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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
8/28/2016 7:33:49 PM

Bramd old

[b][i][u]Wrath of the Underworld. Arc 1: Part two: Mortar's army.[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]As the Dojo is attacking the Twilight, Mortar's father, Garuud, considers it the perfect time to ambush those who are friends with Mortar. Killing them off to reach Mortar, that's a risky plan. But, high risk means high reward, his reward being able to revert Gore to his former glory.[/i][/b] Garuud: Servants. The time has come. Send the War Beasts. [b]At the gates of the Dojo, twenty massive men walk out of a portal. Each look somewhat different, but have the same build: Large, muscular, hulking beasts carrying either a massive sword or a club. One with a massive shield and black and crimson club, probably the leader, runs up to the gates, trying to ram it with his shield[/b] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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