood covering his arm. It does nothing to him, but the wire under him is being melted* -
[b]Mortar continues to climb, the fourth floor seems to have turrets focused on the battlefield. They don't see him.[/b] >Keep climbing >Take out the turrets
Bramd - old
*Mortar smashes down the door on the fourth floor with an iron ball* BOOM BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY! *He fires an iron ball at the turrets* -
[b]The turrets turn and light mortar up. [/b] [spoiler]Not the best idea....[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Gah! *After getting hit by some bullets he punches the ground, creating a massive earthquake and knocking the turrets out* -
[b]Since the turrets are attached to the ceiling, and the author is a total asshole, the earthquake shatters the floor mortar stands on and not the turrets. Time to grab the wire again!!![/b]
Bramd - old
*He dissolves into the ground of the floor under him and goes up to the sixth floor* -
[b]He forms again in some sort of control room. No one appears to be present. Mortar sees the giant blue energy ball still forming out the window, but he also sees a screen on one of the consoles. It seems to be observing khaloshes army...and says "target locked." [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar looks around at everything, trying to find a way to stop it. Any cameras in the room go dark as he emits a frequency preventing the cameras to work properly, though he doesn't know that, so he still covers over the cameras* -
[b]The buttons on the consoles light red blue and green. Mortar realizes something. Each wall with a console is a different console. Red, blue and green. ...is this a puzzle of some sort?[/b]
Bramd - old
Dammit. Wish Cyan were here with me, she's great at this stuff. *He looks for a way to solve it* -
[b]Each console has one large button. It seems when mortar hits the button all buttons on an individual console turn to the colour of the large button. So, the colours are red, blue and green.[/b]
Bramd - old
Hmm.. *He presses all the buttons at the same time* -
[b]They all just turn different colours. The button on the red wall is green, the one on the blue wall is red, and the one on the green wall is blue.[/b]
Bramd - old
*He pushes the red button* -
[spoiler]Sprry about the wait really needed a rest lol[/spoiler] [b]It turns blue. It matches the back wall. [/b]