originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Main Army 20[/u][/b]
[b][i]Lord Gwynn is shot through the heart, and your too late. You gave love...A bad name(sorry bout that. Bon jovi came out of no where!") anyways Gwynn is shot through the heart, and falls to the ground, dead. The army pushes forward and reaches the middle of the two tall towers which seems to be charging a massive energy source. The Khalosh army takes the front and suppresses the forces, allowing two people to go into the towers to shut them down.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar salutes Gwyn. As a lord of Cinder, he failed to protect a close ally. But he pushes on, the Nekoluga behind him* -
[b]The beasts seem extra hostile in this area. And begin to slash at the Nekoluga fiercely.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Nekoluga frowns as he kicks at them, sending them flying. Only Nekoluga and Togeluga remain, the rest were given orders by Mortar to retreat (And because I only remember 4 of the 5.) Mortar runs through the crowd of them, slashing like crazy* -
[b]Suddenly, ropes are shot from the two towers, entangling the Nekolugas feet and making them fall into the ground. The beasts begin to claw at their faces in bloody revolt.[/b]
Bramd - old
Mortar: NEKOLUGA! *Mortar runs over to Nekoluga, slashing at the beasts. Togeluga, however, easily holds his own, as the spikes on his arma glow and he creates a massive shockwave* -
[b]Tog begins to get bombarded with missile fire and the beasts simply replace those who were sent back. Rifle fire locks on the two creatures.[/b]