originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Main Army 18[/u][/b]
[b][i]The shields are down, and the army has refilled spirits. The aether and exiled make their way back to the battlefield to assist and Liberty prime slowly makes his way to the two massive towers that are charging some form of energy. The two towers are ten stories high, but very narrow. There is no staircase on the side but the army can see through the glass that there is an elevator.
Even though the army has high moral, lord Gwyns Knights have been taken down. And he stands alone to fight the surrounding horde.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*It's possible that the Nekoluga don't even know that they're in a war. They crush and slash at enemies with a smile* -
[b]The beasts seems to be climbing on top of each other in the distance....[/b]
Bramd - old
Eh... *Mortar snipes the bottom one* -
[b]He is quickly replaced by two more. Suddenly mortar feels a shot pierce his shoulder.[/b]
Bramd - old
*He grits his teeth as he looks for the source* -
[b]"Sources" would be a better term. As multiple riflemen have lock on him. More bullet fly, one taking him in the foot.[/b]
Bramd - old
*He shakes it off, pissed. He looks for the most densely packed of them and fires a massive iron ball at them* -
[b]The riflemen are evenly dispersed so he can only kill one at a time. More shots fire, one hitting him in the side of his ribs.[/b]
Bramd - old
*He grunts as some acidic blood flows from his wounds. He snipes at the riflemen from Nekoluga's Shoulder. Balaluga charges at some of them, crushing them in her hands* -
[b]The beasts in the distance seem to be molding together.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar throws a massive iron ball at them, which explodes when hitting them* -
[b]They...absorb the explosion?[/b]
Bramd - old
*What kinda bull is that* -
[b]The all ignite into flames as they turn into a black liquid.[/b] [spoiler]will be continued[/spoiler]
[b]BIG S GOES TO SUPPORT LORD GWYN, CUTTING DOWN ENEMIES BY THE DOZENS! The Legion begins a ridiculous push, to cut a path for the others to get to the towers.[/b]
[b]The legion seems rather successful in his push, as the deity supports him. Lord Gwyn fights with Big S but has taken some lethal blows.[/b]
"My large friend, alas I cannot. Allow me to fight and die for this world so that it may live on!" [b]The slender man is shot through the shoulder as he continues to cut down the beasts [/b]
"You won't die on my watch." [b]BIG S BEGINS TO SLASH FASTER AND FASTEF, DESPERATELY TRYING TO KEEP GWYN ALIVE! The Legate injects a syringe into his arm, and his muscles bulge. He becomes faster, stronger. He begins to join the frontal assault again.[/b]
[b]The legate is targeted immediately and beset upon by rifle fire.[/b]
[b]The projectiles stick into his flesh, but he keeps on going.[/b] [spoiler]WOOOO DRUGS[/spoiler]
[spoiler]WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAoooooAaaaaaooaoaoaoaoaoaaaAaaaaaadrugzzzzz[/spoiler] [b]Suddenly two hooded figure teleport in front of him. They both cock their assault rifles and aim.[/b]
[b]A few Legion troops rush behind the Legate and take aim at the two figures.[/b]