"Mhmm yeah we can when he comes back which shouldn't be to long really"says serenity
Bramd - old
That'll be good. You think he'll approve of us? -
"Yeah i think he will"says serenity [i]its not long before you can hear heavy footsteps in the hallway. The footsteps heading towards where they are[/i] "Sounds like he's home"says serenity "Hey dad is that you"says serenity "Yeah whatcha need?"asks hovark [i]his footsteps get closer[/i]
Bramd - old
Hey Sir. *Mortar, although slightly nervous, smiles, petty sure they're gonna be okay* -
"Hi mortar how are you?" Says hovark
Bramd - old
I'm doing good. Though I do have to ask you something -
"Thats good now whats your question?"says hovark
Bramd - old
Well, it's more... Our... Question. *He places his arm around Serenity's shoulder* -
"Oh i see well im not opposed to you two dating if that's what your asking. Just dont break her heart"says hovark
Bramd - old
You're okay with it? Thanks Hovark! I won't, I swear -
"Yes and good"says hovark
Bramd - old
Thank you sir! *He holds out his hand to shake* -
"Your very welcome"says hovark [i]he shakes his hand[/i]
Bramd - old
*He turns back to Serenity* This is great news! -
"Yes it is"says serenity "Well im gonna be in my room if you need anything i will be in my room"says hovark [i]hovark leaves the room[/i]
Bramd - old
See you later Hovark. *He relaxes a little* What now? I've never been in a relationship before -
"Oh you haven't?" Says serenity
Bramd - old
Not really. There was one time where I almost was in one before she was convicted of treason -
"Oh i see well most guys were to scared of my dad so i never dated either"says serenity
Bramd - old
I can see why, I'm good friends with your family and even I'm nervous that he'll snap my neck if I screw up. *He chuckles nervously slightly* I bet that sounds strange -
"He just protective that all "says serenity
Bramd - old
*He nods* I understand -
"Any father is when it comes to their daughters"says serenity
Bramd - old
Except mine. Hell, I have no idea what Cyan was up to before she was here, though my dad wouldn't care if she was pregnant after a first date. -
"My dad would freak if that happened"says serenity